* Posts by Lallabalalla

633 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2011


iPhone 5: skinny li'l fella with better display, camera, software


The dock is a dealbreaker

I use my iPod touch and phone4 to play movies and music via the hifi dock, so nice as it might be to change up my wife's 3GS for a 5, it'll be a 4S at best.

Cue slow migration to android...


Re: And?

Exactly - even better, upgrade the 3GS to a 4S; then I can still dump it on my hifi dock and use it to play music and watch movies - something the stupid adaptor for the 5 won't do, as video and audio don't come out of there any more :-(

Photos of 'iPad mini' body stir rumor pot

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Re: Seems solid, good luck to them-but:

Cheaper maybe, compared to iPad

Smaller and lighter means more portable and usable one-handed while commuting.

Compatible with all your existing apps & content.

That's 4 things, plus nothing new to learn or be disappointed by - works the same with appstore, iTunes etc

Enough, already. I'll have one :)

Amazon pitches cheap new Kindles for Blighty


Re: Just install Android then...

I'm never buying any product that I immediately have to root/jailbreak/hack in some way just to get it to do something as simple as that. End of.


Re: Boycott them until they allow lending

Yes it is, and I had a similar problem with a Kobo book that woudn't work on my reader of choice - my old Sony. Solution: Calibre, with the usual plugins installed, converts to DRM-free and uploads to any reader. Sorted.

The world's first Windows Phone 8 hands on – what's it like?



thats a friggin laptop, mate

Apple confirms 'surprise' September 12 event


Re: Ohhhh...

Because clearly you would only call a brand "shitty" if you didn't hate it.



If you don't want one - don't buy one. Then you'll be free to get a life.


Bruce Willis didn't Buy Hard: His girls can't inherit his iTunes

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Re: Apple Schmapple - Peter Johnstone

Great tip, must try that :)

Though I'd want a copy on the HDD anyway... in case I wanted to share it....


Re: Apple Schmapple - gujiguju

FFS don't tell him about "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organised" or "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library".

His brain will exoplode. Messy.


Re: Rockbox? Apple Schmapple

If you don't wan to use iTunes use MediaMonkey.

Or, get a cheap mp3 player and get over yourself.


Re: Apple Schmapple

I've been using iTunes for 3-odd years now on windows and mac, and having breasted the learning curve (there is one, though it's fairly small) I find it to be far and away the easiest and best library/music organiser I've ever come across. with it I can buy, download or rip music, convert tracks to and from aac & mp3 in a variety of bitrates etc, burn discs, copy, rename, delete or move files, handle tags and find stuff in an instant. I have upwards of 8,500 tracks so, what I'd call a medium-sized collection. Runs like a rocket on iMac. Bit slow on windows, but who cares anyway?

WTF is up with anyone who can't use something so featured, yet simple to operate?


Re: Apple Schmapple

you don't happen to work for BT Broadband, do you?

HTC hawks fresh Desire for market boost

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wildfire limitations

Yes, all of that - biggest drawback for us was not being able to see a big chunk of the apps in the store because of its low-res-ness. Turns out that if you have a low-res screen you simply can't see, or have, apps that aren't marked as low-res compatible.


Not another one!

Can't they just do it once a year or so like ..... somebody else ....

The constant scramble to keep up to date must be costing somebody a fortune. "Here's our NEW phone! It's SO much better than our OLD phone from last month and it does everything we told you the old one would do, but didn't quite manage.."

Facebook co-founder Moskovitz scrambles to offload his shares


"...has caused concern that they simply don't have a good opinion of the company's future anymore."

What do you mean - "anymore" .. ?

Ten netbooks


For those prices...

they're a bit unuseable, seems to me. Though I've never actually tried using such a tiny screen! Unless you actually *want* something so tiny, and for doing homework/documents/powerpoints etc, for my kids I'll probably be getting a nice new Dell 15"-er for just £300.

Microsoft: It's not Metro, it's Windows 8


My god they are such DICKS

That is all.

