So don't sue us for being morons, ask us for service credits if we cock up again?
Sounds like some one is huffing the jenkim at Sony.
142 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2011
You know what I am torn here really torn, I want the police to have the power to do the job they are paid to do but I don't want said power abused in any fashion.
On one hand shutting down the mobile network would stop coordination of mobs, and on the other we have freedom of speech. We can not find a happy middle ground because one side we have mob rule and on another we have a slippery slope to totalitarianism. We need to as a nation really sit down and figure out just what we are going to do in this situation, technology has passed by the law yet again and now the judicial system is playing catch up.
But also this isn’t just a case of social media being abused it was a means to a end for people who took it upon themselves to go on a looting spree, nothing more. I am not qualified to explain the reasoning behind any excuse used by the rioters and I doubt many people are but we need to seriously find out why it is more acceptable to join a gang or go out looting. Or what seems to be an attitude of glorification of ignorance over learning in general by people not that much younger than myself (I am 26).
Then perhaps we will see a real change for the better rather than allowing politicians who are more concerned with being seen to be doing something rather than actually doing something to address the issues.
I want a computer to be a computer and a tablet to be a tablet (or non existent) I have wanted a tablet in the very recent past but I have sat down and thought about it and decided not to even bother I can see this trend of TOUCH EVERYTHING becoming the downfall of choice in IT.
And didn't we spend the best part of a decade getting away from low powered processors and small screens? Why are we going back to that? seriously as a industry we should say NO.
@ Annihilator, It's the press if it involves anything with a circuit board and unauthorised access it's "hacking" and sadly that's what the word has come to mean.
While this is a big story for a million and one reasons I also happen to think that the mobile operators should also have a eye cast upon them by the general media for lax security practices, the feature should be disabled by default and only be enabled if directly requested by the customer in question.
I think if they did this right they could pull it off, good quality components with decent software would sell to business.
A prime example of this is when a company puts out new computers an buys a Win 7 key per machine but still uses XP for the OS, it costs them serious money, if they sold them OS free they would get a nice number of business customers and also if they offered a windows alternative they would get lots and lots of lovely PR from open source new sites.
Sweet the title is finaly optional! I now have wood....
The main issue I can see is useless DDI purchaseing, I know of one (large) company who has a 10 person office but baught the whole DDI range from the telco I was working for at the time, lots and lots of places just really don't need the whole range available.
It would free up numbers and also make things a whole lot cheeper.
I was looking forward to this, traditionally I am agnostic when it comes to my processors, but I was looking forward to seeing 16 cores on a chip, leading to some nice performance boost but I doubt that is going to happen with AMD this generation.
Yep I am 100% with you SAS and Cloud is prity much a way of passing mission critical to a 3rd party with little or no control over it by the end user commercial or domestic.
And eventually when the bean counter who pushed hard for another outsourceing budget get's called in he can shrug his shoulders and say "Wasn't my fault" when the application goes down.
I really could be sold on this, most touch screens are too small for my liking and tablets are just to big for mobile use for me. This seems like the 3rd way option that might just might work well for me, i'll wait till they have them in a phone store and see why I think.
I liked Opera when I was using it up till a week ago on my MBP, the problem I had with it was two very common sites I used assumed i was coming from a mobile browser and only let me use the mobile version VBulletin would not allow you to access the Admin CP or the Mod CP when working from a mobile browser, the other had issues with images missing or grossly misshaped.
Now back on topic, I quite like Mozila in the desktop and mobile versions but I am unsure that this is the right direction to go in on the mobile platform, I liked the hidden tab's the keep a already limited viewing area clean.
I am shocked by the companies attitude about this, medical devices should be as hevaly regulated as drugs when it comes to quality.
I don't know if any one rembers in the last few months some one from a surgical department in a hospital who takes care of the instruments used reported that about 50% of instruments where unsafe to use because they where produced incorrectly by hand in Pakistan and India forceps that had sharp edges that where intended for heart opperations, scalpels with badly ground edges he had a display of some common failues he found that should not have left the factory let alone nearly made it into the opperating room and would have if he didn't find them. And he called for more action in regards to regulation of such devices because they can cause so much harm.
In this case it's shocking not that it can be done, but the attituded the company seems to be takinging towards the safty of it's users because now that it's out in the open how long do you think it will be before some one trys this in the wild as it where? To much insulin will kill you or put you in a coma, to little can cause problems as well.
I know it has already been said but...
If this is the case and it's on the internet, it is ergo public domain ergo no copy write attaches and royalties do not apply.
So that means that I should be able to download and keep radio programs like Old Harrys Game, The Navy Lark and one of the Many Milton Jones shows and keep them indefinitely on my computer to listen to at anytime without waiting for the BBC to rebroadcast them, one would also go as far to say this applys to the TV shows so I will demand my free copy of Outcasts please, and The Last Train etc and not have to pay them a penny because if it's been online it's now public domain…
Please BBC we already have to pay the TV Tax, we should not have to give you content too, and if you do need any of our stories or images you must attribute them correctly.
I love stuff like this, I rember watching Pirates of Silicon Vally and seeing the scean with Bill, Ballmer et all in a meeting with IBM when Microsoft said they must retain rights to sell it to the competition, and IBM said "Sure the money is in hardware not this software stuff...."
I wasn't saying all Android phones are like that just some of them, I am currently on my 2nd HTC desire and before that I have gone through 3 Motorola DEXT phones.
1st DEXT Arrived broken, seemed to be a accident during delivery.
2nd DEXT Didn’t charge after a week and the wireless was flaky from the beginning.
3rd DEXT Keyboard stopped working altogether at the 1 month mark.
