* Posts by András Puiz

4 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2007

Amiga explains AmigaOS 5 AmigaAnywhere

András Puiz

Learn to type!!!

This is the web. People read text and look at pictures at their own pace. There is a medium where people watch sheepishly whatever they're being presented. That's called television. Hope this helps.

Microsoft vs European Commission: the verdict

András Puiz

About Apple

Microsoft has a (legal) monopoly in the field of operating systems, and is trying to use that monopoly to (illegally) thwart competition in another field (media players).

Apple is being scrutinized in the field of music downloads, where it has a near-monopoly. It isn't being scrutinized in the field of operating systems, where it has a small market share.

As simple as that.

Hello, Apple PR. Dr. Freud will see you now

András Puiz

Now this is getting annoying

The article is by and about a sore loser who can't take rejection.

I've been in love, and I've been rejected, and it hurts. It takes a real man to admit that yes, she is still beautiful. No, she's not a bitch. And yes, she did have her reasons. And no, she's not insane. She definitely doesn't need psychoanalysis. You might, though. And absolutely, positively, forget about her ever coming back to you crying.

Anyone who thinks that Apple needs The Register more than The Register needs Apple is a loonie.

Apple is one of the top brands in the world, a company whose products get rave reviews from the biggest and most respected international mainstream press magazines, a company whose sales expand at an incredible rate. The Register is an online tech rag. If The Register disappeared overnight, few would notice, and fewer would care. Harsh words, I know.

But really, who needs childish rants like these? Irony and sarcasm aside. This is precisely the type of pointless, egocentric "journalism" that annoys the hell out of everyone. The postman snubbed me! The waiter was rude! My car mechanic is a liar! OK, live with it. Don't take revenge by writing a thoroughly dull and ridiculous rant. There are no valid points, really, and the so-called (self-)irony, if real, is lost in the sore loser attitude.

Oh, and geez, take the most secretive company in the world, the one that insanely micromanages its own communication and media appearances, the one whose spokespeople only talk on their own terms... and pretend to be surprised when they decline to elaborate on the reason for the rejection.

Stop the presses! Apple PR fails to provide personalized commentary to web mag!

What next? Apple failing to discuss future products?!

I get it, it hurts not even to be told why she doesn't love you. Is it the love handles? Is it the pimples? Is it your physique? Lack of sense of humour? Lack of self-esteem? At least she could tell you, right?

Nonsense. She doesn't want you to have more issues than you already have.

Oh, I'm sure you're okay, and you're genuinely worried about the mental health of Apple's PR people. I'm sure you're not ranting and not angry in the least. This was all just irony, you know.

András Puiz


This article is unintentionally funny. I'm sure it will be picked up by lots of blogs and ridiculed all over the web.

Your wife bought a laptop. So did a few million other people. Yet they don't all insist that they should get an invitation to a limited-attendance press event. You do. And apparently you can't take no for an answer.

So, you start insulting everyone at Apple, and (by now seething with hatred) ludicrously predict that if Apple keeps snubbing you, they will go out of business.

Next time, maybe you should count to ten before you write something this hostile, inane and childish. This is pretty bad PR for the Reg.