"Why don't you dirty hippies stop protesting unemployment, corporate corruption, and crony capitalism and start spending money you don't have on CDs and DVDs?!"
- signed, a corrupt corporation
5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2011
There are tons of people out there who are barely scraping by with rent AND a cellphone to buy your app. This service puts your app on the front-page! Highlighted, for all the world to see. If someone likes your app, they will tell their friends about it and their friends will have to pay for it. If it's a multi-user app, they will urge their friends to join the community. When they have money to spare, they will likely buy it themselves because supporting developers is important. We understand that! Many of us are developers too! Lay off Amazon. Besides, it's not like YOU aren't downloading all the free apps too. Hypocrites!
[Brought to you by The Rent is Too Damn High Party of America]