* Posts by Coen Dijkgraaf

90 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jul 2011


If NatWest texts you about online banking fraud, don't click the link

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: This might be on the rise.

"stuff my trousers full of banknotes, and flown back"

Make sure you declare if you are carrying more than NZ$10,000 or more in cash, or foreign equivalent, otherwise they will catch you with the money sniffing dogs


Solution to tech bros' disgust of SF homeless people launched

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: Ah that's sweet

Another anti-homeless system that some places have implemented are "anti homeless sprinklers", basically a motion sensor with a timer linked to a sprinkler so that out of business hours it will start spraying water if someone stays too long in an alcove so to prevent homeless people from sleeping there. In some jurisdictions they were forced to take them down again.

Will IT support please come to the ward immediately. Weeeee have a tricky problem

Coen Dijkgraaf

Oily dust bunnies

I was once sent out to inspect a XT PC at a Bus Engineering Depot (where they maintain & repair buses). Apparently the PC had problems printing and odd things happening on the screen. I opened it up and had a look and found it had a inch deep layer of oily dust covering the entire motherboard. I was surprised it was still working at all. As at that time XT's were obsolete, when asked if it was worth repairing I responded, "No, it will be cheaper just to replace it".

Hacking Team hacked: Spyware source code torrent blurts govt customers

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: "claiming to only deal with ethical governments"

"which ones are those then?"

The ones where the politicians remain bought.

Amazon enrages authors as it switches to 'pay-per-page' model

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: [redacted] Amazon

- Authors will try to make their books as long as possible, without quite putting off the reader, so they get paid more.

Pirate Party founder: I wanna turn news into a series of three-line viral gobbets

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: The Consumer.

@Mongo Maybe post what you remember of the story in http://scifi.stackexchange.com/ tagged story-identification and someone will be able to identify it for you.

'All browsing activity should be considered private and sensitive' says US CIO

Coen Dijkgraaf

Except the Government is not worried about what snooping they do via NSA, just what other people do.

The NSA probably has direct access to those servers anyway and doesn't need to break SSL.

Watch a hot, speeding space alien explode all over Earth's Beaver

Coen Dijkgraaf


Try disabling Flash in your browser and you do get a non-flash version.

Holy sh*t! Amsterdam man in pop-up public toilet shock horror

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: MEH!

Nope nobody was driving the scooter, reading the original Dutch article, the scooter was parked on top of the underground toilet.

"Bovenop het ondergrondse toilet stond een scooter"


"On top of the underground toilet was a scooter"

Fake antivirus scams: It's a $120m business – and alleged ringleaders have just been frozen

Coen Dijkgraaf

So the companies might stop trading

I suspect that some of the people behind the companies are probably already setting up or running new companies doing the same old things.


The only way to be sure is to nuke them from orbit


Win a year’s supply of chocolate (no tech knowledge required)

Coen Dijkgraaf

Country Restrictions

@Sebastian A

I think it probably is UK only due to the fact that the entry form has no field for Country.

Google to feed machines with evidence of human physical weaknesses – and that's a good thing

Coen Dijkgraaf
Black Helicopters


Hopefully data protection has been thought about or we can look forward to a society like portrayed in the film Gattaca.

Space station 'nauts will use URINE-FUELLED ESPRESSO MACHINE

Coen Dijkgraaf

Infinite Improbability Drive?

I thought a good hot cup of tea is what you needed for interstellar travel.

Kiwis unplug supercomputer after intrusion

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: Wait....

Yep, an IBM Power 575 supercomputer http://www.niwa.co.nz/videos/fitzroy-niwas-new-supercomputer

Not in the top 500 list of supercomputers though.

Bitcoin blockchain allegedly infected by ancient 'Stoned' virus

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: the whole message

The rest of the output should have been the phrase "Legalise Marijuana", however due to a bug in the virus it never actually displayed that text but would crash and freeze your machine instead.

As I recall the bug was when it attempted to draw and ASCII art Marijuana.

Apple files patent for typo-sensing buttons

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: Sorry Dave.

