* Posts by cloudgazer

341 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2011


Samsung takes another hit in patent punch-up


Erm, yes it does - but keep thinking.



This was obvious from a mile off. Samsung never stood more than a tiny chance of winning an injunction based on FRAND encumbered patents, not in the EU anyway. Maybe in Korea if the judge is biased towards the home-side.

Apple versus Samsung: key points in the ruling



No, not because it's essential - because Samsung took part in setting the standards such as UMTS which made them it essential - and as part of that made a commitment to license it under FRAND.

Apple has never sought to embed its IP in industry wide standards and so it isn't so encumbered.

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That is known as indirect infringement - Samsung would still be liable, they might even be more liable as Apple would have a strong case for wilful infringement at that point.


Biggest IP news in Apple Vs Sams

Samsung got denied any chance of an injunction by a dutch judge, where the IP was under FRAND.

'today the Rechtbank's-Gravenhage (a Dutch court based in the city of The Hague) made it clear that Samsung won't be able to win an injunction against Apple's products based on standards-essential, FRAND-committed patents. As a result, Samsung's motions for preliminary injunctions against the iPhone 4S in France and Italy are also very likely to be denied, though the courts in those countries have the right to take different decisions than their Dutch counterpart.'

From Foss-patents.

OMG! Berners-Lee has an iPhone



You do realize that the iPod and iPhone have never required DRMed music, and that these days iTunes doesn't even add DRM to music, right?

Don't tar the iPod with the mini-disc brush.


Better yet a web browser with no Flash, which presumably he detests since it is an infected pimple on the face of the web.


his problem with iTunes was related to the use of custom URIs that only iTunes could use, which he felt impinged on the universality of the web. He's never taken a stand against iPhone or OS-X for that matter.

Sixth of Britain's cellphones have traces of poo on them


'Soap AND warm water is needed for at least 10 seconds of vigourous rubbing after doing a wee'

Unless you have something significantly wrong with you such as a UTI, your pee will be sterile. Obviously it's good manners to wash your hands properly after peeing, but it's a far smaller deal than putting down the toilet lid before flushing from a bacterial perspective.


c'mon what we really want to know is whether Android phones are more poo splattered than iPhones.

Apple's US bid to ban Samsung tabs hinges on design


The law is what the law is, intentions don't matter. IP law is not supposed to benefit consumers in the short term anyway, it's supposed to benefit them in the long term by encouraging innovation by offering short term monopolies to innovative firms.

Whether it works or not is a political question, maybe we should change them, but today Apple, Samsung and friends have to play with the laws as they are right now.


Dr Mouse

why not link a picture of this tablet that looked so much like an IPad? From what I saw of windows tablets pre 2010 they looked utterly different from an iPad, they had big thick bezels rather than flush glass screens with borders for starters. The bezels had buttons and frequently ornamental insets.


Really thin?

Really really thin, or just officially really thin? The 10.1 is reported to be very slightly thinner than the iPad-2, .2mm thinner, but actual photographs show it as very slightly thicker.


And reports have suggested that this is due to supply shortages, so that not all 10.1s sold are actually 8.6mm thick.


Typical samsung bait & switch.


If you created a new and recognisably different laptop enclosure design and were awarded a design patent on it, then that would be a reasonable question to ask. In fact if you held up a unibody MacBook and any other contemporary device - yes - it would be pretty easy to spot the difference, especially if you were a lawyer who's job it was to argue that such a difference was present!


It's only one of the tests for the injunction, the other is that Apple needs to demonstrate that they are likely to win the final case.

Apple, tech titans lead US brands to world domination


Erm, Shell is an Anglo-Dutch firm, HQ is in the Hague but the registered office is in London -Shell centre on the south bank.

HSBC is indeed a British bank, and their HQ is in Canada Square, Canary wharf.

While the survey may be dodgy, your complaints are completely bogus.

