What exactly are they "disrupting"?
Here in Cracow, Poland we have at least two taxi companies with smartphone apps and fare prices often make me wonder how do drivers live from their jobs. They are a proper taxi company, drivers are not perfect every time but do you really expect someone in a business suit every time when you go with the cheapest possible taxi company in the city?
I've been using those two companies for over a year, several fares a month and I have maybe one or two complaints. I am sure that if I had complained about a driver then it would have much more weight than some random star rating on the internets.
Now, what more do you want from a cheap taxi service? Why does it need to be startup-web-2.0-hipster enabled? Do you expect to find a best friend in a taxi or something?
I like clever startup ideas as much as anyone but Uber/Lyft seem to have only gimmicks going on like cool names, short domain names and large format graphics on their web pages...
If you say that cabs are expensive in your area then perhaps what you need is a good old-fashioned businessman who can build a real competitive business from scratch, not a virtual one.