* Posts by Lallabalalla

633 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2011


Apple 'slashes iPhone 5 screen orders', tight-fisted fanbois blamed


It's a high end gadget

and since its release fares have gone up at above inflation - again - food & fuel prices continue to climb and I've just lost £130-something a month in child benefit. So a nice-to-have like this, or a newer bigger telly, or even a 2Tb NAS, are strictly in the some-other-time folder.

Luckily my current phone is an iPhone4* - over 2 years old and still looks and works like it was brand new. But id i did need a new phone it'd likely be a secondhand 4S not a new 5. Taller screen and slightly faster? Meh.

*Clearly that makes me a half-wit. I can live with that. In the land of the blind....

Apple may debut low-cost iPhone for emerging markets in 2013

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Re: great idea

No, nobody has seen how these people operate, because they only exist in your imagination.


Their days of innovating are done - for the present.

They're screwing the maximum out of their existing IP while they try to think of something new, which is not as easy as it may sound now that we've all got smart phones/tablets/music players/TVs etc etc. They will now leverage their existing IP into crap like this until the brand is as degraded (degrading?) as Harley, Triumph, Ferrari, Porsche, Burberry and all the rest.

But hey. It's a business, the shareholders will be happy and ultimately, so what?

Original technology companies are like buses, there'll be another one along in a while, though it may not come from the direction you expected.

Shame, really, still it was good while it lasted.

BT in ad slapdown after 'misleading' punters on fibre deployment dates


Yeah well even given an install date don't hold your breath. We had BT badgering us for a year to upgrade (at more than double our monthly cost) and I kept saying "no thanks". "But it's faster" "Don't care. It's fast enough" etc. Eventually they caved and said "we're upgrading you at no extra cost to yourself". That's more like it, since you want me to have it so badly.

3 phonecalls, 2 letters, 5 emails and 2 texts later, assuring us the engineer would arrive on some time/date in Dedcember - had to wait in ALL DAY - nobody turned up. Nobody phoned. Nada. *We phoned *them. "Oh it's an outside company, we've no idea. Do you want a tenner?". "No. Phone them and find out". "We can't,their phones aren't working" (I'd say off the hook more like). "We'll get back to you and arrange an appointment that's convenient for you".

I won't bother telling you how *that* went....

....Still waiting....

Segway daddy unveils DIY weight-loss stomach pump


Re: Wow, just wow!

Nah - there's no such thing as the wrong weather - only the wrong type of clothing.


SUCH a first world "problem"

That is all

Satnav-murdering Google slips its Maps into car dashboards


Re: Satnavs - The curse of modern driving

I think you'll find it was the driver who was the tool.

Traffic app Waze 'turned down Apple's $400m, wants $750m' - report


Re: doesn’t always give you the best route to a destination

Neither does my satnav, it always insists on taking me through Muswell Hill to the North Circular when there's a much quicker back route I use (while ignoring the device's pleas to turn around when possible).

Maybe I have an old one - what I'd really like is one that can learn your favourite routes/cut-throughs where appropriate and guide you the rest of the way from there.

The TomTom's great when you really don't know where you're going but it is always beaten by local knowledge, and has got me lost several times into the bargain anyway.

It's JUST possible, but Apple MIGHT not make an iWatch in 2013


Re: Apple Cuff Links.


Their days of innovating are done. They will now leverage their existing IP into crap like this until the brand is as degraded (degrading?) as Harley, Triumph, Ferrari, Porsche, Burberry and all the rest.

But hey. It's a business, the shareholders will be happy and ultimately, so what?

Original technology companies are like buses, there'll be another one along in a while, though it may not come from the direction you expected.

Shame, really, still it was good while it lasted.

What Compsci textbooks don't tell you: Real world code sucks


Re: Comment wisdom

Agree with that except that we write some performance critical code which can look very abstract - almost every line of code is commented because efficient code is not always as readable as one might like - but again, the the comment represents the logic - what we are seeking to achieve with the following line - and the code the implementation


Re: > Include some comments!

