* Posts by General Zod

5 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jul 2011

Microsoft's next device could be a Surface Watch

General Zod

Re: Touchscreen

If it uploads that info to the marketing department, along with location data and a recording of every word the wearer says, it might even be profitable.

Amazon's cloudy vid-tablet breaks cover: Not an iClone

General Zod


I refer not to the airport, but the last sentence:

"It also helps that it sports an interface that won't instantly trigger letters from Cupertino's lawyers. ®"

We all know that the letter is already written. If the UI has icons, or even a GUI, Apple is going to feel like it can sue. How anybody--any court!--can justify their aggressively litigious approach to IP issues is beyond me. They've literally pirated 2/3 of the product names they've adopted in the past 10 years.

The closing register symbol is a nice touch, by the way. But if El Reg was run out of Cupertino, you'd have tried to register it as a proprietary trademark by now.

General Zod

The point of batteries

Your basic analogy is flawed. When you buy a battery, you expect it to work in any device that uses batteries. What if every flashlight company used a different, incompatible kind of D-cell? And further, what if batteries had an established usage pattern going back over 450 years?

Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet goes on sale

General Zod


What's so tacky all of a sudden about a minimalist black rectangle? I believe large numbers of people, within living memory, were willing to pay hundreds extra for a device in black. Personally, I think metal trim on plastic and shiny chrome finishes are tacky, but what do I know. It must be all those useless buttons. So few of us today have fingers.

Google: The one trick pony learns a second trick

General Zod


Of course it's a joke--don't be daft.