Buzz: iPhone 5 arrives September 21, demand 'unprecedented'

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Re: Hype

"I will not buy an Apple product..."


More Steve Jobs iPad mini attacks from beyond the grave


Re: If a 7" device is not an iPhone and not an iPad - what is it?

It's an iPod, obvs, because all their devices do that by default. But that's *too obvious. It's going to be a Kindle-killer: books/movies principally, games of course - something you can hold comfortably with one hand while straphanging on the daily commute. And do a bit of email/facebooking on should the mood take you.

What it won't be for is editing movies/garageband/documents ie any real productivity, because you can do that palavah once you get where you're going, on your nice proper computer or work-grade tablet. Pure entertainment, my dear! Fun. Remember fun??

iPhone 5 to be skinniest Apple yet SHOCK


Tis the way of all things

back when us mortals had Nokia 6210's Niles Crane had a star-tac. then came iPhone1 .....

Basically what we want is a 5 inch phone (screen) in a 3 inch phone, with 100lbs of gear in it that weighs <1oz.

Now is that *so* unreasonable?

Early verdict on Intel Ultrabook™ push: FAIL


Re: Well...

What utter BS.

Is there *any* possibility that high volumes of sales are directly attributable to the quality of the product (hint - the answer is "yes")

Or are the millions of Zafira owners in fact "lemmings" rather than families who have realised that a 5/7 seater with a massive boot and ample roof space with an economical engine and all the niceties like ABS, aircon & blah perfectly meets their needs despite its few shortcomings? Substitute any product here for Zafira and when you get around to trying "iMac" for size try not to be blinded by the giant flash of prejudice that will doubtless have you reashing for the thumbs-down button like some Pavlovian pooch...


joejack, you've missed the point.

Your answer is probably "none" - but so what. Go buy a macbook air like everyone else. Clearly no-one can compete on quality at below the price point. Better "specs" maybe but the question always is: Is a "better" computer which no longer works actually better than a "worse" one which still runs like new some years later? The answer's always no.

Numbers don't lie: Apple's ascent eviscerates Microsoft


Re: Eviscerated?

And well done to the three thumbs-down who don't like hearing the facts of actual experience. Tossers!

"..for some reason they buy apple devices every year." - maybe because people realise how good they are at what they do, and have given up on buying new plastic rubbish every year as a bad job. As in "hey this iPod is great, now I want an iPad" and "hey, these devices are way good - I think I'll replace my creaking plastic junkpile of a 2-year-old PC with a shiny iMac that will last me 4 times as long for only 1.5x the money".

Thumbs-down *that*, if you will :)

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Re: Eviscerated?

Oh come on - *everyone* plays that marketing game. Every droid handset to come out in the last 2 years has been accompanied by "THIS one's REALLY good - it does all the stuff we told you the last one would do but actually didn't do terribly well..."

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Re: Eviscerated?

"people don't buy a new PC every year but for some reason they buy apple devices every year."

Nonsense. The appeal of Apple gear is that it outlasts everyone else's hardware by years and years. I used to have to buy a new mp3 player every year or so until I got an iPod Touch (v2, which is now about 4 years old I think). My PCs at work last about 2 years before something in them dies - a friend of mine ran his music studio on an old powermac G5 for about 5 years till the disk died recently - and it was secondhand to begin with.

'Extreme' solar storm speeding straight towards Earth


Why does it take so long to get here?

I thought the sun was a mere 8 minutes away (at the speed of light, obvs)

Yahoo! hack! leaks! 453,000! unencrypted passwords!


My BT crap is tied to Yahoo! crap

I hope they weren't BT passwords.

BTW did I mention that BT are crap?

Disable Gadgets NOW says Redmond


“Gadgets installed from untrusted sources can harm your computer"

For which read "Anything installed from untrusted sources can harm your computer"

Well, no shit, sherlock!

