Wasn't just the BB.
My Phone was acting up last night from about 6 - 10pm, The broadband was fine but call's in would not connect and calls out didn't get a dial tone.
142 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2011
Right I am sorry but why are we holding the police officers to a higher standard? They are people too, I don't have a social media profile at all because I am not that way inclined but honestly why are we doing this?
Seriously I am shocked we still think the police are unfeeling automatons, a very close relative of mine is a Police officer in one of the most dangerous parts of the City I live in and they do a fucking hard job with little thanks, a job that that can make a person cold inside at the end of a day.
Let's not be so fucking quick to condemn a whole public service because of some people's comments of duty on a social network. Condemn them if they let a personal limitation or view effect there job.
The Police do a damned good job, I support them because 99.9% of them do help people, because in any profession there is always the 0.1% who are dicks.
The Russian 9X39 SP-5 round is a heavy sub sonic round that happens to do the same job, it avoids the sonic boom and when used with the VSS Vintorez rifle it's prity much near totally silent from the reports I have read.
However the De Lisle carbine was supposed to have the same claim to fame, but it took a .45 ACP round married to a Enfield action and a near full barrel length silencer to achieve this claim, but I have my doubts about it being that quiet, the .22LR version could have been that quiet but not the .45 ACP version.
I have to agree that this is stupid, and to be honest the you can't work for our compition clause in contracts is a joke and should not be allowed, the same goes for outside of work IP ownership what you do on your time is yours and as long as it use's no resource or IP of your employer it should remain yours.
I propose that each unit of alcohol (A unit being 1 shot of vodka) be named a Yeltsin, and that various units multiplied are combined thusly -
10 Yeltsin's = 1 Borris
20 Yeltsin's = A Johnson.
30 Yeltsin's = Beer goggles.
40 Yeltsin's = Handcuffed.
50 Yeltsin's 1 Supper Borris.
3rd parties, i.e. say a american or canadian friend upload my contact details (it's already happened) do I have the right to demand that FB remove it? I hope so I really hope so because I hate social networking because it invaids my privacy. I tell the world what I want when I want I don't like it working the other way round.
Bean Counter "You know you guys wanted a new factory?"
Non bean counter "Yea"
Bean Counter "Well we are giving you one"
Non Bean counter "sweet, where is it?"
Bean Counter "Well not in the UK , Mainland Europe or the USA like you wanted. No we found a nice little plot of land in the Far East our field agent said the land is cheep and the women are very friendly there is a teeny tiny problem though."
Non Bean counter *through gritted teeth* "Go on..."
Bean Counter "There is a teeny tiny microscopic problem of massive flooding at some point, that could cause a massive spike in the global cost of hard drives but that shouldn't concern you".
At this point the non bean counter seeing how this was going, reach over to his phone an rang 3534 (The BOFH emergency service number), 30 seconds later 1 Taser induced "KZZERT" a heavy roll of carpet and a bag of quick lime later the world was saved from this mess.
We can but deam, we can but dream.
Why am I not surprised? OK sure I can see why they might delay notification a day maybe two if the attacker still has access and they are trying to see just what they are upto and securing there systems at the same time but the way places just hold off on informing people of anything let alone a breach of the magnitude that diginotor was is a serious breach of trust.
I would be happy to deal with a company that is honest about security because atleast THEN I can take my own steps after the fact.
@ The first post - So your thinking is we are getting "The FatMan" from Fallout 3?
Either way I am mixed on this, Hopefully they have it kept in a Museum as a warning from the past that fearing the other is not always a smart thing to do AND as a Terrifiying historic relic.
But small nukes just make no sense to me, the whole point of a Tactical Nuclear weapon was to clear a area of the enemy not just to blow the living shit out of a bunker, that was the whole point of the higher payload ICBM's they are massive and designed not only to knock out the supporting infrastructure but to collapse the bunker in on it's self.
"The internet is, yes, a political, powerful tool. But what happens online does not magically transfer itself into the offline, real world. Take a look at Libya. When I was looking at Libya I saw a lot more AK-47s being used than I did smartphones."
Can some one please tell the BBC this! I saw that series they did called "How Facebook changed the world" and it had little impact on the events that happened, it helped get the message out at first but after that it had little or no effect as the events unfolded.
Perhaps it helped bring it to the Western Media a little faster but it did not have the impact most people and the BBC think it did.
God I loved this film as a kid, the kitchen scene and the Raptors in general have left me with a irrational fear of them to this day oddly the day after I saw the film we went on a school trip to Liverpool museum and they at the time had two raptor fossils in a display, I turned round and there right behind me by about a foot was a rubber head of a raptor that sent me flying back in terror and making a fool of myself.
Still love the film though :)
One of my first IT jobs was working in a computer shop, The owner LOVED LaCie but we hated them, we got about 3 a week come back to us with blown PSU's or other fault's we only ever saw on other brands every few months.
And the RMA procedure was a joke, fill in form X with the shipping invoice your drive was included in, send to them, get another form back saying Please provide the serial number from the defective drive send that form off, then finally get a RMA number send it back to them.
Only have it returned to us for insufficaiant packing, it was packed in the SAME BOX IT CAME IN WITH THE SAME SODDING PACKING MATERIALS!!!!!
Still winds me up to this day!
I have been listing to Hut 33 for the last week or so and I must say as a film it would work with that cast.
I now have a urge to listen to Millia Jovocih do the "Ring Ring Wacky Wack" bit.
David Mitchell would be a great Gordon, given his angry logic he would do the Luck sceen very well.
I don't see Chris Eclestone as Archie though, the guy who played him on the radio would be a good choice.
I think it's more likely that the DC runs without staff say 98% of the time and then a weekly maintinace crew goes to site and swaps disk's et'al for 12 - 24 hours then theoretically moves on to the next DC in the rotation, and a serious amount of remote monitoring of the site.
With possibly a emergency crew to attend the site should the excrement hit the air con.
Either way I would be watching this with interest.
blodwyn, can you post up the old commands one of my hobbies is computer history and I would seriously like to document them for reference.
Thanks El Reg, you have posted up a quality article here, it's a shame as a nation we have let our crown slip here we could have been the dominant force in the IT industry if we kept going, now most school kids only a few years behind me don't know what basic things like HTML are or basic troubleshooting.
Humm I am in two minds about this I love my 160GB Classic, and I am not really a fan of touch everything so I might wait till this is official and go out and buy a spare in case this one goes tits up or rush out and get one in the morning just incase.
I hope they don't kill it off, it's a nice device.
My personal dislike of Mark Zuckberg and Facebook is taken to the level of day dreams involving a rabbid hamster tied to a stick, a bacon slicer and the song agado on a iPod just for Mark.
You want to know what my Facebook is? It's a pub I go to with people I know and have know for years enjoying a chat.