* Posts by Lallabalalla

633 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2011


Surface: Because Microsoft does so well making hardware?




Microsoft takes on tablets with keyboard-equipped Surface


And apart from Metro...

...which doesn't inspire me, I bet the battery life will be poor. And it's heavy. You can hold an iPad like a book for hours, its *just* light enough. and it doesn't need a keyboard, though you can have one if you want. And WHY should I have to become an expert in processor technology to make a choice between the versions - I don't want to have to care about this!

SO many FAILs...

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Re: BAU for MS then?

Have you ever seen someone trying to type a document on an iPad....?

yes, and it's pretty easy if you're not completely cackhanded. You just have to keep the heels of your palms off the screen or the cursor jumps unexpectedly - pretty shallow learning curve.

As to the person copying stuff from iPhone to iPad - there may have been a good reason - or maybe they were dumb. Dumb people also own laptops, windows OS, Nokia phones, washing machines and spectacles. Lesson in logic: Even if all dumb people own iPads that doesn't mean all iPad owners are dumb.

IK Multimedia iRig Mix

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All very lovely, but...

my iRig gear is incredibly noisy and always sounds rough as old boots - gives me a headache after about an hour, and I can't get it to sound anywhere near good on any combination of iPhone4, iPod2, marshall or fender amp app...

Probly just me, but I think these things are Really Not All That.

Ten... Father's Day gifts


What bollocks

1). If my kids spent that kind of money on me .... where do you think they would have got the money from in the first place?

2) If anyone in our house throws away that kind of dosh on that load of old tat, god help them!

3). I'll have a handmade card and a bottle of Talisker, thanks.

That new 'Microsoft GCSE': We reveal what's in it


Traditional web languages?

I'm starting to teach my 9 yr old how to program games in HTML/Javascript. Let's not forget that those languages are freely available to anyone with a text editor and a browser. Throw in css and or HTML5 and you can do almost anything.

iPhones, iPads to be FULL OF FACEBOOK and NOT GOOGLE


Re: @Lallabalalla

Oh yes - thought it was the other way around. But you get the gist.


Maps- Great if you're in the US?

Can't see the UK versions being much better than diabolical though, especially live traffic and all that. Siri is worse than useless here still if you want to find anything local and I don't see that changing either.

Or is there some reason why UK & Europe maps should be useable?


Re: Sorry, can't talk right now...

Yes, profiles was incredibly useful, had them on my old ericsson, and miss them greatly (now I've been reminded of them!).

Wish they'd put *that* on iOS6!


Re: Only us geeks care about OS versions

iPhones upgrade themselves pretty much automatically when you plug them in to iTunes - or, actually, just straight over-the-air nowadays, so it takes zero effort to do. The OS upgrade path for Android can be a more laborious process and there's always the worry that half your apps will break.

The point about your droid not being as fast as your mate's new one, and it's looking decidedly tatty, is a good one. No matter how many apps I install my 4 runs the same now as when it was new (19 months ago) and it still looks like a brand new phone. If you put it next to mate's brand new 4S you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Native apps (like iCal or the phonebook) fire up at the same speed too.

Sometimes they go wrong though. at which point, instead of fighting tooth and nail with your operator or insurance company, you just drop in at any Apple reseller and get handed a new one.

No-brainer for me I'm afraid, despite Apple's other obvious drawbacks.


Re: auto stuff

Oh, the Nissans are bound to have them. But I think Lada are relaunching, which satisfies the requirement for massive dickheads to always drive German cars.

Apple pulls in TomTom, kicks Google off iPhones


the fruity firm decided to go with a firm with which it has no conflicts


'iPhone 5 case' sparks supplier fondle frenzy


Looks more like a testbed

Remember when iPhone4 prototypes were concealed within 3G cases? This is a 4 lookalike so they can test 5 components in the wild without revealing the new case. Expect it to be "lost" in a bar sometime soon.

