Re: Incredible...
Yep, 2000 or so of them.
Won't be buying a Mac any time soon.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2011
Not a mention of wave power and I don't know too much about it myself so I can't be specific. Unlike biomass and wind power though, it seems from this layman's perspective that it's pretty reliable and doesn't apparently cost an arm, a leg and your firstborn. You know, the tide comes in and then lo and behold it goes out again only to return later.
Surely that's a good thing and could be harnessed quite successfully.
There are also rivers for small water turbine power that's more or less free. The water flows one way mostly unless physics is completely messed up so that seems like a local alternative to take some of the strain. I do know that the greenies stated that we couldn't possibly have small local water based power because that would be a blight on the landscape.
I could be talking through my nether regions about the above so I'm quite happy to be educated in the finer aspects by those in the know.
This one will will live in the annals of internet history for a good while. Just how many red faces and face palm gestures were happoening at vulture central I can only imagine.
This will definitely keep me grinning for a day or two.
Now to keep my eyes open for the practical joke from one wise assed Register reader with a Penchant for evil fun.
I really cannot add anything to the discussion because all the things I loath about the ribbon interface have already been said and in a much more erudite fashion.
I would just like to say that this means I'll probably have to stick with Windows 7 for the same amount of time I had to stick with Windows XP while Microsoft battles with the misfortunes of foisting yet another OS disaster on the public.
Will they ever learn?