* Posts by Lallabalalla

633 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2011


Malwarebytes declares Windows 'malicious', nukes 1,000s of PCs


Sophos free works very well....

...on my iMac.

I salute Lady THATCHER - Shoreditch's SILICON GODMOTHER


Last respects have all been paid

So from now on if you can't say anything good about Thatcher, feel free to continue. But, only if.


Re: I'm old enough

Couldn't agree more. The three day week - introduced in the United Kingdom by the Conservative Government 1970–1974 (Heath) to conserve electricity.

How I miss those heady days of miners and printworkers being coshed to the ground by baton-wielding police on horseback. Of every junction being overrun with "squeegees" and every park and underpass crammed with beggars and the homeless.

How I loved still having a job at a time of our highest ever unemployment, 15% interest rates and 21.7% inflation.

How I rejoiced at the American nuclear missile bases in our green-and-pleasant. How I applauded the sheilds of truth and swords of honour of those righteous members gallantly upholding all we revere as true - Parkinson, Clarke, Archer, Aitken, Major and Currie et al.

How I gagged as Gummer shoved BSE infected burgers down the throats of his own children.

Etc etc blah blah blah.

So, New Labour were little better, and things are even worse now, and things can always get worse, or better, YMMV. They all suck.

Eerie satnav boffinry claims it can predict THE FUTURE


Re: So in your worldview, anyone with a nice car is an arse

No - in my worldview, anyone with a German car is an arse. VW tend to be the exception that proves the rule (although this is a concept that doesn't actually exist as anything more thatn a concept) - but - BMW - AUDI - MERCEDES - you know what I'm talking about.

Just becuase my Zafira was *built* in Germany - well that doesn't count, obviously :)

Facebook struggling to find 'immersive' Home on Apple's iPhone


Apple will have to play along

No. No, they won't. They are still the richest corp on the planet with the most sucessful products and they can do what the hell they like.


But, but....

iPhone always looking like iPhone is exactly why I like them. I spend ZERO time configuring, tweaking, rooting, re-installing, rebooting, managing or otherwise doing ANYTHING with my phone apart from texting, emailing and making calls. Games? Got a few. Facebook? Got an app, it's enough already. Other apps? Loads, yeah, they all work fine thanks.

The day Apple do this will be a) a freezing day in hell, IMO and b) the day I try something else.

Microsoft brings back Windows watch after Apple seeks 'flexible' bod


There IS no compelling reason for a smart watch.

Because any and all of its functionality is readily available to hand in your phone, as has been noted.

A watch is primarily a piece of JEWELLERY. Of course it tells the time in a convenient way, but it has a look and a feel and every time you look at it your perceptions about yourself are re-affirmed before you even read the time.

Microsoft watch = "I'm a total geek and I don't care about anything apart from gadgetry even if that makes me look like a dick, because there's no such thing as looking like a dick."

Swatch/Guess/Robot/Moron/Bench watch = "I'm a fashion victim who is happy to pay £100+ for a $2 watch that looks a bit like a [chronograph/timepiece/whatever]"

Tag/Rolex/Omega/Breitling etc watch = "I buy into the brand and wish to be identified with it in some way as a discerning consumer i.e. a tosser with more money than sense"

Seiko watch = "I appreciate true horological achievment and the fine balance between engineering excellence, master craftsmanship and value".

While smart watches continue to look like shit no-one will buy them. So Apple may just have a chance to get this one right, as that is something they do well.

Smart metering will disrupt weather forecasts, warns Met Office


Re: "No thank you, I've probably already switched supplier several hundred times today."

"Epic", according to my 9yr-old, is exactly 1.6x better than "awesome".


Review: Kobo Arc Android tablet


10 hours?

I only get about that from my Kobo e-ink touch reader.

I am NOT a PC repair man. I will NOT get your iPad working


Re: "Risk Needs Analysis"

Well, you have to like licking penises.

Orange is the new TalkTalk of the broadband complaints league

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Re: TalkTalk customer service - cruel and unusual punishment

Totally agree. I now have BT who, for all their faults (and these are few now that I'm on FTTC), are approx 10^28 times better than TalkTalk.

TalkTalk. Worst. ISP. Ever.

A lightbulb that does IPv6: You know you want it



Also, they are dimmable :)

why is there an Apple forum?


Spot the obvious fail....

...because nothing ever goes wrong with Apple gear and it's all so perfect.

Apple share-price-off-a-cliff: Told you that would happen

Big Brother

Re: pathetically dependent?