1,000 Foxconn iPad workers trash dorms in riot against guards



Just-slap-an-Apple-Sony-Microsoft-Nokia-and-many-many-more-badge-on-it is a *bit* less snappy?

Steve Jobs was top of the flops, says Apple's Tim Cook


I think the "rebranding" point is....

...that quite a few people here aren't fanbois of anything in particular, they are technically-minded people who would like to read some intelligent reporting of actual news without having to decode their way through all the snide asides and cynical sneering.

Idoits! Your'e reading the wrong website. Duh! This is El Reg we're talking about. You want straight reporting? Go read The Independent or something. Then, after you wake up again, get over yourself.

Apple's Ping has fatal pong, says CEO

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D is for 'digital', apparently, and not 'deceased'


And the worst film NEVER made is...


Re: The C Programming Language

You could be describing AS3

Hands on with Nokia's 808 41Mp camphone


That's SO "windows"

"Frequently, two taps are required, as if the first one is ignored, just in case you pressed by accident."

"It looks like you're trying to follow a web link. Did you really mean to do that? Would you like help with that?"

Oh, perleese! JUST GO TO THE DAMN PAGE. Moron.

Vauxhall Ampera hybrid e-car

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no use to me

Still waiting for this kit in a Zafira so we can do the school run/shopping trips/awaydays with 4 bikes strapped on in various places/stuff the car to the gills for a couple of weeks' camping & festivals.

Oh, and, How Much??

When my kid-ravaged Zafira finally dies I'll be plonking down to the local dealer for another 6 year old one for about £3,500! But then, I don't really give a stuff about having a flash car. It just has to go when required (and stop on demand!)

LG shows off 'first' full HD LCD for smartphones

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Edge to edge

I don't think you could do an edge-to-edge for a phone for the above reasons - but you *could* make something that *looks* edge-to-edge using the right materials which would be almost as good to look at. Worth a try, 'cause it woudl be fab.

Facebook ninjas scale wall, pluck iPhone techies from Apple's garden


We have asked Apple for a comment.

Like you'll get one.

China claims piracy at new low


How low

Isn't he their new minister for piracy?

Top Facebook exec begs students: 'Click on an ad or two'


Click on ads?

he can Zuck Off

Eugene Kaspersky frustrated by Apple’s iOS AV ban


though having said all that...

kaspersky can kiss my ass.

mind you I do have the free sophos scanner on the mac at home. just in case...


Gullibility is not necessarily stupidity

Some virus installers are quite cleverly disguised as genuine security patches from trusted vendors which claim to be making your machine secure whilst, actually, compromising it - I'm thinking of adobe update installers maybe, which can look EXACTLY like the real thing.

I know I'm going to get trolled by some who say "Well I NEVER use any adobe products because of this" - or Java, etc etc - but the fact is that out here in the real world of normal people we need to look at pdf's, ppt's and doc's from work and college and we need OpenOffice or similar with which to author them, and we want to not get viruses, please, while using our simple-to-buy-and-operate wintel & mac computers. Most people don't want to spend hours researching every alternative to adobe & java & windows & OSX and countless hours configuring and reconfiguring systems (even if we could be bothered to learn how) becuase we have real stuff to do (like write this hem-hem).

So it's conceiveable that in the course of a busy day one might be fooled into installing a wrong-un. This is not stupidity.

The Register is rocking on Windows Phone 7


That's nice

because the one on iOS is shite

New Apple keyboard patent may spell trouble for Android


Speaking of keyboards, etc

have they patented the letter "i" yet?

Next-gen MacBook Pro, iMac make benchmark site debut


Re: In the same boat

That's a bit of a non-issue, surely you don't flog the old ones on ebay the minute the new one arrives? If you're in a support role you're always going to have this legacy support issue - you can ditch it when all the old ones are dead and gone - even then you're likely to "ditch" it in a cupboard rather than a dustbin, just in case.

We have a ton of "worthless" PCs at work, which are actually still performing a useful role testing software on "slow & ancient" machinery.

