If I have to make a choice...
If I have to make a choice between my Ad Blocker and your content, your content is going to lose. Every time.
Now, I get that you need revenue but when you tell me that it's Jeff Bezos. I think he can afford it.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2011
The answer in these things is always simple. Vote with your wallet. If you do not like their practices, don't use their services. Sometimes standing up for your beliefs, holding fast to your morals, showing true character come at a cost but isn't there always a price for freedom and your privacy?
Talk the talk or walk the walk.
Look at the http://www.apricorn.com/ site. This Toshiba rebranded one is the OLD version. There is a newer USB3.0 model that is much better. Not sure why no one did so much as a Google Image Search before writing this article but, like the device, it's been rebranded and reprinted by a few blog sites.
There are newer, better options than this. http://www.apricorn.com/
I think it's safe to conclude that if this keylogging "feature" stays beyond the development stage and into the Final Release version that this will be, for many, the final release. What corporation would willingly and knowingly accept the obvious liability that such an aggressive and inviting attack vector this "feature" represents?
Enough retailers are being targeted for their secure financial data as it is. No point in giving hackers and malware authors such a ripe target as this "feature" represents. Can you imagine a corporate R&D department doing any new product development on a machine running Windows 10? What about banks and financial services? Governments? You get the idea.
Not going to happen. MS might as well close it's doors if this is their intention for a final release.