* Posts by Lallabalalla

633 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2011


Facebook pays INFINITELY MORE UK corp tax than in 2012


If you were a shareholder

you wouldn't question the fact that shares have gone up from 52 to 79, or how that happened.

Computer misuse: Brits could face LIFE IN PRISON for serious hacking offences


Re: "Serious Crime Bill"?

They did a remake - the original was still the 2 Ronnies but with Cleese in The Frost Report. In black and white!

OnePlus One cut-price Android phone on sale to all... for 1 HOUR


Nothing on earth would induce me to buy from this company

They are utter, utter Hoxtons. I thought Apple were bad enough.

FYI: OS X Yosemite's Spotlight tells Apple EVERYTHING you're looking for


Re: I've had enough

Send it to me, I'll give you £20 for the evil spying death machine**

**totally brilliant laptop


Re: Same as iOS 8

"It's for searching you local harddrive."

Of course it is. Or was - now it's for both, and it saves me the trouble of opening a browser and searching Google as well as my local drive. Though it returns Bing results - which IIRC also returns Google results, or used to (?) so I may have to google as well, anyway - but, I'm pleased it does this.

I can understand why the tin-hat brigade, crims, terrorists and kiddie-pornsters would object. Personally I couldn't give a stuff.

Downvote me all you like - I even prefer targeted adverts, because I'd rather see ads for things I'm interested in than stannah stairlifts, trouser presses and goldfish tiaras.

So sue me.

Apple's new iPADS have begun the WAR that will OVERTURN the NETWORK WORLD


Re: Very worrying!

Very hard to tell at this stage whether the soft sim is the answer to your prayers or your worst nightmare.

I suppose worst case is you'll have to carry around 5 handsets - rather good news for *somebodys business model - but surely this is precisely the scenario the soft sim was intended to prevent?

iPad AIR 2 and iPad MINI 3, 5K iMac: World feels different today – and it IS


"Nothing 'new ' here that gives me a reason"

Nobody asked you to. Move along now.

Martha Lane Fox: Yeuch! The Internet is made by men?!?


Re: Utopian drivel

Presumably electronic ones *can't be spoiled.... so you have to vote for *someone even if you hate them all :(

Apple hit by INSIDER LEAK: New iPad Mini 3, iPad Air 2 blabbed


Re: I don't get the fuss

"There is really nothing about these new ipads that make them worth upgrading to" ...... That depends on which iPad - if any - you currently use. I still have an iPad1 and while I probably will be upgrading it one day, that isn't going to happen any time soon unless my DS drops it in the bath. (tempting fate here, I know).

I don't know where this myth that there are millions of rabid consumers out there who instantly buy everything the day it's released and eBay the old one comes from, but I'm pretty sure that it *is* a myth, perpetrated by those grinches with a cheap point to make and no other way to justify it.

So actually, there IS no fuss. There will always be a few with more money than they know what to do with who upgrade every year, but again - a few. Probably just Stephen Fry and his mates.


Re: ** Yawn **

What would you have them make instead? Really, though?

Sway: Microsoft's new Office app doesn't have an Undo function


Re: Cards, text... this is basic stuff

I see from the downvote that the m$ shill is alive and well


Re: Unswayed

I dunno - we could all stand around and wave "byebye"


Cards, text... this is basic stuff

Should be titled "My First Web App", this is the sort of stuff 14 year olds are doing for their ICT coursework. and from the sound of it, doing it better.

And - Powerpoint?? For dinosaurs, and the Very Boring. Anyone with an ounce of savvy uses Prezzy these days.

Virgin Media DOUBLE-PUNCHED by BSkyB AND BT over ad fibs


Re: up-to: the scurge of advertisement.

I don't like their set top box either: A friend had one and half the EPG is missing in favour of advertising about crappy virgin "must-have" programming and services. You can't see what is actually on, and the VM stuff is "sticky" at the top of the listings so you're constantly in danger of clicking on the damn thing by mistake.

