Can it run on a strong sweet cup of T ?
126 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2007
''The problems arise when I put someone else's personal data on these web-sites in the absence of consent" he said.''
But the 'data' they posted was not of someone else personal data, it was his opinion, and a statement of intended action by his self and colleagues.
More of these interfering busybodies should be outed, they probably wreck as many families as they save, and force us to watch disturbing adverts that amaze me how they get around the advertising codes of practice, who wants to hear that little johnny hides under the bedsheets from his weirdo uncle as I sit down to eat my evening meal, puts you right off your sausages....
Whats an elite got that an xbox360 hasnt, why should I wait and pay more?
Also why did all the xbox games releases suddenly die after the xbox360 arrived, it's not like titles usually dry up overnight they go reduced, budget, bundle box, 50p
It was like someone said to all the software houses ''look the 360's here, stop the xbox titles or else (we wont let you do 360)...''
No company should be allowed to copyright any word in the dictionary, unless they invented it, if they invented it, then its theirs, if they did not invent, but have copyrighted it, what grounds have they for any worth it has or has earned, maybe they should pay commission to the person who did invent it.....Not that I can see many ancient britons coming forward to file suit...
So, with that in mind I shall invent a word, err, hang it its harder than you think this word inventing business.....
I'll get back to you on this...
Maybe I should just buy the rights to old childrens stories, then go after people who remake them, scream breach of copyright and screw them for every penny, easier money earner....Oh damn thats been done already.....
This has no use, any terrorist with a brain would not pick up a phone and speak to his accomplish, they would just meet in mc donalds and write little messages passed over the table on napkins....
Secret message in the personal columns of newspapers, requesting certain songs to be played on the radio, (how about 'a message to you rudy' by the specials lol)
so many ways can be used to synchronise an attack and so many ways to plan in secret all this tapping in the name of security is just a cover for spying on the population as a whole.
what really upset me was when bush came to the UK and the damn UK phone network suddenly went down for 90 minutes, no doubt just a coincidence, as a 'over night' taxi driver without radio I was most at risk if I had an accident etc
anyone noticed that while other consoles seem to have a slow lingering death with its titles going into cut price stores, and new releases being on bargain, none of this seems to have happened for the original xbox.....
All releases seemed to just dry up, as though software companies, even bargain ones, were told not to release anything for it.... maybe to boost sales of 360s ?
maybe 'if you release anything (xbox) after xx/xx/xx you wont get to sell titles for the 360''
If thats the case, why should I buy another console form a company who has deliberately seen to the death of my current one?
Older vehicles are not that bad, simply because once you have removed all the hype, new engines are not that much better, its a few percent, which is nothing when you consider how much carbon was thrown into the atmosphere to not only build these new cars, but to test, and design, 1000's of man hours at power hungry computers, and all these designers in offices with lighting, and heating / aircon, and then the shop floor workers, heating/lighting/aircon, all those 1000's of people designing a 2% better car by driving to work in their old cars....... the big picture simply proves its not been worthwhile.........
Of course not that they have designed them, to make it seem worthwhile, we have to destroy our old cars, which creats more carbon, to build the newones, more carbon again..
I cant say I would care if my ISP filtered all the porn, but where would it stop, filtering p2p, block *.mp3, *.divx, no I can do without the porn, but I cant do without my unfiltered connection.
Vote with ones feet and dont take supply from any filtered company
Before anyone shouts if you had children etc, I have, a few, and I have taken the time to explain the net to them, and that if they ever see something they think is inappropriate for them, they should close the page. (after book marking it for me so I can pass judgement later....)
you say one size fits all is hard to come up with, hell they only want to have the option of wifi/cellular access, one, two or three choices, its not hard to see you provide both functions and let the user disable one or the other, or enable both.
Its not beyond the technology now to build both a wifi card, bluetooth and a gsm card into laptop and that about lets it connect to anything.
Drop in a wired modem, a wired network, and a 9 pin serial port and what cant you connect to?
Its all established proven tech so no need to bump the price up.
Oh yes, because it was the *unions* that drove the coal mining, steel, shipping, shipbuilding and carbuilding industries out of business in the UK. [/quote]
And were you in those unions?
Were you one of those workers?
Unions exist to try to maintain a fare wage for their workers with acceptable working conditions, something most management dont want, as it costs more than treating employee's like drones.
At least she gets an engineer, local scroats have ripped the green box open for the 3rd time this year and pulled the phone lines out, I had to go through a 'testing' procedure with the idiot on support in timbukstan who made me plug in a 2nd phone in case my first phone had developed a fault, and I have to wait a week for an engineer to come to my house and check my master socket for a fault....
I have just canceled with virgin.
I cant believe the stuff I'm reading here, morals being bandied about all over while the most important world shattering comment slips by, it just has to be put right, and the humble British sewage system can take any amount of crap flushed down it from human waste to deceased pets of the goldfish to guinea pig variety.......
so, you should all feel safe that no matter how much Kleenex you have to flush, its going to go if you visit and 'find the need'
If his mother had given him a good clip round the ear the first day he did not go to school and told him it will get harder everyday, he may well have stayed in school and learned something, and maybe even been able to get free net in the school.......
Behavior like this has nothing to do with rock music, video nasties or any of the crap blamed for it, too soft parenting is the curse of modern 'civilised' society.
Children dont need to be beaten but they do need a smack, watch _any_ animal family, lions, monkeys, elephants, the offspring get a nip,smack or trunk whipping if they stray out of line, its nature, to not do it is against nature.
Who puts idiots like this into a position of power, Every day I go shopping and see tops of thongs / knickers above the top of jeans because of the fashion for jeans that have a low waistline, are all hose women going to be fined now?
Its stupid, I don't care, anyone who does care is just too sensitive, its like tesco's ban last year on people wearing bikini tops shopping in the heatwave, hell if your on a beach and suddenly fancy a drive to get some ice cream etc to take back to the beach, you have to drive home and get changed first, come on its stupid, we all have the same body parts even if in different shapes and sizes.
is it not new yorks times square where its not illegal for a woman to be topless but in a porn movie must have an item of clothing on to not be nude.....(usually a show, so I am told, never having seen one)
logical that or what...
Whatever happened to the likes of no-cash, fast-chex etc etc, you never hear of them now.
I'm a big fan of google with what its geiven me for fre, email, online apps, calandar etc, and I can use it all from anywhere, but I do fear its big brother watching of everything I do so it can tempt me to spend money with targetted ads.
On the other hand, ebay, its become the biggest UK auction site and has no competition from anywhere, since yahoo left the building, so why cant they just back down over this, the auction going via them still gets them a cut of the proceeds.
Just greed.
I'd love google to start free google auctions..................
Its ok to say I've not had a TV for 3 years, but then what have you been able to watch, maybe I've had my head in the sand but after trying things like joost etc what is their that works?
Tell me how I (legally) watch tonights emmerdale without cable, satellite, an aerial on my roof or a blocky freeview receiver?
What about Dalziel and Pascoe at 9pm on bbc1 ?
I would happily ditch my cable providers TV feed if I could pick off the net the programs I wanted when I have the time to watch them.