World+Dog goes bonkers for iPhone 4S


Woz queues for the fun of it



everybody gets excited about something

For me it's new album releases from a few favourite bands, or new books from a few favourite authors. I'll buy those on the first day of availability - heck I'll sit eagerly by my computer waiting for the digital availability, or get up early for the delivery from amazon.

Just because somebody else is excited about something different to you doesn't make them sad. Actually sad/depressed people are the ones who get excited about nothing.


They do - this is just more sloppy reporting from El reg.


'O2 claimed it had sold more iPhone 4S devices in the first hour of sales than the iPhone 4 handset in the same period when it was released last year. It also said white versions of the device were outselling black ones.'

Dell signals Windows 8 fondleslab range


Enterprise TM.

Or at least that's the dream. MS believes it can get enterprise users to buy win-8 tablets because they'll run 'full windows' in some vague and incompletely defined way.

Apple wins for now: no Galaxy 10.1 in Oz



That has nothing to do with the australian suit, it's not about design there - it's about utility patents.


Close but no cigar

the german ruling doesn't cover the EU, the preliminary ruling did, but then Samsung were able to get it reduced to just Germany. This was a technical ruling,


The EU-wide ruling is from the court in the Netherlands.

Sony Ericsson stems losses with smartphone sales


A respectable profit?

31million euros? Huh?

That's not a respectable profit, that's a flatline, continuing S-E's status as a zombie firm. HTC is making a respectable profit, Samsung's mobile division is making a respectable profit - even RIM is making a respectable profit.

RIM stands, staggers, falls again


Unholy crap! I thought you were making this up, but this is really true! Satan has cursed blackberry! Switch to the iPhone now folks - the Jesus Mobe saves.

iOS update woes prompt gnashing of teeth for Apple fans



how many android users will be getting ICS on the day it launches? Apple crumble tastes just fine to me, though I'm one of the faceless masses who updated without incident, and installed Lion without problems.

Laptop shoots spike into owner's hand


Won't somebody think of the DVD drives?

Maybe it wasn't evil, maybe it just REALLY didn't want to suffer through Van Helsing again?

Microsoft gets trademark for retail store plans


If they have even a single photograph proving that they were trading with that design before the TM then they're allowed to continue, though they may have problems opening new stores with the same design in new markets.

This Dianamania is a slur on Jobs


It's no slur

The Dianamania is a natural reaction to the passing of the man, because he shared a number of things with Diana.

He was mega-famous, up there with movie stars and rock stars.

He was also accessible to regular people. Answering emails, answering questions at the AGM, interacting with grunt level workers at Apple. Jobs clearly never forgot the day he got his break from Bill Hewlett.

He was charismatic, and we got a dose of that charisma every time he gave a keynote or an interview.

The combination is powerful, and results in people mourning a connection to a guy they never new, because they're mourning the connection that they might have made.


This all brings to mind the idea of the hierarchy of needs.

Borlaug was a giant, and he attended to the most important need of all - the need for food. But once people have had that need met, we don't appreciate it.

Those of us in the west with our 'first world probems' care more about the people helping us to meet our still unresolved needs.

Google breaks South African embargo on Dalai Lama

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While the Delai Lama isn't going to be starring in any Pride parades, he's not a homophobe, nor does he have a sky god (Buddhism doesn't have a creator god). I may not share his views about achieving enlightenment, or reincarnation, or oral sex, but that doesn't mean I think that he's a hateful man in the way that Pope Benedict is.

Sony wants Ericsson's half of their mobile biz


They'd be left with their still profitable business selling equipment to the telecom firms, they made close to $2BN profit last year, and none of it was from handsets or consumer goods.

Intellectual Ventures wages patent war on Motorola


If Intellectual Ventures is so evil

Why is Google an investor?


Google Books app splurts 3 million titles in UK launch


I haven't looked for a while but this was always the problem with the scanned out of copyright books from Google - there was a lot of noise in amongst the signal. So if you wanted 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' for example, it was easy to find, but relatively hard to find all 6 volumes from the same edition.

It's a great idea, and ultimately it will be transform the world of literature - but we're not quite there yet.


