Re: Ultrabook?
Other than the keyboard, describes my 2013 Panasonic CF53 mk2... gets almost 12 hours on battery too on an Intel Core i5 vPro, 16GB RAM, and a 512GB Samsung Pro SSD.
Boots Windows 10 Pro in about 8 seconds, Linux in 6 ;)
1381 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2011
Oh goddamn that's true!
Recently had to recover a hyper-v server with five VMs running on it that I warned the client about three years prior when the outside vendor dreamed up this nightmare - no backups, no redundancy, nothing.
Took me 33 hours to get them back to a point where they could cut wood again - and THAT was after Dell & FedEx disappeared an $11k server I overnighted for FIVE DAYS...
Now they want me to build a hyper-v cluster for them...
I was working at a local computer shop, mostly out on the road taking care of different clients, but sometimes a client would bring in a workstation to fix.
This one particular day an old Dell workstation came in, client said it wouldn't boot anymore. Well, later I had some time between calls so I plugged it in and in doing so, was getting this brown sticky stuff on my hands/arms, didn't think about it much until I popped the cover off - it was coated in that brown stuff and was actually oozing from different components. Then the *smell*..
It wasn't until I started shaking that I realized what the 'brown sticky stuff' was...
It was damn near pure nicotine and I was reacting to it - made me sick & twitchy af!
I bagged that damn thing in a hazardous material bag and gave it back to the client as a total loss. Turns out she was a chain smoker and after 10 years of smoking in front of her computer, this was the end result.
Own a 3d printer so a case wouldn't be an issue - so two e-ink screens, large battery, powered by maybe a Raspberry Pi? Shouldn't get overly hot, but what would be more suitable?
I've got some time ;)
edit: Raspi would be overly thick, run too hot unless you underclocked it. idk lol
Damn straight it was bad management AND design - I disagreed with it when they had a network architect design the system and they pushed me out of the project to complete it - THEN they call me in three years later to fix the damn thing when it died.
What happened here was the vendor designed it top to bottom with unnecessary complexity (VM's), isn't backwards compatible with their own software, no DR, no backups. And I had to fix it and now have to redesign it so they can cut a piece of wood without a server being up... No shit - they couldn't cut wood without the server being operational.
Yeah, it was like that.
After what I've been through the past week recovering a HyperV host with four VM's that ran entire company, no redundancy, no proper backups... - all virtual bullshit can go fuck right off... I did get them running and the 50 employees are back to work, but the VM's are going away, soon. Fuck that shit - give me hardware or give me death...
... why does this keep happening? This is basic stuff for anyone...
Although why should I be surprised? All the election commissions in this state failed a pentest organized by the state gov except mine and THAT was with a Win7 network without a server - since then I've installed a new server & locked down the Win7->Win10 installations. Note the county I take care of doesn't have the budget that the others have, but this ISN'T THAT DIFFICULT to stay secured. I just don't get it. Fucking idiots...
LMAO! Just had colon surgery last week - had a cancer mass removed - found out a friend's mother saw my ass on the operating table... And I, for one, do not give a fuck, cancer levels all playing fields...
Edited to say - yeah, doc blessed me with 12 TicTacs, (hydrocondone FIVES!) - understand the reasoning due to opioid addiction, affects on the bowels, but dayum! This thing HURT!