Re: Whats that wire for
It's to make it go forward, or if it's a kinky rouch, go back.
69 publicly visible posts • joined 26 May 2011
Hi there AC
I'm one of the two users you speak of, I'm probably one of the two users of Linux too. If you don't like Opera, don't use it and stop trolling. I use opera every day as Firefox is just too heavy for my wee rig, I don't find anything wrong with it. I don't like Chrome, it's too bland and has started asking for a log in (which can be ignored) and since I'm one of the two users of Linux, I can't use Internet Explorer to see what it's like.
From Wikipedia (Sorry)
"Remuneration is the total compensation that an employee receives in exchange for the service they perform for their employer. Typically, this consists of monetary rewards, also referred to as wage or salary.[1] A number of complementary benefits, however, are increasingly popular remuneration mechanisms."
Icon because I spilled coffee on my nice white keyboard and now the qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq sticks.
Again, interesting, use it along side other search engines, and who knows, albeit, my Internet connection is slow as fuck, so to quote B.A from the A Team "I pity the fool who depends on my connection"
Need to get back to work and do whatever it is that I do.
Icon. because its cold in here.
I too, loved the old Xbox game, I have it lying around somewhere, its not in good condition, but that doesn't matter as both my old Xbox consoles have died. I'll probably buy this sometime anyway just to take me back. I hope the old gfx support wide screen.
Argh, I'll have to play it now on the 360 (its backwards compatible with some games).
P.S. The scoped handgun was was my favorite weapon.
The icon is for the Covenant.
More information for the driver! The only information a driver should be concerned with is what is in front of him/her, I've got two brothers who spend most of their driving time looking at the MPG read out than the fucking road, and I know of others who do the same, I don't have a fancy car with fancy displays, the ones I do use would be Speedometer and the red petrol light that grabs my attention once a week, the rest of my info comes from the road.
I've got one ad that comes up about Smithwicks, It just reminds to stock the fridge because I like Smickwicks, I don't click on the ad in case it goes away. I once was leaving a message for someone that had the word "old" in it, and I then seen ads for stair lifts and those granny buggies (Which are cool) being advertiesed. for ads I don't want I remove them choosing the "sexually explicit" option. <unrelated> I need to update my hosts file too </unrelated>
Beer because that's what I like
I've been playing games since the atari 2600 (i think), I even made games for the amstrad cpc464 with colour screen(green, It's a colour). Now i write monthly newsletters as well as look after various machines, I also write a monthly parody of my local newsletters, although I would get fired if my various boss type people knew what I was doing, luckily I know how to cover my tracks.
Raise a glass of the frothy stuff for games!
I think what people here are forgetting is that consumers like ourselves now have more products to chose from, and I like choice. What I've also seen here is that there are people slaggin off windows phone because it has a low market share, I use an operating system thats got a very low market share, as well as one thats got a very high market share, and I use the one with the low market share 90% of the time, because I choose to, because I like to. Windows phone will have people buy and use them because they enjoy to, and if they don't they could always try something else.
The alien icon, because I'm on my second run through of Dead Space 2!