* Posts by Nigel

2 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2006

Cardiff 'copter coppers give chase to UFO



Ah, it's near Cardiff, so it must be the Rift....

AJAX and 2.0 madness


Everything 2.0

I see the 'Related stories' include references to Mobile 2.0, Web 2.0, and even ModSecurity 2.0. My working assumption is that any release 2.0 (or at least, the PR surrounding it) is immature - let's wait until 3.1 at least.

BTW did you know that CMP Media has been granted a US service mark for "Web 2.0"?

I blogged on this nasty habit back in June: see http://preferisco.blogspot.com/2006/06/anything-20.html