* Posts by Lallabalalla

633 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2011


New iPad sales hit 3 million in first 4 days


No no Mr. thumbs-down...

it actually did, whether you like it or not!


In other news

Windows 8 tablet freezes in Microsoft keynote demo

WTF... should I pay to download BBC shows?


Well if the content's *that* old I'm paying in £sd!

Windows 8 tablet freezes in Microsoft keynote demo

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Why not...

just put a box-ugly wrapper round an iPad3?

'Fileless' malware installs into RAM


Well, they are essentially the same codebase, so...

probably yes. Though I haven't tried nuking OOffice and installing Libre.

Panic on the streets of Google+? Choc Factory hires Digg founder


Tumbleweed passes.......

... quietly ...

iPad queue hog doesn’t want it, won’t be first


Such a shame...

that Apple keep producing these terribly crippled bits of hardware kit with so many limitations and restrictions that almost nobody wants them.


It's like losing your temper, basically....

Use the word "fanbois" and you have immmediately lost the argument. Because even though you may have a valid point to make, you are clearly an utter wanker and nothin you say can be trusted.

Lawyers of Mordor menace Hobbit boozer


It's not just the pub

They're also threatening a cafe in Southampton and a company letting Hobbit-style holiday homes, bacause they are round, it seems!

Will this madness never end?

UK kids' art project is 'biggest copyright blag ever' – photographer


Re: Charity: Downvoters in sense of humour fail shock :)


Listen: You give something e.g. money, artwork, your time, whatever, to someone, be it a homeless person or a charity, then you no longer have a say in what happens to it. It's theirs now, not yours, so either don't give, or get over yourself.

What part of GIVE don't we understand?



I am going to stop donating money to charity in case they use it to invest and gain more money without offering me a cut of the increased value.


Re: Ts & Cs for El Reg

Well, they did on mumsnet as it turned out, when mumsnet sold the forum content to the Daily Mail. There was quite a stink about that, and some of the more clued-up members ended up demanding their posts be expunged, then they left and set up their own site.

CBS supremo: Apple TV is still dead to me, just like ...


Another revenue stream is another revenue stream.

That is all


Re: I'm quite fancying an AppleTV box

Richie Cunningham's making some pretty good films these days....

Happy Days? "I could care less".... as they say in America. No idea why they say that, though.

No, Happy Days really is *too old.

I could maybe re-watch a few episodes of Frazier though, if I had the time. But I don't think that's on CBS?


I'm quite fancying an AppleTV box

.. but CBS can shove their crappy content, anyway.

Speedy 3D printer creates 285µm Formula-1 speedster


This stuff just utterly blows my mind

And I don't even *care* what it's for!

Apple resellers left to pick bones of dwindling iPad stocks


Such a shame

that Apple keep producing these terribly crippled bits of hardware kit with so many limitations and restrictions that almost nobody wants them.

Council spunks '£100k on how to wash your hands' vid


Re: There are plenty of blokes who could do with watching this video

And this has been downvoted .... why?? And by who?? I hope I never have to shake *your* hand!

And to the guy (I presume guy) who doesn't wash "because he doesn't pee on his hands". EWWW! You've been holding YOUR KNOB, FFS!


Re: No laughing matter

Where my sister in law worked they used to say "sing Happy Birthday to yourself - all of it - while washing your hands." This made sure they got more than just a cursory rinse.

Naming no names. but I don't mind shopping in Morrison's...

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Re: As ridicilous as it may sound...

I just watched that video.

You win.

Facebook's viral activism is really good... for admen

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Re: facebook Causes (DOA)

Slacktivists suck even worse than slcktivism itself. IMO. And I don't care who know I said that, they can kiss my @$$ :)

Lenovo recalls 160,000 all-in-one PCs after blaze warning


The post is required, and must contain letters.

serves them right for being too stingy to fork out for an iMac.

'The new iPad' revealed: Full specs, rumor scorecard

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Not a gamechanger: Good!

I don't want a gamechanger, I want to plug in, sync, get-on-with-it-and-as-you-were. At ease.

A nice hires display? Great, why not. Faster networking (where available)? Great, why not. Etc. What's the big deal? It's a great step up from our old #1 and makes perfect sense. Feel a bit sorry for those who ditched a #1 for a #2 but they only have themselves to blame I guess. The #2 made sense if you *didn't* have a #1, like the 4S makes perfect sense if you still had a 3G/s but not if liek me you have a 4, because it's OK enough not to have to bother upping till the 5 arrives.

I'm more nervous about talk of changing the docking pin arrangement. Now THAT would be a bummer. Goodbye hifi dock etc :(

Big Brother

Re: iTunes is utter rubbish. What bolox

Thumbs down = 1 (so far)



Re: iTunes is utter rubbish. What bolox

You're using it wrong ;-)

Seriously - I have upwards of 8,000 songs, 100+ podcasts, 20+ tv shows, some m4v movies (ahem) and a bunch of playlists & smart playlists. It's all fine. I can copy, convert format (mp3/aac), organise, sync, easy and error-free, between iTunes, phone, iPod, wife's phone, wife's iPod, wife's iPad - and it all backs itself up automatically through TM... just how easy does it have to be?

Have you ever used Samsung or Sony's godawful phone sync/mp3 player software? Really?

