I always walk on the left
I always walk on the left, with my left hand holding the escalator rail. My right hand always carries my stick which I use for support. (and occasionally prodding idiots out of the way)
45 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jun 2011
There are an awful lot of recent immigrant wierdos, the ones with strange clothes and head coverings. They often refuse to use the lift when the dog is there, and will even dash about and make squarking noises whilst huddling in corners. I find this rather insulting. The dog is a very tame and friendly person, and has as much right as anyone to use the lift. Particularly as he currently has a broken leg.
Got a new Panasonic 4summat before Xmas.
Excellent toy.
Would have got the Sony if it hadn't had the kinky stand.
I am a great believer in wall mounted stands, and mounted high enough up to avoid heat issues.
Spent time playing with the Sony but could not wall mount it when tilted down to point directly at my sweet spot.
I used to thump them (automated tills) when they didn't work properly. A good hard side of the fist type thump. It didn't make them work any better, far from it, but did attract the attention of the uniformed nazis who threatened to ban me from the shop.
I have since discovered that a good slap can be enough to break the machine properly requiring it to be replaced.
I no longer slap the ones in my favourite local Sainsbury, but I still do so anywhere else I think I can get away with it.
BTW You do know that in Sainsburys you can elect to 'use your own bags' and enter up to 9 'own bags' to gain 9 extra nectar points credit.
I will usually will take a few extra bags whilst they are clean and flat to keep my stocks up with rubbish bags. They are much easier to store before they have been used.
I never got on with early MicroShaft stuff, I could never remember all the strings of code, so I only started computing with enthusiasm when I got an Atari, with a mouse.
T'other half was already banging away in WordPerfect (in DOS) and I remember a heated argument when she avowed that she could draw a circle in dos using the keyboard...
In my neighbourhood office yesterday, I needed to pay for a spare front door key. They would only accept debit cards, no cash!
(We used to be able to pay with cash, or card. Problem started 10 - 15 years ago, when one of the neighbourhood accountantcy blokes got addicted to drugs. The cash reservoir very quickly disapeared and as is typical of local government they promptly stopped everyone paying by cash. For a while they had a really great system where you had to get a chitty from the office, then take it to the post office to pay, then go back for the permit/key/whatever.)
A good while back I had a series of commutes from S. Wales to London, in the very early Saturday morning. Roads were very very quiet at that time and I was alone.
I found the most difficult part of rolling a joint was the 'crumble'. Surprising how far you can travel without noticing the road! I found the best thing to do was to stradle a white line, then when the car veered to one side, you would be warned by the noise changing.
I don't smoke any longer, nor do I do drugs any more, but I do still remember those few long trips on the motorway.
I've had a free internet connection ever since TalkTalk brought it out back in the days of the original TalkTalk bloke.
I did get a warning about D/L limits when I rebuilt my machine recentish from XP to 64bit Win 7 and there were all those interminable 'updates' plus all the other D/Ls required.
TalkTalk don't seem to have taken account of the bloat caused by recent O/S rebuilds.
In the early 80's the GPO sold off all their spare hand tools. For a while there were stalls all over Brick Lane and similar markets. I still have several tools, marked GPO. They are excellent quality, Lindstrom and Wilkinson branded, box joint pliars in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
I only recently stopped using my ex-GPO meter, the ones with the solid leather case, for a much smaller but cheap plastic digital one. They had a specialised dry cell battery and they eventually became unavailable.
Now I drink organic earl grey teabags, with 3 sucralose tabs and no milk. It has to be boiling properly, in one of my favourite mugs, and needs stirring and squeezing for a few minutes.
But I now only have about 1/3 of my kidneys left.
Previously I used to drink 'proper' filter coffee, with 2 spoons of demerara and full fat milk.
At my grandmothers house we always used to wake up to weak black tea with a slice of lemon...
Went to a cinema a while ago, big screen, fancy seats, free nibbles in the waiting area etc.
The sound was absolutely appalling, so load and booming and banging. The movie seemed to be slightly out of focus, there was motion blur, and most importantly was several degrees too dark. All the darker detail was all stuffed right up.
Went to another cinema, in a different part of town more recently. Smaller place, much steeper slope to climb, really ridiculous prices for food and drink.
Even more of an assault on the ears, noticeable damage to the screen, similarly badly projected, detail all dark and blocked up.
NEVER EVER AGAIN will I go into a cinema. They are just total nasty rip offs.
Whatever the movie, I can wait for the bluray to come out, where I can watch it in a civilised fashion.
quote - It is funny how irritating screaming/crying babies can be on an aeroplane unless the critter in question is your progeny. - unquote
Sometimes I think people deliberately bring their little bastards to supermarkets to exercise their (the bastards) lungs. Why else do they then ignore them.
I remember my father anticipating Quatermas on TV in the fifties. Presumably there was a good deal of advance publicity/bit of a buzz in the press or at 'work'. Of course there was only 2 channels then. I don't personally remember it being earth shattering, but I was allowed to stay up to watch.
The other TV I got late night privileges (bed by 9pm) was Hancock, which I enjoyed much more. Sadly all the extra 'business' in the 'Radio Ham' seems to have got lost, but in the original Hancock used his mouth to pull out a length of solder, and flinched when it burnt his lip. We've all done it... That was the only time I can specifically remember my father and I laughing spontaneously together.
I used to be a music photographer.
I have entered a warm muggy pub from a freezing outside world, from my bike, and all my lenses etc (Photographic kit) immediately fogged up. I had to wait around until it all warmed up before taking pictures.
I've also been in a warm summer pub gig with a good crowd of punks all pogoing about and had to turn the camera off. There was so much moisture in the air I could barely hold the camera, I was literally bathed in sweat, and the electronics went 'funny'. Once it had dried out it was fine again.