Freeview rules! Add a "smart TV" (there's an oxymoron for you!) which has built-in catch-up apps from the Beeb, C4 etc and you're good to go. Usually able to plug in a USB stick if you're desperate, though you can usually only record what you're watching as AFAIK there aren't too many twin-tuner TVs out there.


Re: Incomplete information

No it doesn't, I'm pretty sure. I get 50mb broadband and "Talk Unlimited" (which isn't really of course - and which we hardly ever call out on) for £23.50 - but then there's £15.99 whacked on top for the line rental.


I have VM fibre optic broadband: we have a cable coming directly into the house, not a particle of copper in sight. Steady at 50Mbps for 8 months, and holding.

You'll only get FTTC if they don't have an FO cable laid in your street that they can run a spur from.

Coughing for 4G, getting 2G... Networks' penny-pinching SECRETS REVEALED


Survey rated O2 highly?

Really? survey by whom? And compared to what exactly? No signal at all?

Zippy one-liners, broken promises: Doctor Who on the Orient Express


Look on the bright side

at least we didn't have to allow for the inexplicable lezzie lizard woman, her slave maid lover and that annoying rough mechanical phil mitchell lookalike. WTF are they all about anyway?


Bring back a "Leela"

Speaking of Tom Baker....we could really do with a genuinely strong female asst. who makes decisions, goes off-piste, has an effect on the storyline and isn't a complete drip. IMO.

Women, your 'superpower' is ... NOT asking for a raise: Satya Nadella


Re: the real wow

No he didn't - he claimed to have "said it wrong", not that "it" was wrong. Then he put the onus on "the industry" to put things right instead of taking responsibility to do this himself as head of a huge corporation. He's a weasel dickwad CEO same as the rest of them.

I call shill.

Ello, 'ello, what's all this then? We take a spin on the new social network driving everyone loopy


Invite me, I won't come

12 trendy twats in a small room who don't talk to each other? My idea of hell. I used to work in Hoxton, that was enough.

Emma Watson should 'shut up, all this abuse is her own fault'


Re: Who cares about Emma Watson?

That's funny - I thought she was self-conscious, stilted and wooden as an actress whose only real qualifications for the job were that she was a) available b) willing and c) looked like Hermione Granger, but now she's making a rather splendid grown-up who I hope will go far in the mould of say, Shirley Temple.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus: GORGEOUS FAT pixel density - but it's WASTED


5 months is the new 2 years?

"Also, apple fanbois buy the new phone each time it comes out, my work colleague got an iphone 5 10 months ago, and now, not even needing a 6, she bought one"

If she got a 5 10 months ago she clearly DIDN'T get one as soon as it came out, now did she. Your argument fails.

iPhone 6: Most exquisite MOBILE? No. It is the Most Exquisite THING. EVER


I don't get it

Very funny, but I could just read the Fry article, it's just as ludicrous.

And, I feel *really* sorry for Roberto.

iOS 8 Healthkit gets a bug SO Apple KILLS it. That's real healthcare!


After what happened after AerialGate....

we can expect to see a few CVs being dusted off I wouldn't wonder.

First Irish boy band U2. Now Apple pushes ANOTHER thing into iPhones, iPods, iPads


Re: "old" iPad 2?

That's not facetious, it's great news. If only they'd stop bothering my iPhone4 with the opportunity to update to iOS7, too.

iPhone 6 flip tip slips in Aussie's clip: Apple's 'reversible USB' leaks



We've heard of them.

"The nice thing about standards is there are so many to choose from" :)

Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4: 4G Android tablet is easy to swallow


Re: Facebook

Easiest solution: save £££ by not buying a tablet, and get an A5 diary and a nice pen :)


Re: It's also a phone!

Plus you can always just use a handsfree or headphones to avoid the channeling-Dom-Joly look.

One of those nifty bluetooth/plugin retro telephone handsets might be the thing!


