Siri ??
In 2011,here in Oz, I bought a Linux VW instead of an iHolden or a Microsoft Ford. My Nokia N9 works fine with the Blue Tooth setup for calls and streaming music etc.
8 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2011
Maybe it has come time to mandate a regularly increasing percentage of software used by the gubberment to be FOSS with perhaps a small starting point of say .. 10% increasing annually by say ... 10 more percentage points. Perhaps that would draw some attention to the problem, maybe something would change. With any savings obtained perhaps we could invest in Aussie software companies, creating Aussie jobs, obtaining Aussie income tax to feed back into the system rather than contributing to Mr Ballmer's next bonus payment. We could do a Munich and really get up some noses.
I hope the Aussie government can see through this. We do not need our private information/data held by an overseas company and/or country where we would have no real control over this data. The opinion of a company such as Microsoft (a twice convicted monopolist ) should be one of the first opinions discarded as they have proven many times over that they have not the slightest care for anything at all, except for their bottom line.