CS is still a thing?
People still play Counter-Strike?
51 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2007
So basically you took advantage of people who had no knowledge of how much their stuff was worth. Yay to you. Just don't act all surprised when suddently Russia seems to distrust the West. You (collectively) brought the current mess in East-West relations to yourselves.
Yes the Soviet-style communism was an inherently bad system. But by destroying it so abruptly the West actually made things in the East worse, at least for a period of time. This is something the russians and easterners in general find hard to forget.
Oh noes! The results were leaked 15 minutes before the official announcement! Call the tanks, we have a national emergency here!
Please someone explain how this is a problem at all? They didn't rig the election, they just announced what everyone would know anyway in less than a quarter of an hour. Perhaps a slap on the wrist is in order, but a parliamentary investigation and abuse of the -gate suffix? Please...
"Not only has the same case already been adjudicated in the US..."
I've heard rumours that the average american's grasp of geography is loose at best, but surely even they must know that the US and EU are on different continents and are, in fact, independant (well, more or less). Also, the concept that the rest of the world doesn't have to follow the US legal decisions is apparently hard to understand.
I kinda like the UI, especially the little tabs with the three or so most popular results at the top (yeah, tested it with Paris...)
And searching in different languages isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It still finds results when I enter something in cyrillic, alot less than Google though.
And the images... no need, thanks. Just no. I searched for our prez out here Georgi Parvanov (in cyrillic) and the second result showed the logo of AlliedBarton, a US security guard company apparently. I have no good guess as to why.
Saying that the mollahs, iranians or all muslims for that matter have no problem dying for their religion is as stupid as saying that the Soviet Politburo had no problem starting a nuclear war with the United States. The argument could go that as communists they believe that the world revolution is inevitable, thus starting a war and dying for the cause wouldn't change anything.
As we all know that didn't happen. The USSR didn't start tossing nukes around the globe just because they had no problem doing so from ideological point of view. People in power are not lunatics, even if they look so. Thus your argument that Iran could become one big suicidal bomber is asinine, to say the least.
The International Federation of the Pornographic, I'm sorry, Phonographic Industries needs to STFU imo. Their entire statement is incredibly offensive on multiple accounts.
First the Russia thing - so I guess noone in The Land of the Free downloads stuff from torrents, huh? It's only them pesky slavs, with their inherent addiction to stealing honest people's property? I'm not russian myself and I am usually not easily offended by national/ethnic stereotypes, but somehow insulting russians and others typing in that funny cyrillic alphabet by bland generalizations is considered to be OK. Hey, what's the big deal, they are white and christian, so no problem there.
And then the assumption that everyone who uses p2p technology and TPB in particular is a pirate, yarr! I was under the impression that there were legal stuff on those trackers so shutting them down would deprive us of the possibility to get said free stuff.
What a bunch of losers.
In face of the upcoming environmental Armageddon, I believe the greenest thing they can do to heat the premise is to burn hippies. That way they'll save lots of gas, petrol, coal and other creations of the devil, while at the same time will save the planet from the CO2 the hippies would otherwise produse by breathing.
When I smoke, I see the label on the box: "Smokers die younger". Yet, I choose to smoke anyways. The Government isn't forcing companies to remove tobacco from cigarettes because it causes harm. A society where the Man protects me from all harm is a terrible dystopia.
I'm sorry, but if you are afraid of lung cancer, you don't smoke. If you can't play games with flashy lights, you don't. Simple as that. It's terrible, but it's the stone-cold truth.
This is ridiculous, but not without precedent, RIAA already threatened a little girl. I wonder if this is enough grounds for making MS products illegal in Europe if someone complains to the European Comission (now where did I put that e-mail address). Oh well, one can dream...
"Pizza in Slavic languages is a VERY rude word for lady bits...."
It's the first time that I hear that, and I'm Slavic. Maybe I should go out more...
The comrade shouldn't be ashamed to show his beliefs. This should only incite the oppressed masses of the Proletariat to support him should he become a member of the local Politburo and start the inevitable Revolution!
Man, I hate those candidates who only run for a <insert position here> only because they have the right to do, and never actually gather more than a couple of hundred votes. We have tons of them in my country, at every election.
Oh and more entertaining lawsuits please!
The problem here, Anonymous, is how you define "enemy". Is anyone who disagrees with the American government an enemy? What if I was to say that Dick Chaney is a Dick, should that be enough for the CIA to come and arrest me? In my own country?
What you forget is that there are other sovereign countries besides the US of A. We don't, and we shouldn't abide to your laws, despite the fact that you think we have to. So how come you can have laws that affect anyone, anywhere, but your soldiers and officials are never sent to international courts when needed (let alone be trialed in another country). What you basically want is an interational immunity and a licence to arrest anyone, just because you can. If you think that's OK, here's another quote for you: "No wonder everybody hates America".
Well, there's a surprise!
Personally I tend to blame the hardware for database failures, but I think the boss is on to me.
People just need more computer training. You can't drive a car without a licence, but you can operate a complex banking software just by saying "I can".
That Carlton guy just made me download AdBlock and Flashblock. You can thank him for that, ad companies.
I understand that most sites rely on ads to stay free and that's fine. I don't block small, non intrusive ads, like the ones here in El Reg. Getting attention, brand identity etc. etc., but seriously - where's the brand identity in yet another "You're the 999,999th visitor, click here" ad?
What the hell is wrong with people nowadays? Political correctness has gone way too overboard.
I for one an not english, but I still found this article to be pure comedy gold. It's not as if I meet a welsh person I'll start making fun of them just because of this.
In fact, I'm from Bulgaria. Yes, the country of origin of the 'Bulgarian airbags' joke. Yet, I'm not offended at all by that particular joke - I find it entertaining, maybe a bit overused, but definately not racist.
Seriously, some people just need to get out more!
"Citizen, You are fined one credit for a violation of the Cyber Morality Statute. Your repeated violation of the Cyber Morality Statute has caused me to notify the Beijing Police Department. Please remain where you are for your reprimand."
What's next, a policeman over your shoulder while you browse?