Nobody - almost nobody - buys an iPad to do WORK on. It's a toy, a gadget, a contraption, a device, a gimmick, a knicknack.

You want to do some work? Quit reading The Register and get on with it.

Maybe don't install that groovy pirated Android keyboard


Re: Oh FFS..... What kind of ----tard

any android owner. You know - a regular cheapskate who wants everything to be free like music, films, apps etc etc, and won't stump up for an iPhone, which unjailbroken is the only secure smartphone platform.

Japan's rare earth discovery bad news for China's monopoly plans


Re: China is a problem

"what with all their invading of other countries, sabre rattling, dubious electoral process, capital punishment etc."

- why bring America into this?

Drunk driving: No more dangerous than talking on handsfree mobe

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Re: Tested a drivers skill...

Yes - you have to say "hang on a minute...", do the driving thing, then resume your conversation. Even a semi-evolved simian such as myself could manage that.

Samsung's new Galaxy S 4: iPhone assassin or Android also-ran?

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Re: Samsung Suck at Software

Yes. Yes they do. Always have.

Curiosity succeeds – Mars was wet enough for life!


Re: Assumptions

Yes those are the assumptions but you know what? Carbon and water behave the same everywhere in the universe, that's why the laws of physics - and thus the emergent properties known as chemistry - are called "universal".

This means that the complex molecules (amino acids, hormones etc) etc required to enable complex organisms like us to evolve are still going to be reliant on the ability of carbon to link stuff up in an almost infinite variety of ways and water to dissolve just about anything and hold it in solution.

The organisms thus produced don't have to be human. There's foxes, dogs, cats, eagles, Piers Morgan, to name but a few.

Ten ten-inch tablets

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expandable memory

I seem to have heard somewhere that apps can't be stored on expandable memory, which would mean that 1Gb onboard storage is going to look a bit short after 6 months even if none of it is taken up with your music/photos. Would this be right?

Also, carping about iCloud is a bit disingenuous since you can very easily use the dropbox and skydrive apps if you have stuff stored there. Which, I'm sure, every sensible person already does.

Useful review though, thanks. Just in time for the kids' birthdays.

Ten serious sci-fi films for the sentient fan


Dark Star - a serious comedy...

Don't tell me a comedy can't have a serious point to make!

Also agree with Total Recall, and actually, any Philip K. Dick should qualify - A Scanner Darkly?

Mozilla to Apple: we don't care about iOS


Re: While we're here


Here's the $4.99 utility that might just have saved Windows 8

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The more I read about win8

the less I want to get involved, either as a developer or as a user. I have work to do, believe it or not, and there's no way I'm devoting any time to this dog's dinner. What a mess!

Throttled customers rage over Virgin Mobile UK's tight cap


You lot are making O2 look positively idyllic

That's a first.

Farewell, Reg: This hack is hanging up her Apple jacket


All of the above

(apart from littledick_von_wha'evah)

Y'all have fun.

Virgin Mobile coughs to choking its customers

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The majority of their income from calls?

I think the majority of their income is from the contracts whereby you are charged for calls you never make - minutes that you never use. THAT is money for old rope.

Microsoft: You want Office for Mac, fanboi? You'll pay Windows prices


"...as Microsoft begins to compete with Apple in the hardware market. Microsoft's new Surface..."

HaHa! In your dreams Redmond. In your dreams.


Which alternative?

Do Open and Libre Office both require Java? Because prominent on Neo's website is the interesting fact....

• New Cocoa code replaces Java

Apple files 'iWatch' patent application


Whatever the hell it is

iWant one.

Microsoft: Office 2013 license is for just one PC, FOREVER


Re: Simples.

Is that the same Apple that charges £25-odd for a new OS, £6.99 for Pages which includes free updates virtually forever and the right to install it free on any device with your appleId?

Or some other Apple that exists in your head :)


Re: VMs (FFS)

And I have to be cognisant of all that just to write a friggin letter? "The hell I will."

Higgs data shows alternate reality will SWALLOW UNIVERSE


Re: Alternative view

Could be a rampant star-goat, of course.

Bill Gates: Windows Phone strategy was 'a mistake'



You might have thought it had shrunk. I thought it shrank.

A new Mac Pro coming this spring? 'Mais oui!'

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Re: hmm: Apple's decision to not offer iOS 6 for a two-year-old device

Is that the 2 year old device I have that's 3 years old and counting, that has just had iOS 6.1 successfully installed on it (iPhone 3Gs)? - *that* 2 year old device>>?

Plunging BT sales hit every branch of the biz on way down

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Re: Please........