Or an Apple response "You are pressing it wrong"

HALF of all Bitcoin-investing Winklevoss twins predict $400bn market for the currency

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: Two words about Satoshi Nakamoto...

"I rather agree that more crypto currencies could arise"

There are already other crypto currencies, e.g. litecoin https://litecoin.org/

XBOX One SHOT DEAD by Redmond following delivery blunder

Coen Dijkgraaf

In New Zealand the Xbox One is guarded by sharks


And no, they don't have frickin' laser beams attached to their heads

Google preps Chrome password-blab bug fix

Coen Dijkgraaf

Hopefully they will remember to password protect the flag as well.


Surf to chrome://flags/#enable-password-manager-reauthentication


Surf over to chrome://settings/passwords,

Click on a starred-out saved website password and click on "Show";

Rinse and repeat down the list.

Voila, you can see his or her passwords in plain text.

Japanese boffins unveil INVINCIBLE robot rock, paper, scissors 'bot

Coen Dijkgraaf

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

But can it do Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?

Windows 8.1: Read this BEFORE updating - especially you, IT admins

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: No ISO?

There are ISO's available for the Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Widows 8.1 Embedded from MSDN.

In fact if you are running Windows 8.0 Enterprise the upgrade does not appears in the Windows Store.


Forget Mars: Let's get someone on the Moon – NASA veteran

Coen Dijkgraaf

All energy eventually becomes heat

So he is proposing to capture sunlight that strikes the moon, convert it to energy and then pump it down to Earth? All energy eventually becomes heat. So unless other power generation on Earth is retired and replaced with this energy coming from the moon (not going to happen), then he is adding more heat to Earth. Ever heard of Global Warming?

Roses are #f00, violets are #00f. This witty code is a boffinry breakthrough

Coen Dijkgraaf

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

Sound like they are trying to create Mike from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress who is a HOLMES IV ("High-Optional, Logical, Multi-Evaluating Supervisor, Mark IV") computer that also developed a sense of humour.

Texas man charged in multimillion-dollar Bitcoin Ponzi scheme

Coen Dijkgraaf



Bing uncloaks Klingon translator

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: Dujeychugh jagh nIv yItuHQo

Yes I got that too, and it's auto-detect of Klingon doesn't work either, it usually thinks it is either Hungarian or French.

Unlucky for you: UK crypto-duo 'crack' HTTPS in Lucky 13 attack

Coen Dijkgraaf

A bit of client-side malware is needed

If you need some client-side malware to exploit this, why would you go to the trouble of decrypting SSL traffic when you could just have your malware capture the information before it is encrypted?

Hackers squeeze through DVR hole, break into CCTV cameras

Coen Dijkgraaf

Photos ^H^H^H^H^H^H Videos

or it didn't happen.

NoSQL's CAP theorem busters: We don't drop ACID

Coen Dijkgraaf

key value sore?

Sounds like a open wound to me.

(That typo is supposed to read "key-value store" as per later on in the article).

Texan schoolgirl expelled for refusing to wear RFID tag

Coen Dijkgraaf

She might also have been objecting to the barcode containing a hidden number of 666.

Don't believe me? Do a search in your favorite search engine for "number of the beast barcode"

Humans becoming steadily STUPIDER, says brainiac boffin

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: The Marching Morons by Cyril M. Kornbluth

Yes, Cyril M. Kornbluth did write a short story called "Little Black Bag", I haven't read it though.

The story is available as part of the Gutenberg project.


Coen Dijkgraaf
IT Angle

The Marching Morons by Cyril M. Kornbluth

"The Marching Morons" is a science fiction story written by Cyril M. Kornbluth, originally published in Galaxy in April 1951

It describes a world where intelligent people having less children than dumb ones and hence just getting out-bred, and without natural selection eliminating enough of the dumb people before they can procreate (e.g. earning a Darwin Award) the same genetic concept applies.

So this theory is hardly a new one.

India crowned global spam-spewing zombie king AGAIN

Coen Dijkgraaf


www.ProjectHoneyPot.org also list India as the top offender recently, however the ranking of the rest is quite different.