Nutter bans Apple purchases over environmental fudging

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Re: A suggestion to El Reg:

But then I'd have nothing to read at lunchtime. Spoilsport!

Review: Samsung Chromebox

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What a pile of crap

That is all.

Door creaks and girl farts: computing in the real world

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Oh yes

I always carry a USB floppy drive around, just in case.

Full Tilt Poker boss arrested over $430m 'Ponzi scheme'


Re: Zombie

Plus they're insured against the risks.

Big winners mean big marketing opportunities mean more players....

Mac-based Trojan targets Uyghur activists


Re: Oh look!

Too right - for home use.

Sadly I still have to use PCs at work - I *say* sadly, but I shudder to think how long it would take me to become as productive on a Mac as I am on a PC. The file manager alone on win7 is worth the price of entry, I really can't get much done with "Finder", and I don't think it should be necessary to learn scripting or whatever just to find out what the accumulated size of all the .swfs in a directory is, or some such task. I'm sure there is a way but gawd knows what it is, other than <select files><right-click>Properties. SO easy!

IT Angle

Re: Uyghurs and Macs

Interesting point about the font handling.

And dare I suggest that Very Old Macs still work a lot better than Very Old PCs so there's a likelihood of them making their way out via charity and recycling schemes.

Free tool inspects all your personal 'ware automatically




BT Vision beats rivals to honour of being worst UK Pay-TV


I've said it before and I'm happy to say it again

TalkTalk. Worst. ISP. Ever.

Apple wins US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1


So are we suggesting that Apple pwns the judge in this case?

Or that the judge was too thick to see the "blindingly obvious"?

Or did the judge reach a judgement on the available eveidence and make up his own mind on the merits of the arguments, having been given the best that their lawyers could give?

I suspect that, not having been in the room, we don't know the half of it.

Apple iPhone turns five this Friday


iPhone 1

I really wanted one till I realised it couldn't do picture messaging - a dealbreaker for me with a really young family, and me at work all day. Finally got a 4 - still loving it.

The Beatles Yellow Submarine restored

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Re: re 'Yellow Submarine' performed in a Hanna-Barbera style

Whirlybirds! Woah!


Re: Sir

You never listened to Sgt. Pepper's then? Or Magical Mystery Tour, which IMO is hugely underrated.

MMT track listing includes I Am The Walrus, Strawberry Fields Forever, Baby You're A Rich Man and All You Need Is Love.


Re: "Long absent from video stores"

Yeah - me and the kids have been enjoying this for the last year or so, and it looks nicely analogue. I also have a DVD of Magical Mystery Tour - now that really does look very ropey. But the quality of the content is not merely the quality of the reproduction of the content (geddit?) which is why I long ago gave up obsessing over my HiFi and and just started listening to the music again.

Sony outs Google TV set-top box


What's this thing even for?

See above...

Apple's iPhone 5 connector said to be a control freak


Re: How about Apple spend some time fixing the damn power cables?

So move. And quit whining.


I once had a chat with an Apple support manager - the thing is... "we don't give a stuff about third party suppliers". Apple invent the specs and everyone else can play catch-up. Why *should they care, anyway? Apple don't make money off someone else's iPad case or phone dock.

Ten... dual-band wireless routers


Re: Stability

The draytek looks kind of awesome, actually...



Re: Surprised...

Upvoted, because TimeCapsule is a total must-have - has saved my bacon too (which admittedly ANY backup might have done) - but in such an easy, seamless way that I'd never consider anything else. I have a 1Tb disk plugged in to USB though as I find my secondhand home hub that a friend gave me when my Netgear router died to be adequate. It routes.

Ten... pieces of tat for Apple fanboys


Re: 10 items? Where's the 11th?


Microsoft takes on tablets with keyboard-equipped Surface


Re: BAU for MS then?


3 thumbs down from people who a) won't be told how easy an iPad is to type on and who b) need a lesson in very basic logic. Not programmers then.


Re: And apart from Metro...