If you don't plug in a phone and never make any evening & weekend calls you will suddenly find that you are being billed for your "free evening and weekend calls" facility, due to not having made any.

BT suck.

Customer service rep fired for writing game that mocks callers


Re: "You do the math."

Well I've done the math. $2300 in the first 2 days. $2600 in the first two weeks. $2600 in the next twenty years....

Is your Surface Pro a bit full? Slot in an SD card, it's not from Apple


My iPad has a near-limitless storage solution

In the vanishingly rare case of our 16Gb iPad being full (of what, exactly?) we have this thing called a "computer" which we "synch" to - removing archive data for long-term storage and adding anything new that might be wanted when mobile.

It's Magical! (tm)

Tablets aren't killing ereaders, it's clog-popping wrinklies - analyst


Re: E-Ink Screen

Unless they have a KOBO, which seems to have appalling battery life straight out of the box. Can get maybe 5 days (i.e. about 15 hours) out of mine. Or is that good?

Record numbers of you are reading this headline right now

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Record numbers of you are reading this headline right now

I'm not.

oh, wait.

‘Anonymous’ hacks Oz Uni’s email to protest bulk iPad buy


Apple is a locked down NIGHTMARE

And that's the big reason to use them, right there. No hacking. No viruses. No malware inserted along with your memory card... the iPad is PERFECT for the consumption of content: podcasts, videos, iTunesU, textbooks, magazines, flyers, info sheets, assignments, in short the endless list of required reading in one handly little package, all safe and sound with every wireless sync. And presumably backed up with the perfect warranty: corporate applecare - oh is it broken madam? Here, have a new one. No waiting, no fuss, just here you go, as you were.

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Re: What's the alternative?

And has anyone yet mentioned the extraordinary iTunesU content stream produced by the world's leading universities? An unparallelled resource directly available on an iPad. I don't think there is any Android resource anywhere that even comes within a billion lightyears of it.

Honestly, you apple-haters should really just .... oh go away :)

Google's JavaScript assassin: Web languages are harder than VMs


"Just because Dart is Google's baby, that doesn't mean Dart is a shoo-in."

Quite the opposite I'd have thought.

It stands a chance of adoption because it's OO, fast, scalable etc DESPITE having anything to do with the data-snaffling privacy bashers.

Look out, fanbois: One in two nicked mobes is an iPhone - cops


in 10 years iphones will look ... dated

REALLY? In 10 years EVERYTHING you now have will look dated - that is how things like "10 years" and other dates work.

You *really* think that the iPhone15 will look just like the iPhone1 - because the 5 is *so* similar to the iphone1 ... oh, wait.

On the upside, I expect my 3GS will *still* be working perfectly, look like new and be worth a good chunk of what I paid for it.


The reason iPhones get nicked

Simple - it's the market that dictates. They are worth more secondhand than anything else. They cost more to begin with and they have far higher residual value especially when unmarked - as they tend to be because they are high quality kit that is generally well looked after.

Security audit finds dev outsourced his job to China to goof off at work

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Nothing new here

Back in the day I ran a very small courier firm - just me and a few others on bikes - till we got bored of riding and got a cheaper firm to do our work for us while we sat in the cafe fielding calls and providing "quality assurance". Occasionally we'd knock out a few jobs ourselves, especially for a few key clients. Then we'd spend a merry hour each day in our rented office raising invoices, and go home.

Microsoft ends Mac users' Windows Phone 8 misery


Re: Surprising choice

Not really - I would actually consider a new windows phone because I quite like the look of the interface, and I don't have much use for apps over and above core functionality. But the overriding criteria is that I must be able to easily and quickly back it up, and sync it with the data I want. Naturally the iPhone is best for this. We all have them at home, because going all-Apple has cut my home IT support duties down from dozens if not hundreds of hours a year to a handful - especially when things go wrong and a file goes missing or a phone appears to lose something. The worst that seems to happen these days is iOS losing appointments out of the calendar. This is actually pretty serious, but it's the only negative that seems to be affecting us right now.



It's pretty clear that the only people who really know anything about macs are those people who actually owned or owned one. Is this stating the obvious? Because an awful lot of people who have clearly never even considered buying one have some pretty weird ideas about what they can do and how they work. All I can say is - YOU WEREN'T THERE, MAN. You don't KNOW!

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Re: Surprising choice

No - it makes you too difficult for the hard-of-thinking to classify, and thus, unrepresentative.

Apple 'slashes iPhone 5 screen orders', tight-fisted fanbois blamed


Re: So let's get this straight

Yeah, well. Hope springs eternal.