Self documenting code is fine, there is real no point using comments to state the totally obvious - but after many years of getting commenting wrong and (rightly) believing my efforts to be a waste of time for the reasons you state, I now firmly believe that a short comment above the method signature along the lines of: "the purpose of this block is to arrive at the optimum alpha value for [some specific thing]" - rather than stating something like "add param a to param b and take away the remaining value times some magic number declared const somewhere", which anyone reading the code can see for themselves.

That way you can see what the method is actually FOR which can be rather helpful if it turns out to be doing things wrong - while the wrongness can be addressed by first reading the code then stepping through it.

It's really the classic O-O separation of business logic from implementation detail. If you can't get that right your program's components *will be hard to refactor and very hard if not impossible to re-use.

St Zuck gives half a BEELLION DOLLARS in Facebook stock to charity

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Those share certificates...

They're the ones that come on a long roll around a cardboard tube packaged as "soft, strong and incredibly long"?


Re: Arithmetic fail

Surely that's only if the shares go up.

Isn't it more likely they will be worth diddley-squat?

So, you want to get closer to the workers with social media?

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You must be joking

This is the same as making your boss your "friend" on facebook. It's suicide.

Facebook to debut auto-play video ads in 2013


They are such greedy feckers

I will never understand why somebody who has more money than they could ever spend in a lifetime wants to quadzillion their stash to infinity.

It really is time somebody made a nice little site that could migrate all your posts and photos in from <wherever> and run a newsfeed-type thing, with enough (but no more) ads than necessary to maintain the site, pay everyone's wages and make the owners rich enough so they didn't have to do anything else if they didn't want to, but not so damn rich they look like Jabba The Hut.

The people who run these things are never satisfied until they have taken over the whole damn world, they're like Bond villains. I'm no socialist but the likes of Zuckerberg et al really bring out the rabid lefty in me.


Re: Angry Birds does it

Yeah well, "angry birds" does this too, these days


iPhone 5 launches in China, late and expensive. Chinese say 'meh'


RE: 2 million iPhone 5's

So this whole article is just plain old bullshit then? We Used to call that something else before lawyering-up went all wrong.

Nice one, Register. Let's have some more of this:

The UK Govt. Is Wonderful And Doing EVERYTHING Right.

The Technical Stuff Inside Computers Is Actually Icing Sugar And Fluff.

The Harry Potter Books Are Non-Fiction.

The Hobbit Is My Uncle


iPad mini to outsell iPad, get Retina Display? iPad to slenderize?



Rumour #1: Totally obvious, been saying that since day 1 and it's the reason I wouldn't get one when it came out, since v2 was always going to be the "proper" one. Slightly interesting that there may be "backlighting industry sources" though.

Rumour #2: Obvious again. Now that Apple have given up on innovating and just go for that tried and trusted model "milking it" thinner/lighter is about the only thing left. They've screwed up the iMac with their bulimic obession so now everything else must follow.

Rumour #3: No, Steve-O wasn't wrong. Then. Back when there was nothing much in tabletland the big 10" was the way to go. Now that everybody has one, a smaller one has become valid. Times change. Not on the forums here, obvs, but everywhere else. Said that before too, and I'll say it again, because it's my opinion and no-one can take that away from me, downvote all you like, troll-boys, so, flame on! :)

Taxpayers to cough for Comet staff redundo


Re: What a deal

Yeah, you can hope....

I hoped the same when I got made redundant shortly after joining a software company that lied to me about their future stability at both interviews (well no surprise really though it was just plain dirty) and then folded owing me £4,500 in wages with kid #2 well on the way.... I wasn't pleased. And from what I could glean on facebook and linkedin the directors had a pretty nice Xmas.

Hilariously (not) the final accounts showed that the administrators managed to realise almost exactly the same amount of cash during liquidation that they paid themselves for being the administrators.

London Blitz bomb web map a hit-and-miss affair


thanks to hitler

We live in an ex-local authority house in a part of London we could never have afforded otherwise as it was built to replace the (rather more expensive) houses destroyed by a german bomber jettisoning its bombs (apparently). It's an ill wind etc. however obviously tragic the original event was. Not that I'd ever say I owe a debt of gratitude etc as I'm sure we'd have found somewhere else to live if we'd had to.

Review: Apple iMac 21.5in late 2012



In nearly two years this has never come close to happening on mine. S0, er, NO IT WON'T.

