* Posts by ceayers

29 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2011

She cannae take it, Captain Kirk! USS Zumwalt breaks down


Re: El Reg unit

the full joke is

What is brown, steams and comes out of cowes backwards?

UFOs in the '50s skies? CIA admits: 'IT WAS US'


Re: Who else?

and the Tracy Brothers..


Re: Who else?

Don't forget the DHL chevrons...

Oz carrier Tiger Air takes terror alerts to new heights


Re: Targeted

do you believe everything you read on wiki


Re: Targeted

It your heroes of the IRA hadn't of used civilians as cover there wouldn't have been a Bloody Sunday.


Re: Targeted

it seems that 'Targeted' every c&nt in Warrington - your heroes of the IRA



Thanks for the tip - I'm sure they'll try that next time.


Re: Cor - do you read the newspapers?

Didn't you read about a plot by bearded f&ckwits to kidnap and behead an Aussie in Sydney. - yes

it seems that OZ as its share of f&ckwits as well - ain't they lucky.

iCloud fiasco: 100 FAMOUS WOMEN exposed NUDE online


Re: Yes.

Well Apple have run enough adverts stating that pictures taken with an Iphone appear instantly on your mac book / ipad - so they must be stored on the icloud in order to appear on other devices.

Han Solo headed for lengthy stay in bacta tank after Bay Door Control cockup


Do they really need him?

When you think that Christopher Lee's character in the later SW films was all CGI'd I'm sure the tech wizards could manage to produce the film. Unless of course Chris Less was doing all his own stunts at the age of 197.

That Snowden chap was SPOT ON says China


Re: I look forward to China dominating for the next century or two...

Or of course fried kittens yummy....


Re: I look forward to China dominating for the next century or two...

Healthy and delicious - boiled Chickens feet anyone??

Don't snap SELFIES at the polls – it may screw up voting, says official


Re: Doesn't matter anyway...



secret vote - pull the other one.

How can the UK Government claim that votes are secret?? - every single ballot as a reference number on it - which is written down in the columns of the book the voting officers hold -

don't believe me - see for yourself when you vote...

Amazon wants me to WEAR NAPPIES?! But I'm a 40-something MAN


Homer J Simpson's advice

don't bother with nappies - let them roam free in the garden and nature will take it's course.

Random car shutdowns force Toyota to recall Prius hybrids - AGAIN


oh dar

And after their poxy stupid advert as well.

Jean Michel Jarre: Je voudrais un MUSIC TAX sur VOTRE MOBE


Hollande biting then

Me thinks Monsieur Hollande's tax laws are starting to bite.

Google Glass pics will BAFFLE admirers: Nudge nudge, WINK WINK


nervous tick?

Trouble is if you have a nervous tick - you'll be broke by the end of the week.

Another DEVASTATING Chelyabinsk METEOR STRIKE: '7x as likely' as thought


Re: More money, please

'At least it will be quick and painless' - only if you are standing under it when it hits...

The rest of mankind will either starve to death - due to the lack of light kicked up by the million tons of debris kickied up by the impact, no crops growing, no animals breeding or fish reproducing - or die in the resource wars that follow.

Highways Agency tracks Brits' every move by their mobes: THE TRUTH


Re: Riled Telegraph

Are you an MP then and don't like 'em exposing your expenses.

US Marine Corps misses target, finds and bombs Nemo


Wasn't in American National Guards that blew the fuck out of the British Tanks in Iraq - wasn't it American

anti-aircraft missles that shot down an RAF Tornado? Just wondering.


Re: "Americans miss the target a lot, at least this time they didn't kill anyone."

Funny how the RAF managed to knock down the walls of a Nazi prison....Operation Jericho.


Re: The Harrier

I think you will find that the Korean war was a very HOT war.


Re: But why the Great Barrier Reef?

its winter in the southern hemisphere - in case you didn't know..


Who's Fault

Was it BP's fault?????

WAR ON PORN: UK flicks switch on 'I am a pervert' web filters


It's nice to know that Mr Giant Forehead Man - is taking care of our moral well being. Now perhaps if

he could do something to stop us being ripped off by every energy company/local authority etc... but I won't hold my breath.

Beijing fanboi in coma after iPhone 4 shock treatment


Re: @ messele - Hmmm

trouble is ALL apple hardware both 'real' and is all made in China

IT bloke inadvertently broadcasts smut on vast public screen


Sounds familair

Sound's like an episode of 'Still Game' to me.

David Cameron turns water cannons on social networks

Thumb Down

last paragraph

The last paragraph - blaming sky and the BBC for broadcasting the riots was a bit stupid.

It wasn't on SKY/BBC where gatherings were organized on. Please engage brain before using fingers.

Thank you