So any crapple device could easily be invalidated...
I've noticed that with older but still perfectly good bedroom TV's the remotes tend to die and have to be replaced because the sound kill button goes.
Some time back I had a TV (One of those giant boxes with decent sound) which had a 'reduce sound' button so that the volume was reduced considerably during adverts. Sadly the other half watered the plant on top and the electrics died.
I happened to remember that I have a smallish pirate (skull and crossbones) flag lying around.
50p later for rhe roof mounting stick, and the union duster consigned to the bin, and I have been driving around happily showing 'my' true colours.
*I think it's funny they made him work nights because he stank! Hahaha! No wonder he took to wearing turtlenecks in later life, they help keep the BO sealed in!*
I remember that theory. The idea was to stop washing and wait for your body to go back to it's natural state. If you were noticeably dirty you could rub the dirt off with earth or dust. (Like animals do, dust bath anyone?) It was suposed to take a couple of weeks or so before you stopped being 'smelly' and became a healthy human without a noticeable odour.
At that time the ordinary American women were covered in smells from various preparations, had their hair heavily treated, washed their fannies at least every day, flossed regularly, wore a bra and so on, totally - covered in stuff rather like todays women :-(
The hippies (freaks) rejected all that crap. It helped of course that the weather in the south of the US was MUCH better. And there was plenty of good grass about.
I didn't do the non washing bit because I had a live-in GF, and she did not ascribe to the hippy philosophy and made me wash regularly...Got me rocks off though!
peace V man...
I was watching CSI when the change over happened and everything went blank. I can normally see the Crystal Palace tower (on a good day). I use just a cheap internal aerial pointing in the right direction.
I retuned immediately and a few (21 I think) channels came up immediately, but NOT the 5* channel I was watching - never did get to see what happened. :-(
After a while, maybe half an hour, a few more channels appeared making about 41 or so.
I gave up on telly then, and tried to sleep.
A bit later, about 3am, I turned the set on again, retuned, which showed the usual 120 (ish) channels. Then spent another half hour removing all the stupid sales channels, wank channels (why are they so ugly?) and the talking bollox channels.
I hope I don't have to go through all that again...
I was a newly enrolled Systems Analyst somewhere at the tail end of the sixties. I worked for Freeman's the catalogue company in Stockwell (London).
I remember one whole enormous floor of girls with machines inputting to cards, and paper tape.
I remember the computer room itself - airlock doors for a controlled environment and no-one allowed to use smelly hair gel (Brylcream etc) or the machines would jam up.
I was well into hash and acid through the weekend, so most work on a Monday got binned and redone next day.
It didn't last long, and I've never had a normal job since, but I have had a lot of serious fun elsewhere...
When I left they were doing the big change from LSD to metric, many giggles about LSD btw, I managed to design one of the agents bits of paper, which they had to fill in all the time, with a subtle mistake in the addition... (SUBVERT!) Got it as far as the printers...
They had just decided not to buy a new (IBM?) computer, but to add another s/h LEO machine to increase capacity.
I have been tempted to try a Yahoo search a couple of times recently (within the last year anyway!). Prolly because there are various promotions which can get you nectar points or some such.
On both occasions I have been shocked at the limited scope of the results - eg most recently, timber yards in S.E. London the nearest recommended was somewhere in N. Finchley!!!
I think Yahoo are seriously crap, and deserve to sink and die.
I have a Scénic Privilège TomTom dCi 106 Registered on: 31 Mar 2010.
This really is a HORRIBLE motor. The turbo waits to spool up so when you start off it barely works. (You made a comment on it on page 2 of the review.) I now have my own technique to get going. When I see the lights are about to change I start to press on the accelerator, bringing the revs up to about 1,500. When the lights have actually changed I start to let the clutch go, but slowly so letting the power feed in gently. It definitely isn't a good practice and should markedly reduce the clutch life, but it is on Renault guarantee etc, so SCREW them!
There were nasty rattles from new, the dealer took it in for a couple of days, gave it back saying it had been assembled wrongly in the factory, and it rattled even worse. Since then, it is just a series of noises and rattles. I have given up now, and as I live in SE London with speed bumps everywhere, I just push it over everything (like the coppers do) and wait to see what breaks first.
There is a lot else wrong with the thing, I call it 'the slug',
I recently did 3,000 miles in it on my holidays. The seat makes my arse ache, there are many door pockets and ledges everywhere, but none actually are usable, there is nowhere to fit an atlas/map book. The glove compartment is a joke. The leather covered steering wheel has joins in the covering just where my hands go.
BTW this is a Motability car so it goes back after 3 years, but I pity the poor sod that gets it next... In fact I'm more likely to replace it before time, it is SO nasty! (Motability allows you to dump one if you have a good reason, although you lose the £250 good condition bonus)
Renault? NEVER again!
Catch them and have them out doing community service orders, digging ditches, clearing gutters and drains, plenty of waste grounds need clearing of rubbish, in fact plenty of city streets right now need cleaning up!
I've seen some of that... and it basically costs more to clear up AFTER the CSO than before.
Best answer is to just kill them, preferably slowly.
(And as Arnie said, you do the politicians first)
Done properly, NHS and all that. The surgeon commented it was 'all black and nasty inside'. But the other one is still working after a fashion. I now have 20% of my kidney function left.
Not to be done lightly, removing kidneys, the fanboi I feel will regret it. If he survives...
The bottom line, some severe dietary restrictions. No more beer of any sort for a start, nor serious coffee... (It's the potassium that gets you, you can't get rid fast enough, then the K kills your heart)
Raised glass - of Earl Grey tea, no milk, with 2 tabs of Sucralose. (Sigh)