" Make me understand. "
I'm sorry, but you CAN NOT be "made" to understand. Either you do or don't. And that's on you and no one else. It's a choice that you make.
The first word of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is .............. Congress. " Congress shall make no law ...... " Courts have no say.
Now I as a person, like Social Network Companies, are NOT Congress. And as such can not actually violate your right to free speech. The right "to" something, also includes the right "from" something. I have the right to not listen to someone else's bullshit.
So in my home, if you start spewing shit, I have the right to put a stop to it. I can ask you to stop, politely. Then to ask not so politely. Then to ask you politely tell you to leave. Then to ask you not so politely to leave. And if it comes to it, to call Law Enforcement to come and remove you. Outside of an environment like that, if I don't want to hear it I can just walk away, leave.
Social Networks have that same right. It's their house. When you sigh up to use their platform you are told what is acceptable and what isn't, and you agree to those terms. Weather you read them or not. And if you violate them, they have the right to ban you from the platform. I myself have been band for violating the rules. I called a fucking moron, a fucking moron. I was banned, and I'm perfectly happy with their doing so. I broke the rules. And they DID NOT violate my right to Free Speech. THEY ARE NOT CONGRESS / the GOVERNMENT!!!!
So the problem in the U.S. is that way to many people have no clue as to what Free Speech is. Not a fucking clue. You can say anything that you want, until you right interferes with my right.
The same goes for Religion.
But ...... Not all speech is protected. Yelling fire in a crowd is protected, if there actually is fire. It isn't protected if the intent is to cause fear, panic and potential harm. That is just one example of many things that aren't. The right to Free Speech ISN'T absolute!