* Posts by The Sprocket

107 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2011


Beware the looming Google Chrome HTTPS certificate apocalypse!

The Sprocket

Re: Single point of failure

"This is about trust, not commercial gain (although perhaps loss in Symantec's case)."

Behind the trust IS the commercial gain. There is ALWAYS a commercial gain somewhere in the chain.

The Sprocket

Re: Class Libel Suit anyone ?

"there is some measure of reassurance that a website owner has put some thought into security if they do have a certificate

Not necessarily. Many will only have a certificate because they were told they needed one; to look more legit, to stop browsers blocking their sites, to avoid users phoning up or complaining, or even because others have them.

No thought about security there."

* * * * * *

Precisely. That's why to many others I speak with, this Google initiative looks like a form of extortion. It hasn't been properly thought out and presented with clarity. It just looks like a cash-grab based on fear-mongering. And now another deadline (April) is looming.

Well, that's what I hear from some small business owner clients of mine.

The Sprocket

Re: Class Libel Suit anyone ?

"Nah! They've just broken the internet.

There will be so many warnings that people aren't going to take any notice and either move away from chrome or click straight through and add an exception. The same is going to happen with sites that don't have or need a SSL cert. Probably about 95% of all sites.

Why should people install or pay for something they don't need? If Google want all sites to have SSL then Google should pay for it."

* * * *

My sentiments exactly. I'm tired of Google using their half-baked browser and market-force muscle to bully people around. I hope there is a 'citizen revolt' against these knobs.

Aww: Apple won't be HomePod for Christmas

The Sprocket

No . . . this thing won't satisfy or replace the audiophile system. It's just a glorified kitchen radio.

Disturbing to me, though, is although one can call upon it to provide answers via voice rec (+/-), I can't help wonder how much of the time it is listening in to conversations? We all know information is money.

Off to the cellar to make my new and improved tin-foil hat. (LOL!)

'If you see a stylus, they BLEW it' – Steve Jobs. REMEMBER, Apple?

The Sprocket

Re: Whipped out the Newton the other day

That sounds familiar.

I have one of my 2100's tethered to an AC adaptor on my desk and it is still used everyday. It still works great as my daytimer and holder of various passwords and such (GeekSafe).

But if Apple WAS to move forward with pen technology, being a Creative Director, I'd love to be able to do the equivalent of linear sketches on the thing to email as JPEGs to my production staff, suppliers, etc. That would be very helpful. Now if they can get that into my hands before the horrendously expensive ModBook Pro arrives, kudos to Apple! (LOL)

Yeah -- I really love the MessagePad 2100. I also have a brand new one in a cupboard 'just in case'.

Google+ goes TITSUP. But WHO knew? How long? Anyone ... Hello ...

The Sprocket

Re: Titsup

Why is this term 'titsup' so hard to understand???

Google Instant Pages: Search sites rendered before you click

The Sprocket


I couldn't agree more.

How about Google sorts out its primary business (search) before running off to answer a question nobody asked? I've had it with them. (*rolls eyes*)

This 'instant page' thing is just another excuse to suck people into using Chrome, as far as I'm concerned. No sale here -- especially for a 5 sec save. (*rolls eyes*)

The whole 'latest browser' thing really turned me off too. How techno-elitist. All to facilitate more answers to questions nobody asked. (*rolls eyes*)

Google . . . #fail
