* Posts by getaclue

3 publicly visible posts • joined 26 May 2011

'Biocoal' fuels steam train comeback



I always wondered what a modern steam engine might look like. Today we have the technology to solve the high maintance problems, including the issue of dynamic inbalance hammering the tracks to death. But, I wonder if any new designs could actually be approved and built in todays world?

Panasonic TX-P65VT30 65in plasma 3D TV

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I have a Panasonic HDC-TM700 which has a 1080-60p, 5.1 surround sound setting and you should see the video it takes played back on this set! Even better yet, when that video is accompanied by a good 5.1 or better sound system the experience is absolutely incredible! I think the term super realistic might be a good way to describe the experience, because I could easily see much greater detail with great clarity then I could during the actual filming. I might add that even the salespeople were astonished, you don’t have to be an,” Expert, if you use the right material. Having said that, I think most people that buy this set will have other, smaller sets for everyday use and save this set for home theater duty.

$8.5bn Skype goes titsup again - including website

IT Angle

Just wondering:

I read the first article which said Skype doesn't integrate with Microsoft Office. True you do need to install an add-on, but Outlook really comes alive with Skype, maybe you should do a little more research. The other thing I haven't heard anyone mention is Skype's lack of Fax support. This is a major issue which Microsoft is likely to address. For Outlook users it really is a big deal, because most Office users have high speed Internet but not a working Fax modem connected to a telephone line. For a lot of small business owners an inexpensive Fax solution is absolutely huge as are the time savings.

Lastly, there are plenty of uninformed people that might not download, install, and configure Skype, but they will use it as a feature on a new television, game console, or Blu-ray player.

All-in-all, the potential is so huge as to upset the status quo, no doubt the ensuing battles will make for interesting reading.