* Posts by ■↨

18 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jun 2011

Apple's trial experts are 'slavish fanbois who believe in magic'


Animal Farm

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

Compulsory coding in schools: The new Nerd Tourism


Newbie error...

The error here is taking anything Rory Hyphen Jones says seriously. I have yet to see a broadcast from him or an article on the BBC website from him that wasn't powder-puff, lightweight, barely-scratch-the-surface, populist and most importantly pointless. I have given up reading his articles.

Ignore him. Anyone with sense will.

Yet another iPhone patent lawsuit



Texas --> weak case --> troll --> longer term failure

Labour targets Tories' Google problem


Harriet Harmful

So she thinks that the way forward is to fully implement the Digital Economy Act, which is being contested by the ISPs in court, which they will refuse to accept as it imposes duties upon them which make them the de facto internet police, an act which was rushed through Parliament by the Spinmeister General Peter Mandelson immediately before the last election without any of the due scrutiny that a bill like that should and does deserve.

Harman is, quite frankly, an odious individual and a liability to her party. The sooner Labour get rid of her stench, the sooner they might become plausible and re-electable.

The Conservatives said that they would have a 'Bonfire' of the poor and rushed legislation that the last government passed. When's it coming? Or is this another victim of the Liberal coalition?

NotW didn't delete Milly Dowler 'false hope' voicemail


The Sun hires Liars

This would be the same police force claiming this that are also being investigated by the Leveson Inquiry for being in the Murdoch Media's pockets having accepted bribes from them, would it?

Lovefilm dumps Flash, BLINDS Linux fans with Silverlight


How long until it gets hacked?

In the same way that Get_iPlayer gets the for-iPhone DRM-free version of the BBC's iPlayer, I don't doubt that the same think will happen to LOVE FiLM. Someone will work out how to emulate the iPad or other non-Silverlight device and LOVEFiLM will actually make the security worse by going to Silverlight.

Talk about short-sighted.

Seagate embiggens hybrid drive, won't say how...



$189? Are Seagate not affected by the Thai floods then?

The top five spam subjects sullying inboxes



Well, I don't get any of those. Just because they're the 'most common', it doesn't mean that they're actually common, does it?

Pay-by-wave: At least it's better than being mugged


Aluminium Card Case

As usual the Japanese have a solution...


Comes in various depths, also available in Stainless Steel.

Every time I've used a proximity payment the staff have got confused that there's no receipt and called their supervisor. As a result it takes far longer than entering the pin. So now I tend not to bother.

Where am I going tomorrow? My electric car charger wants to know


Battery technology

This all actually stems from battery technology and the ideal way to make your batteries (the most expensive parts of an electric car) last the longest. If you're using common Li-ion batteries in the car then you ideally want to charge to 75% capacity and not discharge below 25% capacity for the longest life span of the batteries. Run from 100% down to 0% on a regular basis and your batteries won't last a year. It's a similar issue with NiMH batteries. Use standard Lead/Acid batteries and you have weight issues, package issues and charge time issues.

Battery technology is not progressing quickly enough to cope with Moore's law and it's not progressing quickly enough to cope with the Green agenda either.

Mozilla to Firefox users: Ditch crashtastic McAfee plugin


"Recent versions of Firefox, prior to the 7.0 release, were memory hogs that had a tendency to crash all on their own, so it may be that McAfee is only partially to blame for this problem"

What a load of old tosh. I've regularly used Firefox with between 30 and 40 tabs open and experienced a grand total of zero crashes.

Furthermore, my experience of McAfee software when I was last unfortunate enough to use it in a corporate environment was that it regularly caused crashes and was poorly tested.

The iPhone 4S in depth: More than just a vestigial 'S'


Personae au gratin?

Are you trying to say that they won't let you in because you're covered in breadcrumbs and grated cheese mixed with eggs/butter? That they're a little browned off with you? That they find you a bit crusty?

I would suspect that it's more likely to be the fact that you tell the truth about their walled garden:

e.g. Lewis Page's 10 reasons why you shouldn't buy an iPhone 5


Is it possible that you meant Personae non grata?

Apple victorious: Courts deny hackintosher's final plea

Thumb Down

Fanboi article alert

Could you have possibly written that article from a more passionately Apple-fanboi-centric angle? Whether a US Court feels that psystar's case had any merit or not, most /impartial/ readers would probably feel that there's another angle that you could have considered, just for a second or two at least, before writing your scarily one-sided article.

Microsoft emits WinPhone seduction pack



You could use the recaller app on the Nokia N900 (maemo/meego) to automatically record your calls. A little research on your part might go a long way.

Much of the human race made up of thieves, says BSA


Missing the point?

"illegal software purchases" is clearly an oxymoron. If you're a pirate and are buying the software, something somewhere has gone horribly wrong.

Skype: Microsoft's $8.5 billion identity tool


Yes, a much better reason

dogged is completely right. The whole reason M$ + Skype + Nokia could be a game changer is that with a good implementation of Skype and SkypeOut by Nokia on WP7 handsets then Microsoft could push the IP Telephony revolution much harder and faster than it has been pushed before. There's money in wheelbarrows for the first to make it work well...

AMD promises 10 teraflop notebooks by 2020


It's possible today:

Bloat is relative... I had the pleasure of installing Office 2000 onto a brand new Windows 7 laptop for an elderly friend recently. To say that Word was like grease lightning was an understatement. There was no delay or splash screen - it was instantaneous.

If it has to be M$ and if you don't intend to use the bloat of the more recent versions of Office, and most users don't, I'd strongly recommend it as the way forward.

Francis Maude goes back 110 years for cybersecurity strategy

Paris Hilton

The DVLA as an example?

So he'd like to sack, demote and discipline a whole load of Public Sector workers for using their network to distribute porn?



It's one way to cheaply reduce the number of public sector workers and/or cut their salaries, I suppose.

Paris, for blindingly ;) obvious reasons.