* Posts by IDoNotThinkSo

158 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jul 2011


Look out, Gartner: Behold the El Reg all-Flash Quadragon™ wonder map-o-graphic


Re: Complete failure

Surely to draw the middle of the pack you should be using some sort of non-parametric estimation for the density of the points and then calculating a 50% contour...?

You could then draw the axes through the centroid of this and turn it into the crosshairs of doom.

Of course, however you present it, it is still nonsense (tm).

Finns, roamers, Nokia: So long, and thanks for all the phones


Re: 6310i

I still use one. Why not?

I also have an N900. Great and terrible, at the same time. A reminder what could have been...

Total cost of THAT axed NHS IT fiasco to taxpayers: £10.1bn

Paris Hilton

Re: And

All these government project cock-ups have a single common factor.

The government.

Paris, because she knows all about the cause of cock-ups.

Screw you, Brits, says Google: We are ABOVE UK privacy law



It may still be Google but at least they don't know who you are (in theory).

May the fourths be with you: Muso John Williams returns to Star Wars


Re: Surprised...

Thanks for the link - yes, that's the one.

Even some of Williams' arrangement is similar, although of course it isn't an exact copy.

Of course, Korngold was inspired by Sibelius (part of Finlandia) for some of that...


Re: he does steal them quite well. :-)

All art is 'borrowed' to some extent.

I think Williams acknowledged Korngold, and he can hardly do otherwise of Steiner (an early film composer) and ultimately Wagner for the leitmotif idea. The rest (Prokofiev, Walton, Holst, Dvorak, etc) aren't around to complain...

Brahms was told that he'd ripped off Beethoven in his 1st Symphony and his only response was "Any ass can see that". That doesn't mean it isn't worth listening to.


Re: Surprised...

Almost all of John Williams scores are derived from classical or earlier works.

That isn't unusual for composers though, and as long as you do it well, nobody really cares. I'm getting downvoted below for suggesting he "steals", which of course he does, but in a good way.

For instance, listen to the "Cloud City" theme in Empire Strikes Back, then the opening violin solo in the Sibelius Violin Concerto. You'll find Holst, Stravinsky and Walton in the original film, too.


Re: Surprised...

Composer of the main theme? Well, arranger, maybe...

See if you can find the main title to King's Row (1942), music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold


He'll have to find some more themes to steal...

...though to be fair, he does steal them quite well. :-)

I'll stick with the Wagner Leitmotifs though (where do you think the idea of associating characters and actions with themes came from?)

Jurors start stretch in the cooler for Facebooking, Googling the accused


Re: Typcial


Fair point, but...

A sharp bend after an 80km+ straight? Especially just after exiting a tunnel. A bit odd, don't you think?

The carriages clearly did separate. There have been a number of other derailments of high speed trains where the carriages stayed coupled and entire, and there was little or no loss of life. This was obviously in a dangerous environment (concrete cutting) but they look (from pictures, not tabloid reports) to have come apart very easily. Looks like the resuts you would get running a commuter train at HST speeds.

And quite obviously there was no working automatic protection...

NSA PRISM-gate: Relax, GCHQ spooks 'keep us safe', says Cameron

Black Helicopters

Governments operating within the law should have nothing to fear from whistleblowers.

After all, if they've got nothing to hide, they've got nothing to fear, right?

Sacred islet Rockall repels Brit adventurer's first assault


Re: they are doing it all wrong!

Have you tried flying a quad in a 30 knot wind whilst your boat is going up and down in an 8m swell? Good luck with that. I also suspect you'd get motion sickness in about 5 seconds.

Of course, you might have been joking.

This is the kind of thing you need, but it might take a few goes...


Snoopers' charter rests in shallow grave - likely to rise again


It clearly isn't the politicians that come up with these ideas. Someone 'persuades' them by telling all sorts of horror stories.

Who is the ringleader in the civil "service" at the Home Office? That's where the problem lies.



The 17 years bit is interesting tho'.

Any species specific predators or parasites would have a hard time matching their emergence, what with it being a prime number.

Doesn't stop all the generalists having a cicada munching party, mind.

Review: NetAtmo Urban Weather Station


Re: Toytown

Really? Define "waste of money".

I have a cheapo £100 weather station and it is accurate enough for me. There is no way I can put it in a suitable grass field with no trees or buildings around it, so what's the point in using a £20k one? I'm not doing it for research (and indeed, some of the expensive climate stations aren't exactly located properly, either).

