Re: What sort of motherboard slot?
M2 slots can be found on some of the newer motherboards, the PCI bit means it uses PCI lanes (faster) opposed to sata lanes (slower), as you can also get m2 sata ssd's.
27 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jun 2011
Omfg, how retarded is this company. Don't they realise all they are doing is alienating the people that would buy their product if they weren't such twats and stopped coming out with BS like this along with their crappy DRM which obviously only works to annoy the paying customer.
"Ubisoft reckons just one in ten PC gamers legitimately source games, using the figure as justification for a move towards more free-to-play and web browser-based titles."
I don't pirate games, and I won't install Ubisoft games even if they are free, basically because you're a crap company.
What excuse are they going to use if they do go free-to-play and still they make no money.
"Adverts are not only here to stay, but they are proliferating, and form a bedrock of revenue that prevents consumers from bearing the full financial cost of content creation."
Surely this should read "and form a bedrock of revenue that maximises profit from the consumer."
Or else the BBC are doing it wrong, not that I suffer TV adverts personally. There is more than adequate technology available to avoid them when watching the few programs I want to see.
Both Samsung and Hitachi want out of the HDD market, WD and Seagate are not forcing them to sell up, so what are the EU going to do exactly?
They can't make a company continue something it doesn't want to do, even if they stop the mergers who's to say another company is going to be interested in buying, Samsung was apparently working at a loss in the HDD sector as it is.
Perhaps the EU should force some random company to start making graphics cards because of the lack of competitiveness in that market as well!