Apple: 27-inch iMac won't ship until next year


Re: "...it's like saying everyone should buy Ford rather than BMW."

Since they all are liable to have "intel inside" it's more like the choice between a Mondeo and a Jag - or a Vauxhall and a Saab (if they still existed). I know which I'd rather have if I had to spend all day in it.


"Before making this backup, first run a virus scan"

Hopeless. Why should that be necessary? How long does that take? How often do you want to run a backup? Time Machine is always on, requires no attention from me so I can work uninterrupted, backs up silently and in 2 years I've never lost anything, just go back and get it.


Re: RE "Anyway are there any like-for-like non-Apple equivalents?"

Nice that you have the time. Some of us don't. Plus I got bored of building computers quite a few years ago, as it's trivially easy. Since having kids any "spare time" I have is spent sleeping!


Re: @JDX

What do you think I'm reading this on?

The only reason I even read this article is that I knew the trolls would be out in force. :)

Apple's iOS 6 maps STILL muddle Mildura


"There may be other messes waiting to be uncovered"

This isn't gettig fixed any time soon. I'd get used to it if I were you. Hardly news.

Apple ships 'completely redesigned' iTunes 11



that is all


Re: getting the status bar back

I bet all your other stuff is there: try CTRL + S to show the sidebar.....

I've pretty much got it back to how I liked it now: figuring out how to attach new album art took a few minutes though:

go to albums view

right-click -> show Info on the album that needs a cover

Drop a jpg into the Artwork panel on the Multiple Item Information dialog or double click the panel to choose.


Re: getting the status bar back

Or just ctrl + /



Re: Sync books still needs work

You are doing it wrong.

1. Check the box that says "manage my music manually".

2. Tick the boxes for the media you want on your phone.

3. Untick the boxes for the media you don't want on your phone.

4. Stop being a twit.

5. Buy a different phone.

Apple shares take biggest one-day hammering in 4 years


Re: Fashion?

That's the beauty of being a fashion item - you keep selling the new ones to people who already have the old ones despite the fact there's nothing wrong with one they have.

But I don't really subscribe to the view that Apple products are fashion statements for most people - since the people I know value longevity, ease of use and maybe TCO over always having the latest model. But I have no metrics for the rest of the world, this is only anecdotal.


Re: Whoodathunkdit??

"they outplayed many other phone companies" - I think they outplayed them all, actually! " One (in 3? different sizes) "... That's a good thing, right? Fragmentation, etc.

Agreed about the twats thing though it gives us something to rant about. And there may after all be method in that madness. - *may*.

I'd like a TV done by them - but I doubt I could afford it (read - I'm not spending that on a telly! I'm the kind of cheapskate that won't pay a SKY sub while there's freeview). B&O customers only need apply methinks.

And yes, when I say "a lot of people hate Apple" - that is - a lot of people on this forum. And some tree-huggers of course. And a few people in China. Hardly anyone in fact. But my point is that their reputation is not quite as shiny as their products, and tarnishing more as time goes by. I'd sure hate to work for them!


Re: Whoodathunkdit??

Well, there's also the guy that threw the other guy out of an interview because he had an iPhone. Don't forget him.


Re: Whoodathunkdit??

Apple are "great" in the sense of "very large" but a lot of people hate them for various reasons. In the UK there's a big awareness of tax-dodging now, though this won't affect their share price and probably won't affect sales either. But the reality is that they are rampant price-gougers and -skimmers who charge top dollar for products that are made as cheaply as possible: in other words, a completely normal multinational. Their marketing - particularly retail - is pretty slick, up there with other high-fashion brands.

They *were* on an amazing streak and that's been over for a year now. But as you say they've hit the end of the road: Not only has nothing new come out, they have degraded their existing lines in various ways : no optical drive on a so-called all-in-one iMac for example. Maps for another.

Personally I'd like to see them leverage their current inventory by getting into bed with some proper partner developers who match their style. Let's posit the idea of a super-clean looking CK wristwatch with built-in bluetooth iPod mini touchscreen and iPhone controller - not the clunky Sony idea but something really smart that would give Tag and Breitling a run for their money in the fashion stakes. OK maybe not CK but you get the idea. But Apple are too proud. It'll never happen.

