* Posts by ppawel

18 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2011

Someone please rid me of this turbulent Windows 10 Store


Re: I don't get it

How about you read the article and the developer's forum post which is linked:


Facebook is no charity, and the ‘free’ in Free Basics comes at a price


All about those ads

Get more people online, the ads won't click themselves...

Dinosaur love hug: Dell's $64bn death pledge to EMC


Re: What are you guys smoking? You want to run your business on this?

So you're saying that your in-house sysadmin will provide you with better uptime than AWS?

SourceForge accused of shackling GIMP in kinky adware


Sourceforge should die already

I cringe every time I have to download anything from there, not to mention visit some project's page. Why would anyone choose to use this for their project when there are alternatives like Github available is beyond me.

It's been irrelevant and a hindrance for years so just die a peaceful death...

Pakistan URINE STORM: Google Maps chokes off user editing


Re: All but given up trying to help

> I made thousands of edits to Google Maps to improve my local are

Umm... quick question - WHY? Why do you volunteer your time and energy for a corporation when you can edit OpenStreetMap instead and contribute to an open and free dataset?

I will never understand people...

Millions of voters are missing: It’s another #GovtDigiShambles


Re: And there was me thinking...

Umm, no, not really. They can do a lot of things. Like for example not being total noobs in software development and using "agile" as an excuse to deliver shit.


Re: The cynical part of me...

> Instead I was formally reprimanded (I'm serious) for not embracing agile, or user needs.

OH. MY. GOD. Are you seriously serious?!?! That is scary as hell... I have seen agile being used as an excuse for many bad/sad things but this one has to top the list!

Apple design don Jony Ive: Build-your-own phone is BOLLOCKS


Re: Ive is a designer?

Apple is the most valuable company in the world so surely it follows that this guy is the best designer in the world, no? Market has spoken and all that?

Inside GOV.UK: 'Chaos' and 'nightmare' as trendy Cabinet Office wrecked govt websites


"transition that saw more than 300 more domains move to the gov.uk übersite"

Whoever greenlit this genius idea must be the spawn of Satan indeed!

Anyone with *any* experience in IT projects would have told you that this had ZERO change of ending in anything less than COMPLETE DISASTER.

Ah, the world we live in, eh?!

HTTP/2 spec gets green light: Faster web or needless complexity?


Re: What Kamp?

And this is exactly one of the problems they should have tackled with HTTP 2 instead of focusing on wire protocol which is a minor improvement at a major (partly future) cost.


Yeah, let's switch to binary protocol and compress those headers...

...all for 15% gain in page load speed by Google web browser from Google servers.

Meanwhile the real problems with HTTP will persist for decades to come thanks to this lame attempt at a major revision of the standard and probably will be much harder to tackle in the future because of the added complexity.

Your hard drives were riddled with NSA spyware for years


Re: Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz

I'm a Pole and yes, it's a fake name, it's unlikely that someone would be named like that. Very strange to see this name used in a serious news story...

'YOUTUBE is EVIL': Somebody had a tape running, Google...

Big Brother

Re: The new man

The scariest thing in all of this is the fact that even though there are stories like this one, when you discuss with most of the "regular people" about Google, their opinion is always the same - it's the best thing ever. People love Google for GMail, Maps, Drive and you-name-whatever-service-they-provide-for-"free". Businesses love Google for Google Apps for Business. Because it all "just works" and is pretty and up-to-date etc. Hell, some people even donate their time and effort FOR FREE to Google - see Google Map Maker. Why the hell would you do that instead of contributing to OpenStreetMap, I will never know...

Looks like we all have a love affair with Google. Nothing left but a happy ending, right?

Boy, are we all in for a very very rude awakening some day.

An e-reader you HAVEN'T heard of: Cybook Ocean 8"


Don't buy this (yes, I bought Cybook Odyssey)

1. If this one has a similar screen quality to Odyssey then it's extremely poor. I have Kobo Glo now and the difference is huge.

2. There is pretty much no aftersales support from Bookeen - I used Odyssey for 2 years and there never was any software upgrade with bug fixes (and there are bugs).

3. If you don't speak French then the book store they embed may just as well not exist - you won't find anything in English there except some public domain books that you can get anywhere for free and legally.

In general I appreciate the efforts to offer an alternative to Amazon lock-in but this one is not worth the pain. On the other hand, I can recommend Kobo.

Uber, Lyft and cutting corners: The true face of the Sharing Economy


What exactly are they "disrupting"?

Here in Cracow, Poland we have at least two taxi companies with smartphone apps and fare prices often make me wonder how do drivers live from their jobs. They are a proper taxi company, drivers are not perfect every time but do you really expect someone in a business suit every time when you go with the cheapest possible taxi company in the city?

I've been using those two companies for over a year, several fares a month and I have maybe one or two complaints. I am sure that if I had complained about a driver then it would have much more weight than some random star rating on the internets.

Now, what more do you want from a cheap taxi service? Why does it need to be startup-web-2.0-hipster enabled? Do you expect to find a best friend in a taxi or something?

I like clever startup ideas as much as anyone but Uber/Lyft seem to have only gimmicks going on like cool names, short domain names and large format graphics on their web pages...

If you say that cabs are expensive in your area then perhaps what you need is a good old-fashioned businessman who can build a real competitive business from scratch, not a virtual one.

The secret to getting rich in 2012: Open APIs


Ummm, what?

Sorry but your article is full of buzzwords and it does not actually contain too much content...

"But not just any APIs. The industry can't stomach a million competing APIs any more than it could digest a huge array of open-source projects for CMS, ERP, etc. We need APIs, but we also need standardization."

What are you talking about? How are those statement of any value at all? Companies that make software mostly want people to be locked-in to their APIs (whatever API means in your vocabulary - it's at the same level of substance as "cloud computing"...). And on top of that you have a whole industry of software integrators who implement solutions using proprietary products and there will never be any standarization as long as "managers" or other "business development" people have control over the business side of things without any knowledge of what is the right way to do things.

So please stop spreading this nonsense about new buzzword of the year or whatever, you are just bringing down the level of this website.

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I couldn't agree more with you. I've been working for years in "enterprise" applications development and it really is as far from the actual software engineering as you can get. There are factors like politics, money, lock-in etc. that influence software design and implementation which is never going to end well.

Microsoft COO: Our greatest enemy is old Windows


Has IE6 "been good" to anyone?

"Windows XP, Office 2003, and IE6 deserve a standing ovation. God bless them. They've worked for the last twelve, thirteen years. We love those products. We absolutely love those products. They've been so good to so many people, including the people in this room,"

This must have gotten a few chuckles... OTOH, these are Microsoft partners...