Re: Whither Nexus 8@ FartingHippo

You can send it away and have the battery done for £30 with a guarantee on the work.... worth a go at that price I'd have thought.

My current car - which I bought last year, and it's a bit of a dud and I'm pissed off with it - needs about £1200 of work doing to it (tyres, inlet manifold, cambelt) so I considered replacing it with something newer/nicer. But apart from the newer/nicer carrot, I'm thinking why trade in and spend an additional £8000 on a new (s/h, always) car so I can save £1200? Doesn't quite add up!

iWatch 'due November'... Y'all know what time it is? Now you do


Overhyped iWatch?

I think the most hyped non-product has to be the Apple TV Set, after all the iWatch *may actually exist some day soon.

Phab-u-less: Huge MONSTER iPhone 6 not due until 2015 – claim


Re: I for one

Maybe you should give the iPhone's mail client another go. My wife's 5 has got a pop3, an M$ Exchange IMAP and a gmail (IMAP AFAIK) account all living together happily.

LG unfurls flexible SEE-THROUGH 18-inch display


If I had a semi-transaprent display

... I'd be able to see the fugly radiator which my telly currently hides rather well.

What's it like using the LG G smartwatch and Android Wear? Let us tell YOU


I'm not sure there *is a killer app for the smartwatch.

There might be - I'm not the person to dream it up, after all, back in the nineties I thought eBay was pants and would never catch on - channeling the guy who turned down the Beatles, there - so I'd love to be wrong. The best reason to own a smart watch so far is - as someone said - "to own a smart watch" :) Which means I may well get one, if I can resist the proper watch I've been thinking about (Seiko Sk009J, if you were wondering).

REVEALED: Reg trails claw along Apple's 'austerity' 21.5-inch iMac


Re: Mundane, these days, includes home videos

Well, they may have fixed the memory management on the latest iMovie as it has changed a lot from the version that shipped with my original spec (pre mavericks). The problem with 4Gb ram was not running iMovie per se, it was when iMovie started up and tried to load my 8,000+ photos and 500Gb of movie files into the asset browser, and when trying to flip through these assets to find the bits I wanted to use.

Perhaps 8Gb would have sorted it, but when I asked the shop to upgrade it to 8Gb they actually put *an extra* 8Gb in, making 12Gb in total. That fixed it :)

Still, YMMV.


Mundane, these days, includes home videos

and I seriously question whether 8gb ram is up to the task of running iMovie - I've got an old-ish (3.5yrs I think, i3 processor) iMac and it was just unworkable until I upped it to 12Gb. Even then, I swapped out the HDD for a 1Tb item and it's amazing the difference a slower-than-the-original disk has made - and not in a good way :(

Anyway, if my new iMac shipped with iMovie (and it will) and my new iMac couldn't actually *run* iMovie, or even be made to, I'd be pissed off.

I love our iMac, because I no longer come home to half an hour of tech support duties every night - but I won't be replacing it with the cheap one.

REVEALED: Google's proposed indie music-killing contract terms


Google shot in foot?

Isn't there a case for telling Google to shove it, and then uploading your own "bootleg" "unofficial" versions "fast and first" anyway, from some proxy name and address? Huh?


Tell google to sling it?

I thought the point was that they CAN'T do that, because Google will just allow world+dog to upload "unofficial" versions ("first and fast"):

"Once you cannot upload your official versions, then you are dealing with endless crappy, low quality lyrics videos that are often monetized by someone else if not policed properly. And, usage patterns show that everyone goes to those videos if the official video isn’t uploaded fast and first."

Read the article, at least!

You'll never believe it: Apple stock is going for CHEAP


Voldemort did this already

Apple stockholders are only going to be in trouble if somebody kills Nagini.

SCIENCE explains why you LOVE the smell of BACON


aldehydes, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen-containing pyridines and pyrazines


I'll have bacon instead thanks :)

Welcome to Heathrow Terminal, er, Samsung Galaxy S5


2 weeks?

