* Posts by 289347

3 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Aug 2011

Mr Bean prangs £650k McLaren


For the Record...

...a pic of the previous prang is here: -


(Note: it does seem to be a composite of two pics, but, I do believe it is his!)

Isolated human genes can be patented, US court rules

Black Helicopters




Copyright Movie Clips for All!

So, does this mean that in the US, if you take excerpts from movies, then you can claim copyright over them?

The situation is perfectly analogous, and all you have to do is rewrite the ruling something like this: -

"...the copyright eligibility of an isolated movie clip is not negated because it has similar informational properties to a different, more complex movie that embodies it.

"The claimed isolated movie clip frames are distinct from their released existence as portions of larger entities, and their informational content is irrelevant to that fact. We recognise that film studios may think of movie frames in terms of their use, but movie clips are in fact collections of data and, as such, are best described in copyright law by their structures rather than their functions.

"In this case, the claimed isolated movie clip frames do not exist as released by the studio as a collection of 'shorts' that can be separately viewed. They have to be technologically cleaved from their sequential combination with other movie sequences. In other words, as released, isolated movie clips are bonded to such other materials. Thus, when cleaved, an isolated movie clip is not a copy of released copyright material, but a distinct creative entity."

QED (Quite Easily Done - as my old maths teacher used to say.)