* Posts by AgentMyth

7 publicly visible posts • joined 31 May 2011

Ten years under Dr Su: How AMD went from budget Intel alternative to x86 contender


Re: Still not competing in mobile markets

If your SSD gives up soon, the Clevo and TongFang Factories are Linux and maintenance friendly and are re-branded by companies like Bestware/Schenker and laptopwithlinux.com

I'm on my second AMD laptop from Bestware and am happy to recommend them. I even had to process the warranty replacement of a failed disk - there was no drama.

The great thing is that you can usually customise the components to get just what you want, even if it's a very high spec.

Bitwarden switches password manager and SDK to GPL3 after FOSS-iness drama


A great tool

I moved from Lastpass to Bitwarden family after a bit of research years ago.

The capability of the Android app alone provides enough value for me but add in integrations, hardware keys etc. and I see a tool that would help staff be more secure in most businesses.

An email banning our staff from using TikTok? Haha, funny story about that, we didn't mean it – Amazon



I enjoyed this excellent work:

Shock TikTok block clocked, unblocked as poppycock amid media aftershock

British ISPs throw in the towel, give up sending out toothless copyright infringement warnings


Re: Ultraviolet shutting down - I have an account and they sent a note last week. Apparently they'll transfer the movies in your library to a linked Google Play/ YouTube account.

It's worth checking out. I registered a number of blu ray disks with them recently and transferred them to my YouTube account with no trouble. Playback was perfect.

Visited the Grand Canyon since 2000? You'll have great photos – and maybe a teensy bit of unwanted radiation


What a great sentence

"Unless folks were licking the rocks, or breathing in dust from the material, or sticking their heads inside the open containers to gnaw on the ore, they should be fine."

Laughed out loud at this one - bravo!

Blast from the past: Boffins find the fastest exploding non-supernova star


Re: Holy cow that's an awesome photo!

I felt the same way about a picture of the Carina Nebula (tenuous link to Eta Carinae) that NASA produced from Hubble.

Some times it's hard to find the full picture, but here is is for reference:


Reg hack applauds asinine augmentation


Obviously assonance