Because that's about how long the shine will last on the S5 before the next android must-have comes along. So desperate. So off-putting.

Scientists warn of FOUR-FOOT sea level rise from GLACIER melt


Reducing CO2 emissions?

We haven't reduced CO2 emissions. They've gone UP quite markedly since all industry does is trade off their emissions against the carbon-scheme equivalent of tax avoidance.

Cutting ordinary car emissions won't help. It hasn't helped, so no citation needed.

The biggest 15 supercargo ships put out the same crap as all the world's cars *put together*. Stop that, first. At the same time, stop making the plastic rubbish that fills these container ships, and the problem is likely sorted overnight.

At which time I'd like to stop being hassled by the car-haters AND I'd like my PROPER LIGHTBULBS back.

Apple pulls iPhone 4 from sale in India after just four months


Re: reason Apple scoops so much of the industry's profit

No it's you talking complete rubbish. My 2nd gen iPod and 4yr old iphone4 are still running like new. I don't need iOS7 apps because I have 6, or 5 and the legacy apps are fine on the legacy system.

Next you'll be moaning that your windows8 surface won't read your floppy disks. Or not.


Re: reason Apple scoops so much of the industry's profit

...so, Apple are better at capitalist business practices than anyone else. We knew that, it's patently obvious. What's your point - you hate capitalism? Go live in Cuba. Because the alternatives are *such* a success.

Architect of Apple's total-silence public relations policy leaves

Thumb Up

Re: More time on the Homefront ??

Based on the people I know in the industry, saying nothing to nobody is the hardest thing in the world. I wish they'd all take a leaf out of her book and just STFU :)

No longer a 'hobby', Apple TV rakes in ONE BEEELLION DOLLARS


Re: Media Streamers

I've been thinking the same thing. £99 is a small price to pay for *not* having to dick around with 3rd party software that doesn't really work anyway, after a lot of effort on my part that I would rather put into opening a beer or walking the dog with the kids.

But now, the thing that's stopping me is that since getting what sounds like the same TV as you have, the kids discovered the BlinkBox app there on the app screen, and they have everything we have wanted to watch (so far) at half the price of anything from Apple. So what with the catch-up apps there on the same screen, I have to wonder what's the point?

I could look at my own photos and videos, I guess. But so far far we've been quite happy to sit round the iMac for that - the 21.5" screen is nice enough. I'd have a TV box as a present though...but it could really do with decent PVR controls. I gather they're a bit basic atm.

TalkTalk's catch-up telly fib silenced by ad watchdog


I'd be more interested if...

somebody had finally complained that TalkTalk's broadband offering is so slow and flaky that watching TV - esp. hi-def - is virtually impossible most of the time.

TalkTalk - Worst.ISP.Ever. IMHO :)

Bendy or barmy: Why your next TV will be curved


All this proves is that TVs are TOO BIG

No-one should have a screen larger than 46". They should just stop making bigger ones.

Google's Nest halts sales of its fire alarm – because waving your hand switches it off


ALL smoke alarms operate that way

And I know this for a fact, becuase I have had every smoke alarm ever made... OK not quite, but I've had lots over the years and every one *without exception* will stop beeping if you wave a teatowel/newspaper/any kind of fan under it after you've burnt the toast. So waving your hand is a natural thing to do to shut the thing up.

My current alarm (one of them) is wirelessly hooked into the house alarm system so if it goes off we get a call from an operator within 20 seconds. If there's no response, or we shout "Holy Crap Call The Fire Service" at them, they call the fire service. That's connected enough for me, but it does rely on the phoneline being up, since I didn't stump for the control unit with the 3G connection in it.

Oxfam, you're full of FAIL. Leave economics to sensible bods


"We already redistribute wealth by taxing the rich"

HAHAHHAHAHAH now I *know* this article is a troll.