Wolfenstein 3D shoots onto web


Re: El Reg Votards...

I got the same non-event on IE9

Wi-Fi warping wallpaper hardens homes to hackers


There must be a point where this is the cheaper option

It would also give you a much faster network.

US gov boffins achieve speeds faster than light


Re: @GitMeMyShootinIrons



can we just give up on the pedantry now?!

Microsoft ejects DVD playback from Windows 8


By the way...

WTF is a "codec decoder"?

Samsung shows 'designed for humans' handset


Re: Looks good

"this probably will be the best smartphone on the market when it gets here."

For about a month.

And it's not cheap, and is very big. Brings new meaning to the phrase "You'll need deep pockets".

iPhone 5 in ICE CREAM SANDWICH photo riddle


The Trolls! The Trolls!

The trolls are out in force today! Must be the sunny weather!

Adobe Cloud offers leg up over Creative Suite's price wall


At those prices

they may as well just go right ahead and charge £5,000,000 a time - they'd only have to sell one. Somebody would buy it, surely?

Sharp starts punching out IGZO LCDs for retina screens


More light

Isn't it just like candlepower? A million candles is a million times brighter than one candle. Very useful analogy if you are going to be using your monitor or telly or whatever this thing is to read a book by :)

Android Trojan distracts Japanese with anime and porn


But open is better...


Android spanking iOS in world's BIGGEST mobile market



Cheap stuff sells more than expensive stuff. who'da thunk it?

Apple slapped with second Siri senility lawsuit


Re: i am amazed: AN APPLE SCHOOL


UK government says no to turbo e-bike


Re: 15mph?

Damn right - i *average* 12mph through traffic to work and back every day. On my old (slightly better geared) bike I used to regularly set off the SLOW DOWN- 30MPH sign on Ferme Park Road on my way home.

15mph? Really??

Angry Birds Space flings 10 MILLION downloads in 3 days


Re: Baaa!

And guess what - I haven't. Sheesh! If I'd realised we were going to get into a flame war over some dumb game that even has 6 year olds saying "oh no not more Angry Birds" then I'd still have posted. Because I can, and because that is my opinion. Am I wrong? Am I? You're out of your element, Donny.


Re: Baaa!

Why are you?

Birds is so old now we are all (ie me, my kids, my kids friends, etc etc) bored of it . There's only so many thousand times you can do the same old thing and remain interested. But now there's AB mugs, AB TShirts, AB movies, AB cuddly toys, and the list goes on. Jeez - so *over* it already. They are seriously flogging the horse, it just ain't dead yet. Well, it is to me.



Pleased to say I wasn't one of them.

Smoked by Android: Microsoft coughs up free laptop


Talktalk were easily the worst telco I've ever had.

'We're crying out for storage'


wouldn't surprise me in the least

Talktalk were easily the worst telco I've ever had.

BOFH: Dawn raid on Fort BOFH


Re: I nominate

Quite a few sticks of once-expensive RAM that are good for precisely nothing any more.

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Re: Err

You can send a few to me if you don't want them. Is 10 cents on the dollar OK?

Half of Apple fanbois would bank with the iPad titan


Re: This is stupid

Of course they would do that - you just said - if you want to be a bank then that's what you have to do. Doh!

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Re: 30%

Not rising to *that* troll.

They'd be WAAAAAY better than @%$!` Paypal, maybe even see them off entirely, well, one can hope.

Devs cheer as Osborne okays game coding tax relief


Re: Too bad...

Yeah. If we weren't required to be constantly available for meetings, presentations, demands for feature-creep and "can you just .... it'll only take a minute..." :)

Actually we have quite a few home workers on our books. But -and it's a big but - and I would *love* to work from home - I would need a bigger house... with an "office" of some kind away from the kids, with a decent desk, chair, lighting, workstation (replete with multiple monitors), internet pipe, and shares in the electricity company. Easier said than done.
