Hit the nail on the head
The cost of moving to O/S would be astronomical. Licensing costs are insignificant compared to the cost of re-writing apps and training staff.
17 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Aug 2011
It can't just be me who things this cock-up is a blessing in disguise. The fewer G4S staff providing 'security' the better. I have far more trust in the military to provide security over some lazy chav who has never done a days work in their life.
I think this BBC report sums up their staff (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18856922)
When Surface was announced people in my office were talking about it. Not heard a peep about this announcement. I don't want to be either an MS or Apple fanboi, but as somebody else said - meh, another 7" tablet.
Probably going to be the best 7" available for the price/quality, but what people really want is an iPad alternative (good build quality, tablet specific apps, and expandable memory!).
I'm sorry but whether the *nix brigade like it or not, this is a sensible marketing/branding decision. Yes, the phone may be good but Nokia have aligned themselves with MS and therefore it doesn't want to blur the line on what software their phones will be offering.
Btw, for the WinPho haters, it is probably worth you having a play with it, you'll be surprised, you might actually like it!