The rainfall figures are pretty accurate, and it shows pressure changes during interesting events even if it isn't calibrated to the nth degree.

This looks interesting for the pollutant measurements - but not really for 'weather' as such.

Home Sec: Let us have Snoop Charter or PEOPLE WILL DIE


I don't think it is the Home Secretary that is ever in charge, that is the problem.

Civil servants come to whoever is the current incumbent with all sort of scary stuff which frightens them into making these decisions.

The previous government were just as bad (if not worse) on the snooping, but I expected this one to tell them to sod off rather more. Sadly I was wrong. Hopefully some of the more libertarian members of the Tory party will decide to vote against.

20 years of GSM digital mobile phones


Re: Ahhh...

Nope. Which is why I still use it!

BBC in secret trial to see if you care about thing you plainly don't


Re: They should clearly axe the obsolete standard

200 million plus radios for the tip (for example, I have 6 FM radios in use at home).

A large increase in energy consumption.

For what, exactly?

Fossil reveals spider in mid-strike


Re: The wasp is a relative of species which today are parasites on both spiders and their eggs.

Parasitic wasps are really really nasty. I believe John Hurt played the part of the spider/caterpillar in a film once...

Curiosity parks for a day, looks back in wonder


Re: @Annihilator

Yes, in the sense that North has nothing to do with the magnetic field.

No, in the sense that the axis of the Earth's rotation does in fact wobble around a small amount...


Apple: You'd want hi-fi streamage from us, not poor-people Wi-Fi audio


Re: "...stream music over-the-air directly to audio equipment - without the need for Wi-Fi."

Lol, very good. My N900 has an FM transmitter...sadly restricted in range not by technology but by regulations.

It is compatible with more devices than this will ever be.

Deadly pussies kill more often than owners think


Re: Vermin

I have a PIR linked up to a solenoid valve and a sprinkler. Cats soon get the idea and avoid the area - so the area changes regularly...

Suprising how fast they can move and how high they can jump.

US county named 'area of outstanding natural stupidity'


Re: Washington?

Rainy? You've obviously never been the the UK if you think most of Washington is wet. I thought it quite pleasant.

Did someone from Kitsap design their local link to Seattle?


Nokia after the purge: It's so unfair


Nokia is dependent on Microsoft

Microsoft would probably like to acquire Nokia

Where's the incentive for Microsoft to deliver something decent? Surely if they delay a bit, they'll be able to buy it all cheaper?

May 2012 was second warmest on record. The warmest? 2010


Yes, you are right. I'm sure I saw it as colder when I checked a week or two ago. Maybe I got confused with April, which was definitely below average, but still led to a red dot on the map:



My personal weather station was below average for May, though.


May was 0.3C below average in England (the CET series) - the warm period at the end rescued it from being much worse.

How this converts to a red dot I have no idea at all.

I don't think sea temperatures were particularly high either.

Nokia's Great Software Cleansing scrubs off everything since the '90s


Re: Shareholders?

The 6310i was discontinued in 2005, you know? It still works perfectly as a phone, and is far better made than today's offerings (of pure phones). Probably because it was made in Germany, not China.

The N900 may not have been a proper commercial offering but its the closest thing to an open source phone you'll get. Its a shame Meego/Harmattan was binned.

I can't offer any opinion on Symbian.



Never mind shareholders voting down CEO pay packages - can't they just vote out the CEO?

I don't understand why this hasn't happened.

I have an N900 and a 6310i, and I'll keep using them until they stop working. I'm not likely to buy another Nokia. Ever.

Jeremy Hunt 'sympathetic' to Murdoch's BSkyB bid


Well argued response there.

Which part is incorrect?

The BBC is the largest broadcast media organisation in the UK?

It was the most active media lobbyist?

"12.53pm: Blair says the strongest lobbying from a media group during his 10-year premiership was from the BBC over the licence fee"

It lobbied against the deal?

"Cable also received lobbying from groups including the BBC, the TUC, media firm Enders, the Guardian, BT and Capital Research Management."

The BBC constantly tells people how good its output is, and how the licence fee is worth every penny? Some people don't agree yet are forced to pay for it if they want a TV?

People pay for Sky TV?

Big Brother

Hunt is toast, and no doubt rightly, but there is a 1000lb gorilla sitting in the corner cheering from the sidelines.

