And taking pictures of other drivers while going 60+ ISN'T distracting from driving???
Posts by MooseNC
99 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2011
You TWITS! Facebook exec erects billboards shaming texting drivers
Apple vows to add racially diverse EMOJIS after MILEY CYRUS TWITTER outrage
Proof Apple is GOING BACKWARDS: It's trying to patent a Newton-ish touchscreen stylus
Blighty goes retro with 12-sided pound coin
'Software amplifier' boosts quantum signals
MtGox allows users to see a picture of their money, but not have it
Samsung wins right to delay UK appeal in Apple dispute
This record-smashing robot solves a Rubik's Cube in 3.253 seconds
MtGox, that bastion of unregulated e-currency Bitcoin, turns to Texas judge for protection
Apple granted patent for two-faced iPhone with wraparound touchscreen
HTML is a sexually transmitted disease, say many Americans
Bitcoin bank Flexcoin pulls plug after cyber-robbers nick $610,000
Bitcoin profiting step-by-step!
1 - Create a BC "bank" (Make sure to use lots of buzzwords on the site!)
2 - Entice people to dump tons of BC in said bank (Hey, those were some good buzzwords.)
3 - Mysterious hackers steal all the BC (Oops! Our bad, but not our responsibility, RTFM)
4 - Profit! (When you cash out the BC that was "stolen")
Seems like a regular bank to me.
US gov claims it spent TOO MUCH on wiretaps – and blames SPRINT
Apple throws sueball at China's patent office over Siri clone
Self-forming liquid metal just like a TERMINATOR emerges from China lab
Muslim clerics issue fatwa banning the devout from Mars One 'suicide' mission
You’re a LIAR and a CHEAT... la-la-la, I can't hear your lawyers
Snowden journo boyf grill under anti-terror law was legal, says UK court
Apple patents touch-sensitive controls for MacBook
App-maker King hopes to CANDY-CRUSH $500m from IPO
Reports pump fuel into iCar gossip: Apple in 'talks' with Tesla
Re: The loss of efficiency for hydrogen is huge
Yes, putting in outlets is so difficult to do...
Wait, what's this???
Whining and complaining about something that "can't" be done while it is already being done on a large scale is quite asinine.
Apple Mac Pro: It's a death star, not a nappy bin, OK?
Re: Oooo, the shiny!
I just priced it, with everything the same except for twice the memory (system and graphics) and a 240GB ssd instead of 256, the price was $2980. Notice, this was retail, so about 20% marked up from what I could get it from tech data or ma labs.
Apple Tax; Check.
Try actually checking instead of ingesting and regurgitating the electronic excrement that frequently spews from macrumors.
Hear that, Sigourney? Common names 'may not constitute personal data'
MtGox fallout bogs down Bitcoin traders as malleability issue goes mainstream
James Dyson plans ROBOT ARMY to take over the world
How many keys can one keyboard have? Do I hear 200? 300? More?
fWHoaR! Researcher crack eternal mystery of what women want in a man
Google patents ROBO-TAXIS to ferry punters into advertiser's shops, restaurants, etc for free
Patent-holding firm's lawsuit against Googorola kicks off
Amazon patents caches for physical goods
Trio allege in court: You sold our ZIP codes, Apple, now hand over $5m!
Systemax director Carl Fiorentino bribery trial moves to Florida
"This was after it found that he had "fraudulently" banked $400k in compensation from firms that traded with Systemax between 2006 and 2010. The federal agency also alleged that he had stolen $200k worth of company merchandise. He was forced to pay a $65k penalty."
So, he stole/scammed $600k and only had to pay back $65k with absolutely no jail time?
WOW! It pays to be a white-collar criminal!
I wonder how much I could get for all these staplers....
Chuh! 'Grossly inadequate': Time Warner Cable rejects $62bn hostile takeover bid
Remember when SimCity ABSOLUTELY HAD to be online? Not any more – fancy that!
Skype's Twitter account, blog hacked to spread anti-Microsoft messages
Unemployed? Ugly? Ugh, no thanks, says fitties-only job website
Apple fanbois get one last chance to see spectre of Steve Jobs
Peak Apple: First 'profit slip' in a decade - and, boy, it's gonna be BIG
Apple demands Samsung flogged for 'unethical' court doc leak
Phones have changed in the past ten years. This is not a new idea. Technology changes its shape and form because people demand new things, and their taste change. Samsung's phone changing from 2006-2010 is nothing special. If phones didn't change, we'd all be carrying around 15# bags with a corded wireless phone in it.
So...Apple wants Samsung to stop making phones that the public wants because they are what the public wants?
I'm just waiting for an Apple lawyer to stand up in court and say, 'It's always about Samsung! Samsung, Samsung, Samsung!!' then twirl their hair and run out of the court.
Apple wins EU-wide Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 ban

Design patent?
Has anyone SEEN this "design" patent? It's for a thin, rectangular computer with a touch screen, one connector, and one button/hole on the top. This is so absolutely generic and common sense as to be laughable. Kellogg needs to try and patent a cardboard box with flaps and food stored inside and then sue everyone.
From what I see...
The Samsung has a back camera. Not mentioned in the "design" patent.
No size was mentioned in the patent.
Three buttons and two slots on the Samsung, not to mention the speaker grille, light sensors and front camera.
No colours were specified.
And the Samsung has writing on it that strangely enough, DOESN'T say Apple...
Apple is deathly afraid of losing market share and those HUGH profit margins from all the slave labour they outsource to Foxconn. They haven't done anything original since the first iMac. They simply take an existing product, go and bedazzle it a bit, then tell everyone they invented it and they have to buy it or be laughed at for being "uncool" at Starbucks.
Cockfighting Reg hack cursed with cancer
'Extreme' solar storm speeding straight towards Earth
Apple desperate to prevent nightmare scenario of iPad in Iranian hands

Blah, where are the fact checkers?
"Shabet says she lives in America and has no intention of exporting the device."
She was attempting to purchase the product to gift to a cousin in Iran. You cannot export to Iran!!! This isn't a simple anti-Arab thing, it's a FEDERAL LAW.
Welcome to America. Cry and whine when you attempt to violate federal law and everyone will feel sorry for you.
Chinese coders beat all-comers
Testicle-boiling new iPad ignites fanboi fury

Re: 112 is nothing? Bloody right - thou 'rt right soft bast'd
Well, why do you think they still use old-ass, slow chips in the space probes? They tolerate a whole lot more crap. Same thing at Apple. If I scream and yell and tell you how much you want what I have behind my back, you're gonna want it.
"Can I have three farthings for a lump of shit, please?"