It's funny how only the people who "Don't have Apple/Won't have Apple" post negative comments and thumbs-down to comments like this one. Talk about being in denial, it really is laughable.

STUNNING NEW APPLE DEVICES that will follow the iPad 3 HD!


Funny! Remember this?


BT, TalkTalk lose final appeal against Digital Economy Act


Here we go again.

I remember the 70's, when home taping completely killed off the music industry. Record companies and artists have not made a single penny since then, and now the movie industry is going to suffer the same fate.

Oh, wait...

I for one side with The Grateful Dead. Not only do they encourage bootlegging, as it used to be called, they actually provided stereo feeds direct from the mixing desk at their gigs so that fans could produce tapes & vinyl. Their POV was that their music should be heard as widely as possible. Almost 2,200 shows were taped, and most of these are available online (wikipedia). In their book Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn From the Most Iconic Band in History, David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan identify the taper section as a crucial idea in increasing the Grateful Dead's fan base.

The Dead have often been the world's top-grossing band. I particularly "like" the fact that when Uncle Jerry died, it crashed the Wall St. email system.

Android a photo-slurper too: report


Only an idiot codes to an Interface rather than an implementation

Oh, wait...

Apple: We never said Siri would actually work in the UK


Imagine buying a car that would only work inside of the M25

AKA G-Wizz

Microsoft drops 'risky' Windows 8 preview on World


Re: Re: Re: So... slim to none?

OK you win

Molesworth and the New Latin


Love it

speling a bit overdone but WTF. Molesworth rules. Luv ref to peason to.

Third of Blighty stuck on snail-speed broadband


I get about the same in London

N8 to be precise, where it varies between 1 and 3.5 Mbps depending on... well, who knows? That's when it's connected to the ISP (BT) *and* the servers are responding to requests, not sitting there idly chuckling at my hopeless attempts to do something radical like read a webpage.

We have "fibre to the cabinet" here. This is great if you want to pay a bloody fortune for basic web access. It's not that important to everyone you know. I'd be quite happy with the advertised 5-odd (ie "up to" 8 hahaha) I'm supposed to get but never do, and I have more important things to buy than 21Mbps broadband - like did you know a kid's haircut can cost £16 these days (I *did* say I live in N8 LOL)

It's one thing to make it available. It's quite another to price it within reach of the majority of people. It's something else again to actually PROVIDE WHAT YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE PAYING FOR IN THE FIRST EFFING PLACE </rant>

Smart telly trends make Apple 'iTV' a certainty


They can call it a friggin gumbleplop for I care

I'll still be getting one. Eventually.

Apple's new TV allegedly spotted... in Canadian office


No bother

Apple Corps never had any trouble...

UK gov rejects call to posthumously pardon Alan Turing



We're doomed.

TalkTalk loses 43,000 customers, chunk o' revenue in Q3


In my experience...

Worst. Customer "service". Ever.

Apple iPhone 5 to debut at developer gig



Love the bit about " the iPhone 4S, a phone that, confounding critics, has proved more successful than its predecessor".

Let the "fanboi-bashing" begin....

Hubble shows images from record-breaking 13.1 billion light-years



the distances are remaining constant but the time taken to travel between them is dilating.



Mathematically, terminal velocity—without considering buoyancy effects—is given by

Vt = Root( 2mg / (pACd) )


Vt = terminal velocity,

m = mass of the falling object,

g = acceleration due to gravity,

Cd = drag coefficient,

ρ = density of the medium through which the object is falling, and

A = projected area of the object.

Official: The smartphones that suck much more than others


Idiots indeed

Massive fail between marketing - "What can we say that will sell the most phones and make the most profit?" and engineering - "Now that we've sold all these phones that can utilise the "unlimited" bandwidth, where are all our profits going?"


Reminds me of certain service-based charities, whose management never seem to realise that the more work you do - the more services you perform for more "customers" - the more money you SPEND, which is the exact opposite of any ordinary business.

iPad typos are Apple's fault, not yours - new claim

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El Reg contacted Apple, which had not responded at the time of publication.

HAHAHAHHA stop it, you're killing me.

iOS 5's iMessage chops carrier SMS routing traffic


Turn wifi off?

What a daft idea. You can turn off iMessage in Settings.

Facebook shoves your face into creepy 'sponsored stories' in 2012


Perhaps *everyone* should change their pic to zuckerberg.

Amazon's Android-friendly Kindle Fire splutters


There's iOS ... and there's everything else.

Security takes a backseat on Android in update shambles


won't happen

it's not in their business model.

Apple's cloud music service 'WIPES your iPHONE'



People should both speak and write proper England.

Is Apple nobbling iPhones to avoid more patent misery?


"Crippled"? Bit strong.

"Changed" maybe.

Production electric motorcycle breaks 100 mile range


Midlife crisis bike my rrrr

There's just *NO WAY*. That role is reserved for Ducati, Harley, anything over 600cc and the like. This is a cheap commuter bike and as such I'd be happy to swap my little Honda 125 for the 8 miles to work and back through London each day.

Except - it's FAR from cheap. And as noted elsewhere, is silent-but-deadly. My XR does make a racket though, it's a relief to get back in the nice quite dadmobile when I go to pick up the kids.

But - nice idea. Even my little puttputt costs over 8 quid to fill its tiny tank now.


Or as Jeremy Hardy put it...

"If I'm not allowed the C-word, how am I supposed to drive?"