Who is the biggest media organisation in the UK? Who, according to reports of a previous PM, is the biggest and most active lobbyist? Who lobbied for the deal to be stopped and is now reporting on it in a supposedly 'neutral' capacity?

Big Brother BBC, who else.

"We must have the licence fee, because everybody loves the BBC so much that the government should force them to pay for us. Everybody hates Sky so much that they voluntarily pay ££/month to watch their totally dreadful output."

Best place for a TV is in the bin, anyway. That's where mine is.

Only global poverty can save the planet, insists WWF - and the ESA!


Good call. The BTO is a genuine charity that supports scientific work.

The RSPB seems to exist to support its employees and its income stream more than anything else.

Cameron's F-35 U-turn: BAE Systems still calls the shots at No 10


Re: £57million

Given the likely cost of running the F35B, NOT destroying them might have a greater economic impact...

Home Sec: Web snoop law will snare PAEDOS, TERRORISTS


The neighbours unencrypted wifi just got more tempting ;-)

UK.gov to unveil reborn, renamed net-snoop plans in Queen's Speech

Big Brother

Dave and his crew were against this last time. What happened?

There are two constants here - the civil service and the EU.

We need some leaders who can tell both to take a running jump.

Antimatter asymmetry: new results bring solution closer


Re: Bubble

Nah. Someone chucked a rock into a 14 dimensional pond. We're just the waves on the 13 dimensional surface.

Google promises 0.001 of revenue to free the slaves

Black Helicopters

We're all slaves.

The government take about 50% of my earnings on threat of kidnap if I don't comply. I have signed no contract with them to say they can do this.

The Lord of the Manor took less from his serfs.

The moment a computer crash nearly caused my car crash


Not just limp mode

I had a VW that cut out completely due to an overheating relay. (Relay 109 if you must know). It provided power to the computer, so when it cut out the engine cut out completely, regardless of where you were (Motorway, wherever). There were no fault codes shown because the computer was switched off before it could raise one.

Of course, once then ignition was off for a minute, it would start again and the car would behave as if nothing had happened.

Fortunately there were plenty of others who had experienced this, and posted the solution online, so I replaced it with a new one (which, funnily enough, was much better built).

Maybe cars should have redundant systems - be interesting to know what the extra expense might be.

Greenland 'lurched upward' in 2010 as 100bn tons of ice melted


That's an interesting point.

Loss of sea ice = no sea level rise.

Loss of land ice - we've always been told there would be sea level rise. But...if the land rises as a result, and the sea floor drops - is that really the case? As Greenland is almost entirely ice covered, and surrounded by sea, the ice will raise the sea level by displacing the sea bed upwards, by a volume close to its weight. Once in the sea, it does the same.

So if the whole of Greenland melted out, would there be any sea level rise in the long run?

This obviously wouldn't work for continents not completely (or almost completely) covered in ice, as it might be that some surrounding land sinks instead.


Is the rebound that quick? I thought Scotland was still rebounding now, 10,000 years after the last ice age. Oh, and London is still sinking, too.

Japan, Russia in plan for elephant to birth CLONE MAMMOTH


Can we have a Dodo and a Great Auk whilst they are at it? Though I suppose someone would have to find a frozen one, as the DNA will have degraded otherwise.


Just to see one would be interesting enough. I doubt there will be a re-introduction programme.

Global warming much less serious than thought - new science


The desertification of the Sahel has mostly been caused by deforestation and overgrazing, not climate change. There have been periodic droughts in that region for a long time.

Similarly in China, it is deforestation that this the major problem.

Poor land use is a much bigger problem than a couple of degrees of warming.

Vacuum cleaner set Swedish nuke plant on fire


Who was in charge of the swab counting system? Did the Junior doctor fall asleep again?

Eurozone crisis: We're all dooomed! Here's why

Thumb Up

Good one. Guess yours are from a week or so later...


I have 3 million Reichsmark from the 1920s in the loft which say that Germany won't print money.

Let the Italians do it on their own.

New tap turns water into super-cleaning potion


The title is optional

I sincerely hope there aren't any _heavy_ water areas.

Results in on why life, the universe and everything exists


Who is to say the whole universe isn't a blind alley.

Anyway, my guess is that there is a mirror universe running 'backwards' in time where physicists are asking the same question and running the same experiment with their negative protons.

Earth escapes obliteration by comet


The 50 megaton Tsar Bomba set off over London would make for a bad day.

The sun hits the earth with roughly the same amount of energy every second.

Its not how much energy that matters, its what it ends up doing.
