* Posts by Mannginger

5 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2011

Apple sues Steven Lamar over Beats co-founder claims


Re: "Beats also wants treble damages..."


Pretty good though, pretty good!


Re: "Beats also wants treble damages..."


Pretty good though, pretty good!

Great Britain rebuilt - in Minecraft: Intern reveals 22-BEEELLION block map

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Love it!

Great use of the Internship IMO

The bunker at the end of the world - in Essex

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Loved this place but it was a little grim

Really atmospheric, slightly comical at times due to the shop-window dummies but there was always this reminder of how terrible it would have been. Almost your first impression is that long corridor with 2x90 degree bends at each end and on the bunker side a Machine gun port - unlikely to be used in defence but to stop unauthorised citizens from swarming the place. A horrific thought and sets the tone for the rest of the excellent tour.

Codemasters pulls website after hackers pwn customer database



It was only July last year that they were hacked and account security was compromised. After that (fairly) recent attack and the Sony issues, I'm surprised they haven't made more effort to secure our data.