It's very hard to come up with "what next". The genius of Apple's catalogue is that nobody knew they wanted these things - iPad, iPod touch et al - until they saw one. Then they became overnight must-haves. I don't think I've got the wild imagination required to think of "what next" (apart from my old email hat idea - but that's old tech now).

How about you lot. Apart from the usual "I'd like to see Apple drop off the face of the earth" trolls, what next for Apple?

Facebook invites users to vote away voting rights, some privacy


Re: No more people power

Well, unless you want to have a presence on just your own facebook (total members=1), use only the phone you built yourself which backs up to your own cloud server that you maintain, perform web searches by guessing urls until you get lucky, post comments on your own forum which just has you as a member and only buy stuff from the high street, then it's the only game in town.

Chinese student fails job interview because of iPhone


Re: Sounds like....

Could be that his phone is .... just a phone. You know, one that you pick up and use now and then, carry for emergencies, and - being an iPhone - one that you don't have to spend half your time tweaking and fiddling with to get it to work properly and keep updated and synced, leaving you free to actually - you know - do some work.

Mine's the one with the iPhone in the pocket.


"buy Chinese or keep your smartphone hidden". Really?

Where the hell did they think his iPhone was made? America??

Unlocked iPhone 5 on sale in US, cheaper than UK - but not cheap


Re: Some comparison...

...or Apple!

Harley allows Apple to use 'Lightning' brand on 'playthings'


The only valid Lightning motorbike is the BSA A65

Buell can take a hike.

Though I've always wanted a Buell, anyway. AND an A65.

APPLE goes on crazy, price-SLASHER Black Friday RAMPAGE

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Re: iMacs

They don't have any iMacs - they've already sold them all and there's not likely to be any new ones in stock yet. Resellers are in a similar position but *they* are not likely to get stock till after Xmas apparently, which is not pleasing them much...

I think I shall have to get down to Curry's to pick up one of the last generation ones to have a DVD-ROM drive before they all go - I have no interest in an all-in-one that requires peripherals as basic as a burner. It's thinner you say? Meh.

And as for the keyboard, it's easy enough to find the # symbol once you know it's called pound not hash. And find http://www.toogeektobetrue.com/mac/how-to-type-the-hash-symbol-in-mac/ even though they think it's called hash not pound... simples!

Apple stops Caring in Italy, probably all Europe soon


Re: The bit that's valuable

I would have loved to go direct but as I said in the post that you didn't bother to read properly but still feel qualified to criticise, couldn't.

Again, don't let a fact stand in the way of your own self-righteousness.

Lighter heads have lighter wallets already. So not my problem. Now - where did I park the Veyron?


Re: The bit that's valuable

Because I had an insurance voucher after a burglary and had no choice about where to buy it. As I said in the original post - I had to buy it there. That is *had* to buy it there meaning I had no choice as against *chose* to buy it there because I wanted to, if that's clear enough for your tiny brain :)

Again - don't let reading the post stop you....

By the way I believe the Americans call a shop a store. If that's too hard to understand don't go to America because you will starve. On second thoughts.....


Re: there are some advantages to apple care if you travel


I'm amazed at the number of complete dimwits on this site who think they are smart - and these are the people in charge of IT etc

Well, with the huge number of failed and immensely over-budget and under-spec IT projects in this country, I'm actually *not* so amazed, come to think of it :)

Oprah Winfrey too late to save Microsoft's Windows 8


Re: Windows 8 launch hasn't gone as expected for the world's largest software maker.

"Everyone who has an opinion"

there, fixed it for you.

Windows Phone 8 reboot woe causes outpouring of forum misery


Re: Reg Readers these days...

Haha! And to prove my point, who do you think downvoted me there? Actual LOL!


your iphone

is broken, mate. Or (jail)broken.Nobody else's does that. Sorry.


Re: Reg Readers these days...

Nah, we don't do that childish stuff, it's the fandroids.

Woz: Microsoft's innovation lead 'worries me greatly'


Re: Why?!?

Correction - most of the population do have a good idea now and then. Ideas are like arseholes, everybody has one. It takes soemthing really exceptional to develop that idea, to make it work in the real world and to actually create something that works and get it out there.
