Amarok roks. That's all there is to it.
39 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2007
"The real difference is that software publishers are so afraid of being pirated they refuse to produce linux versions. If they do, 30 sec. after they are released, they are everywhere. Zero sales potential. So there are no linux versions of photshop, autocad, ...."
Right, because no one pirates them on Windows or Mac.
"why bundling Windows Media Player (for instance) with Windows was an abuse of antitrust legislation, but bundling iDVD (for instance) with OSX is what makes the Mac wonderful?"
Dunno, never figured this out. They bundle iTunes, iDVD, iPhoto, Safari, QuickTime, Garage Band, Mail, on and on and on. And every time I reboot they revert all of these to be the default applications (some bug with FileVault that Apple refuses to admit).
Personally I can't wait for KTorrent to finish coming out on Windows and Mac. Integrated search, lots of tweakability, built-in IP blocking, plugins, and seeding ratio caps make for a super fast client that does everything you could want it to do.
I did try uTorrent once and gave up after it proved to be ass-slow at downloading things, even with the same settings as KTorrent.
It takes about one and a half seconds to bring my Postfix and Dovecot daemons back up, including full user data, plus maybe another second or two for SpamAssassin and Amavis.
If they were to ever crash, that is. Five years down the line (ok, originally using Courier instead of Dovecot), I've never had a crash, not once.
What's this Exchange thing then? Sounds pretty poor.
The majority of all security issues you see these days -- including those on Windows -- are theoretical/lab/black hat convention exploits.
The majority of Windows issues people still have in terms of viruses propagating everywhere are unpatched systems.
The whole point is that by not patching systems when these flaws are discovered, you leave yours as the vulnerable one, so that when exploits do come out for those that didn't bother patching, you'll be the one suffering.
If Google had been the top bidder, they would have won the spectrum, and they would have done something with it. Verizon stepped up because they were willing to pay more than Google was.
It doesn't matter if Google just cared about triggering the open access requirement. They made a binding bid, they got beat out, and they decided not to make another bid.
It's called an auction, and this is how it works. Doesn't matter one whit what your motives were. In the end, it's all money.
All you have to do is look at this section:
- Sales beyond our wildest dreams
- Much more than the 1% market share we asked for in January
Total horseshit. Everyone knows that it's been selling like crap, there's no way they're at 10 million devices. Unless they're counting devices "sold" to Carphone Warehouse and the like, who are totally unable to move them to end-users.
"Having said all that, why Apple seem incapable of securing QT is beyond me."
It's really easy...their coders are crap. All the stable stuff -- most of their OS, that is -- they got from much better coders at various other projects (FreeBSD, Apache, Postfix, KDE, etc etc).
All of their in-house products have proven to be messes of insecure crap, because their in-house coders are crap.
Since when do I need to give a solution to make fun of you for being a moron? I have neither the desire nor the time to get into a convoluted discussion as to the ins and outs of getting back at the RIAA, especially when they're doing a damn good job right now of proving themselves incompetent, irrelevant, and boneheaded.
I did however have both the desire and the time to make fun of your continual mis-acronym-ing of OpenOffice.org, since you claimed to have been a long-time user of it.
One of the many reasons you show yourself to be a total moron in that post is your mis-acronyming (if that's a word) of OpenOffice.org as oOO. Considering you've been using "oOO for several years" you haven't seemed to grasp that the various O letters in the title turn into OOo, which is what everybody else uses.
Hey Shad, before you respond to someone's comment, you may want to bother reading it, because my facts are perfectly in line.
The Reg article talked about Tracker as a desktop search tool. My comment:
"So while it might perhaps be true that Ubuntu is the first distro including Tracker specifically (who cares, having software you develop appear in your distro first is not news), it's certainly not the first to include desktop search."
So again -- it's not anywhere near the first to include desktop search, so them having it is really not news. It is the first to include Tracker as a desktop search tool, but who cares, that's not news either considering that they're the ones developing it (and besides, if it didn't have issues they wouldn't have been the first to include it anyways...so they're the first to include buggy software that doesn't integrate well across desktop environments...good going, guys).
'"I believe we're the first (Linux) distribution to deliver that out of the box," Shuttleworth said, during a conference call with reporters.'
But would it kill you to actually check things before printing them verbatim? Beagle's been included in openSUSE since 10.1, and I doubt it was the first distro to do it. So while it might perhaps be true that Ubuntu is the first distro including Tracker specifically (who cares, having software you develop appear in your distro first is not news), it's certainly not the first to include desktop search.
Besides, in typical fashion, it's duplicating work that's already been going on for a long time elsewhere. See Xesam, Nepomuk, Beagle, Strigi, etc etc etc.
'The company is also planning a "closed peer-to-peer network" for video downloads, and at some point, it may allow users to rent and purchase videos.'
How exciting. Because if I'm downloading ad-ridden, DRM-ridden videos, I'll of course vastly prefer to waste my fellow consumers' upload bandwidth rather than NBC's.
'The service isn't likely to be accessible outside the U.S. Our overseas always get the long the end of the stick. '
And Linux users, of course. Windows-only for now, Mac later. As usual, us Linux users will have to turn "elsewhere" if we miss last night's episode of (some_show). Oddly, we'll get it in much more convenient formats and without ads and restrictions, too...
"The concept of a Light Sabre for the Wii was first penned in December 2006, when the MacSaber’s developer, Isnoop, announced the WiiSaber – no explanation needed"
Really? Are you sure it wasn't first penned by, umm, EVERYBODY, which was the number of people thinking exactly the same thing the moment that the pointing/motion sensing ability of the Wii was revealed? I know I did, I just didn't care enough to write an app that makes swishy sounds when I wave my Wiimote around (wow, exciting...MacSaber was lame too).
Besides, it'll probably be at least $50 like the current Sixaxis controllers. I suppose spending $50 or more each to upgrade controllers just to get rumble is going to win big with the gaming crowd.
Sorry, I'll be grabbing two Wii Zappers and a Wii Balance Board for cheaper than two of 'em.
Vista may not have noticed that the MBR was changed if the machine had the boot sector virus before Vista was even installed in the first place. I know that Vista writes its own MBR entry, but the virus seems to change the location of the MBR, letting an OS write its entry there in the wrong place.
To Vista there may not have been any changes to detect.
People always seem to forget that colloquial MP3s usually describe CBR 128kbit/sec tracks, which have a lot of loss. But the encoder makes a huge difference -- 128kbit/sec encoded by LAME within the last year or two sounds just as good (according to double-blind listening tests, see Hydrogen Audio forums and wiki for info and links) as the "superior" formats like WMA and AAC at the same constant bit rate.
Using LAME's new VBR method, with the highest fidelity setting, you get tracks that are transparent (cannot be distinguished from the original source material; all FLACs for instance are transparent since they're lossless). In fact, tracks are transparent below that setting, but a bit of paranoia isn't a bad thing.
In order to save space (HDD may be cheap these days, but if you're like me and want backups of your music collection just in case...) I recently converted my FLAC collection into MP3s using LAME's absolute best VBR settings; the file sizes shrank significantly, and in all my side-by-side listening tests (which I ran before deleting the FLACs) I can't tell a lick of difference. Maybe if I had $4000 speakers connected to a $3000 amp coming via optical out of a $800 sound card, but I don't, and won't have that kind of money to spend on this...