* Posts by j2-core

4 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2011

Adobe releases lengthy list of Apple Lion woes


Wouldn't it be nice

Wouldn't it be nice if Apple would play nice with Adobe and find a fix for these problems. I have been dealing with them since Leopard. Apple has not supported the mac as a work horse since the iPod. They are just interested in their iGimmicks not their customers. I guess only Apple products can run on macs, too bad most of them are children's toys.

Google's Facebook: It rocks, but who cares?



No quite as easy as the drag and drop of Google+ and it's time consuming. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Start Over

I have had my facebook account since it was exclusive to schools and have 600+ friends. Now I have a wife and a kid and want to post pics but not to all of my friends and I don't have time to select the individual friends I want to share with. Enter Google+. Most of my friends are flocking to Google+ for one reason, simplified privacy. Some of them have 2000+ friends and are in the same boat as me with family and privacy concerns.

In my opinion kids/teens/tweens and the parents of 25-45 year old individuals with not see the advantages of Google+ and will stick to facebook. It will be the 25-45 y/o adults that will lead the charge for Google. Plus will allow us to start over with a tabula rasa with privacy and family in mind rather than partying and a friend count.

And another BIG plus No Zynga Games!!!...yet

Cloud iTunes DESTROYS music business FOREVER!


Thanks Apple

My mates and I are planning a mass iTunes Match. Combined we should have about 400,000 songs and we are adding more people every day. Cheers Apple for making it so damn easy to organize and steal music.