* Posts by ScruffyJack

4 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2007

Motorbike crash man fails to notice loss of leg


Performance braking

If you are riding a performance bike in the dry and going at a decent speed you have to use the front brake to make use of the braking power available.

If you just/mainly use the back break you'll skid because there isn't any weight transfer to the back wheel when you're braking. If you use the front brake it transfers weight through the forks and onto the front tyre increasing its contact patch and pressing it into the road. I've been riding (mostly performance bikes) for 15+ years and could point to other evidence to support this (e.g. bigger twin brake disks and more powerful calipers on the front).

Just watch Rossi, Stoner and Co in MotoGP. When you see them braking for a corner you will see their forks compress and the back tyre occassionally leaving the tarmac.

I always thought the reason for using the back brake when you're nearly stationary was because it's less likely to unbalance you when the gyroscopic effect of the wheels aren't in play. The rear brake doesn't cause front fork compression which might unbalance you.

Anyway, that's an aside (the whole thing about him noticing his missing leg when he stops). If the story is true how did he not notice when he had to pick his bike up to ride off in the first place? (he might even have had to hop over to it if he was thrown off inthe accident).


His mates

A few things thoughts on this report:

1) How did the guy pick up his bike after the crash? Obviously has a good sense of balance and a strong leg (the one still attached).

2) How did his mates not notice his accident? I guess they must have been in front when it happened and he caught them up (presumably at the junction). His mates must have been wusses.

3) If he did catch his mates up he must have been going at a fair clip and possibly getting his knee down!

Chav-hunting toffs cop some flack


Politically Collect(ive noun)

Sorry about the title but instead of being a 'pack' of neds perhaps one of the following could be substituted as the collective noun:

A flock (as for sheep)

A crew (as for sailors)

A steal (as for magpies)

A knob (as for waterfoul) <- Wiki says 'Uncertain'

A sneak (as for weasels)

An ugly (as for walruses)

As English is a vibrant, living language we could all try and steer one (or another) of these terms into common use.... I doubt it though as:

DBAs will want an array (as for hedgehogs)

Script kiddies will want a kit (as for pigeons)

Windows admins will want a crash (as for rhinoceroses)

I'll get my coat...

Cornish separatists menace Jamie Oliver


No need to worry

They clearly haven't noticed the (imperialist!) mole in their ranks... surely they should be called the KNLA (Kernow National Liberation Army)!?