1st HTC couldn’t maintain a signal even though I was under the mast at the time.
2nd Hasn't been so bad but I just don't like the UI, and I am also not a fan of the Marketplace, sure I know that's a personal preference issue but I find it vexing to look through 1000 spammy applications and reviews before I find one application that I would consider using.
The main issue I have noticed with the Cheepo slabs from China and the phones too come to that is they seem to be poorly constructed, screens that flex if a fly farts within 100ft of it, the case feels more like a poorly constructed toy than something I just dropped a Ton on and they seem to have some funky issues with the software.
I'll freely admit I like using apples stuff in fact I own mostly apple apart from a server and the odd other computer I own such as a thinkpad etc but I am not a die hard fanboi, I'll gladly call apple on it when they cock up but the tablet range and the phones seem to me at least to be the best option.
I am looking at getting a iPad 2, I have used a few Android tablets and I find the problems of my Android phone are compounded with the other poor quality of the Android hardware. While I freely admit they are the lower end cheep tablets I am not very impressed by the high end ones I have tried at places like Phones4You and other high street stores. While the hardware is of better quality the applications and the interface still annoy me.
@Tony Rogerson If you do use a SSD you might be able to give a bit of insight into how long it would last if given it can take 10 full writes a day for 5 years that's 18,250 full writes so if your writing the full capacity of 1600Gb that's a total of 29,200,00Gb of writes before it reaches a point that could raise the ware issue, I would be interested to see the results.
@ Joe User - Yea it would, but I think I have a few elderly relatives I can sell off, should make it not so wallet destroying.
I avoid facebook like the plague, now they want my friends who have accounts to contact me who chooses not to have a account to be contacted via facebook, No sorry and if this dose land in the UK and get's shipped with any phone I own I will find a way of removing this application all together.
And I would also seriously consider going to see a solicitor about breach of privacy.
I have been saying something similar for a while now, Web 2.0 or the internet with more adverts, rounded edges and pastel colours for the non web designer, is pretty much the tip of the pustule on the digital penis. VC's throwing money into the next big thing that is only two days away from being the next big flop is harming technology sectors that are of real benefit.
For example VC has two pitches in a day, The first thing the VC dose in the morning it check his twitter and facebonk accounts and then goes to work, the first meeting is with a small start up looking for capital for a new technology that could make oh let's say Micro Hydrogen fuel cells a reality that could power a laptop for 5 years without recharging that only weigh 2Oz (outlandish I know but bare with me please). The second is with a small web design shop that has a technology that integrates twitter and facebook to the Google maps API with the calendar on your phone and GPS that allows you to locate friends and synchronise your bowl movements with friends, that will also offer target advertising depending on the heat of the last kebab you consumed and the best deal for chilled wet wipes to sooth your ravaged posterior.
Given all the hype Facebook, Twitter and Google+ has received do you really think he would invest in the useful technology or the one that is retarded fits only a small demographic but has the all important Facebook / Twitter attachment.
Answer – He would chose the chilled arse soother, nice quick return because they are only interested in money.
I'll get me coat….
Thing is nukes don't have to get past the scanners, say the Terrorists wanted to blow up a port city we would still be in trouble if the weapon was detonated as it was coming into a port. All it takes is for some one to be dockside with a trigger device from that group and the name of a ship waits till the ship has docked and then detonates.
But having said that, nukes are kinda hard to obtain or we would have seen it done by now, I know there must be some nation states like Iran, North Korea etc who would like to give one to group X but they also know if they did the next nuclear detonation would be over there Capital City, and if one came up for sale on the black market the news would get back to some very serious agencies who I doubt would ask for it nicely.
So I am not all that worried, besides if it did happen and I was in the target city I probably wouldn’t have the time to say "Bugger" before I was turned into a over cooked human donna stick by the heat wave.
OK I agree occasionally there might be a valid reason for using it in a domestic situation, but I am talking about the people who can get fixed line and moan because they cant use XYZ like they did before. A prime example is one of my friends who uses Skype to talk to his family overseas, he gets constant lag and random drops in his connection, he moved from a reasonable ADSL connection to the dongle for price reasons but get's stung for over use on his data plan and get's a unreliable service to boot and can't wait for the contract to run out so he can move back to a fixed line service because he never uses the dongle outside of the house.
To be honest this has failed to shock me, Mobile Broadband is in my mind should be what it's used for i.e. Use outside of the Home or Office. People often use this as a cheep alternative to home broadband and then hog all the bandwidth and cap's get imposed.
I don't use much in the way of mobile Data maybe the odd email or web search if I am out the house and need the address of some place, but I know people who use it as home broadband and moan about slow speeds, unreliable connections and cost if they go over the limit of the dongle data plan they have. But these are the same people who refuse to get a fixed land line telephone and broadband even though the savings they would make on the broadband alone are astronomical.
T.S. Quint: But they're engaged.
Brodie: Doesn't matter, can't happen.
T.S. Quint: Why not? It's bound to come up.
Brodie: It's impossible! Lois Lane could never have Superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes could handle his sperm? I guarantee you that when he comes during sex, he probally blows a load like a shotgun blast... right through her back. And if by chance Lois does get pregnent, what about her womb? Do you think it's strong enough to carry his child?
T.S. Quint: Sure, why not?
Brodie: He's an alien, for Christ sake. His Kyrptonian biological makeup is enhanced by earth's yellow sun. If Lois gets a tan, the kid could kick right through her stomach. Only someone like Wonder Woman has a strong enough uterus to carry his kid. The only way he could bang regular chicks is with a kryptonite condom. That would kill him!