* Posts by Oldlag

3 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2011

Gov IT contractors hire staff in India to work on benefits system


I'm with you, lets both outsource and offshore the government.

I do believe that we have the skills and people in the UK to do the job, but feel that the government always gets in the way, changing the goal posts, specs and causing the big projects to fail - How many of us I wonder could have put together a simple NHS database system, for a fraction of the cost and within a short timescale, without government interventions?

Just my two rupees worth...

End in sight for IT jobs outsourcing massacre


Re: Good for companies but bad for the country

Agree with Mark, maybe I would add the company to a public list of UK companies that off-shore, would you buy products/services from this company or one that backs the UK jobs market and economy...let the public decide or would they :-(

Union warns of strike action against HP


Death of UK IT

http://www.theregister.co.uk/Design/graphics/icons/comment/it_angle_32.png It appears to be happening more and more, I just finished a short contract with a company doing the same thing off-shoring its IT - lots of very unhappy locals, and more unskilled off-shoreres than you could shake a stick at, I am sure there were skill ones as well but not that I could see!

BTW has there ever been an impartial study as to the benefits or not to offshore - is it just the fact that the offshore workforce is so cheap that it works in the eyes of the bean counters, or is it the fact that offshore companies can take existing inefficient IT departments and run with them rather than the UK companies doing some radical restructuring.

Come on government pull your finger out, this has to stop, before the IT profession and any innovation is killed off in the UK.