Top Spam Server Countries (last 30 days)

#1 [India] India (27.3%)

#2 [Saudi Arabia] Saudi Arabia (7.1%)

#3 [Vietnam] Vietnam (6.9%)

#4 [Peru] Peru (5.8%)

#5 [Brazil] Brazil (4.6%)

#6 [China] China (4.2%)

#7 [Kazakhstan] Kazakhstan (4.2%)

#8 [Turkey] Turkey (3.0%)

#9 [South Korea] South Korea (2.5%)

#10 [United States] United States (2.3%)

#11 [Romania] Romania (2.1%)

#12 [Russia] Russia (2.0%)

#13 [Pakistan] Pakistan (2.0%)

#14 [Great Britain] Great Britain (1.7%)

#15 [Colombia] Colombia (1.5%)

#16 [Argentina] Argentina (1.5%)

#17 [Mexico] Mexico (1.4%)

#18 [Italy] Italy (1.3%)

#19 [Poland] Poland (1.3%)

#20 [Germany] Germany (1.3%)

#21 [Taiwan] Taiwan (1.1%)

#22 [Iran] Iran (1.1%)

#23 [Spain] Spain (0.9%)

#24 [Chile] Chile (0.9%)

#25 [Morocco] Morocco (0.9%)

Apple's Dutch Galaxy Tab ban shot down by The Hague

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: Whats the Beatles record label got to do with all this?

And when the name dispute got taken to court, agreed never get into the music business.

Then broke that agreement by launching such products as the iPod & iTunes and got taken back to court again.

India asks Facebook and friends to screen content

Coen Dijkgraaf

But he emphasised that there were things on the internet that "any normal human being would be offended by".

Implying that anyone who isn't offended by the things he finds offensive isn't normal? I find that offensive!

SpyEye banking trojan: now with SMS hijacking capability

Coen Dijkgraaf

Re: Time to move to voiceprint with spoken PIN.

I think it wouldn't take long before the Trojan programs would then record you speaking the PIN and send it of to be re-used. Even if you make it a one time PIN they could put together a sound file with the stolen PIN if they had enough samples of your voice.

Yahoo, Microsoft's Bing display toxic ads

Coen Dijkgraaf

Bing sucks soo much..

"Try also to search for "microsoft security essentials" on Bing using IE. The first two links are malware sites. If you use Firefox it behaves differently"

I tried it on both IE and Firefox, and the only difference was introduced by Ad Block Plus. Without Ad Block Plus Firefox also showed same site adds as IE.

There are a few that I doubt are legit (a bit of Google search on the names makes them very likely to be malware site).

Space junk at 'tipping point', now getting worse on its own

Coen Dijkgraaf

"to monitor and tack space debris"?

What clever scientist worked out a way of tacking objects in orbit to the fabric of space?

Android app logs keystrokes using phone movements

Coen Dijkgraaf

Is this too obvious?

I would think the obvious solution would be to allow only the active in focus application to get feeds from the Gyroscope & camera, the same as they only allow the active and in focus application to access the keyboard buffer.

Amazon cloud hosts nasty banking trojan

Coen Dijkgraaf

This is no suprise

Many webmaster have seen all sorts of bad traffic originating from the amazonws for several years.

Search for "amazonaws.com plays host to wide variety of bad bots" to show a thread that has been going since 2009 on the topic.

Rustock zombies halved as clean-up efforts continue

Coen Dijkgraaf

Where spammers get your email address from

Spammers source their target e-mail addresses in various ways

1) Harvested from websites (see proof at Project Honey Pot http://www.projecthoneypot.org/home.php )

2) Harvested from Domain Registration information (I get some SPAM to an e-mail address I've only used as the contact for my domain).

3) Dictionary attacks (trying different names at a Domain)

4) Compromised web mail accounts (harvesting their address book etc.).

5) Dodgy sites that sell the e-mail lists

6) Compromised personal computers (harvesting their address book etc.).

7) Harvesting e-mail addresses from mailing lists

8) By compromising databases that contain e-mail addresses.

Do a Google search for "where do spammers get my email address from" and you will find many pages that will list those and more.