No pricing power

The big 5 publishing houses all switched eBooks to the so called agency model when iBooks was launched. This means that Google, Amazon and Apple all sell at the price that the publisher tells them to - they don't have any freedom.

Google won't end up being cheaper than Amazon due to competition, but neither will Amazon be cheaper due to volume. They'll both stay around the same - and they both have cross platform readers, so there's no particular lock-in with either of them.

Cambridge Audio iD100 hi-fi dock


It's down to volume. All of Apple's devices have the same physical connector, so there's a huge market for accessories. The market for non-apple docks is much smaller, so the selection is tiny.

Samsung, Google delay next-gen Nexus launch


The only place they stand any chance of succeeding with that is Korea, and even that is a long shot.

The iPhone 4S in depth: More than just a vestigial 'S'


iOS has also had limited voice control since the 3GS, this is a different because of the natural language processing. Honestly I have no interest in Siri, and I never used voice control - but technically it's different.



Heh - definitely less light lost than gained. The loss of light at glass-air interface is around 4% for bare glass, and I'd imagine that the glass on one of these lens systems is anything but bare. 1% would seem plausible.

But yeh - it's all a tradeoff.


It's dual core, how else do you describe how a dual core performs compared to a single core at the same speed? I think you need to be accompanied by a responsible adult when you post.

Ten... Androids to outshine the iPhone 4S


Accurate portrayal of facts please?

'Samsung’s Mk. 2 Galaxy S is, depending on whose numbers you read and believe, the best-selling smartphone of 2011'

Hmm, I think you meant that to say 'the best selling smartphone released in 2011', because the way it's worded currently makes it seem like it's sold the most units in 2011, and that's just not true - as I'm sure you're aware.

The $35 android tablet, a snip at $50



You misunderstand how the WTO has changed international IP laws, read for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIPS

What you'll see is that the WTO has required all countries to create a patent system and enforce it, but that's not the same thing as making US patents suddenly applicable in every nation. If Apple, Oracle or Google patents a new invention - then they have 1 year to patent it in all other jurisdictions. After that year they can no longer get the patent in any other market, and they only have patent protection in the markets in which they've filed.

So if MS hasn't filed the key patents in India, then they cannot use them to sue an Indian company making products that are for the Indian market.

Sony Ericsson: 'We dropped the ball on iPhone'


3D cameras? 3D screens? those aren't features - those are gimmicks.

Chrome browser 'is becoming Number Two'


From a web development perspective what really matters is that the Webkit browsers, which include Chrome, are slowly consolidating share and driving the IE monster out.

Ten reasons why you shouldn't buy an iPhone 5


wow - somebody is really bitter.

Amazon to whup Apple rivals when Kindle Fire hits UK


Archos have made so many bad tablets with poor and indifferent reviews that the problem isn't their advertising, it's their brand.

HP finally swallows Autonomy


That would be illegal under UK takeover rules.

Samsung reveals release for 5in tablet


Samsung may sell turds, but never surds.

HTC Android handsets spew private data to ANY app



No, the carriers do - or more often, don't. Android & WP7 OEMs don't have the ability to push updates to end-users without carrier involvement - unlike Apple - which made a big point of wrestling this right away from the carriers right at the get go.


'Except that this isn't an Android bug but a flaw in HTC Sense'

That's true, but it's hard for the average consumer to see the difference. To them, it's no different to buying a windows PC, the assume any bugs are from MS.


'so I guess you haven't heard about the apple fiasco a few months ago, about the iphone storing its location every while, for any app to see.'

It wasn't for any app to see, you don't have filesystem access with an iOS app, except to files created by your app or through certain API calls, some media files such as music. In order to breach privacy somebody would either need to hack and root your phone or a law enforcement type would need physical access to the handset.

Sorry, but this is an order of magnitude worse than Apple's location storing - which at least had a sensible purpose behind it. Remember, Google does exactly the same kind of location DB build up, but it does it all server side - which is in some ways better and in some ways much worse.
