When evidence of the spooks wading thru their data becomes evident, the clouds are going to vanish faster than a f#rt in a thunderstorm. Will be a great day for server vendors, and consultants again when they are inundated with work rebuilding corporate server rooms. Just a matter of time... What I find most amusing, however, is how everyone has dashed madly ahead into the clouds. It is the fad de jure, and you're too old fashioned, and not yuppie enough if you don't follow the crowd. I can't wait to watch it all go over a cliff!
Posts by Ottis
19 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jun 2011
Snowden didn't scare many out of US clouds says Forrester
Festive post-pub noshtastic neckfiller: HEARTY HOG MAW
Business is back, baby! Hasta la VISTA, Win 8... Oh, yeah, Windows 9
Bill Gates-backed SOLAR POO RAYGUN COMMODE unveiled
Blighty teen boffin builds nuclear reactor INSIDE CLASSROOM
Dell charges £16 TO INSTALL FIREFOX on PCs – Mozilla is miffed
Terrifying photo special: 'Electric Cannon' anal orgasmo-probe in use ... on a BULL
Sheesh - all that palava for such a small wad. The bar flies in New Zealand would not be impressed if that's all they got for their horse semen shots. I can just picture the scene - "Bruce, grab the jug and go be nice to Dobin again, the girls are thirsty!"
Vultures circle to feast on carcass of free remote desktop service LogMeIn
I don't think it is as much that the free is going away, but the way in which LogMeIn has pulled this switch. I remember when I set up a few PC's with it, I was promised free service until 2015. In my opinion, that was a contract. I don't really mind that they broke it, but the abrupt "F you" attitude theydisplayed is really unpleasant, and unnecessary. Would a month's notice, in a civil way, have broken their backs? I don't think so. At least we now know what their corporate attitude is, and I will steer very clear. With that kind of attitude, I would rather pay a bit more elsewhere.
Boeing bent over for new probe as 787 batteries vent fluid, start to MELT
Microsoft to RIP THE SHEETS off Windows 9 aka 'Threshold' in April
Thousands! of! Yahoo! Mail! users! driven! crazy! by! revamp!
Scientists to IPCC: Yes, solar quiet spells like the one now looming can mean Ice Ages
'Modern warming trend can't be found' in new climate study
Space truck Cygnus left idling outside ISS after data format snafu borks docking
Tesla tops $20bn as Elon Musk claims arm-wave design tech
Legal bible Groklaw pulls plug in wake of Lavabit shutdown, NSA firestorm
Euro fraud cops crush garlic tax evaders

With stupendous taxes like that on a silly thing like garlic, one can only shudder at the thought of taxes imposed upon important things like snails, white flags, and frogs legs! The exposure of this kind of draconian financial vampirism by the powers that be in the European Union cast light at long last upon why they are feverishly fermenting in this dreadful financial cesspool.