* Posts by coolcelt

1 publicly visible post • joined 23 May 2011

Adam Curtis: The Rise of the Machines


deja vu

Sorry - this is all sadly predictable derivative stuff, discussed much more intelligently & presciently by Mike Cooley in his 1980 (yes, 1980) book, 'Architect or Bee'...Ivan Illich has also been down this road with 'Tools for Conviviality' (1971), revisited in 'Blasphemy: A Radical Critique of our Technological Culture' (1995). good to see the usual idiots are still about, with Acronyms Reinforcing Stupid Explanations,or whatever. The really interesting thing about this first episode was that, if you actually look at the facts AND the interviews, you realise that it's not about the rise of the machines, but about the banking elite tightening their control by the use of global debt creation...