* Posts by georgezilla

455 publicly visible posts • joined 23 May 2011


Does DOGE have what it takes to actually tackle billions in US govt IT spending?


Re: "Any return at all seen directly in the US, is merely a side effect."

" ... from the impotent seething and coping from Libtards who are seeing their fake worldview ... "

Says the "impotent seething and coping from a RWNJ MAGAnt who is seeing their fake reality fall apart. And has no clue that it is.

And it is, and you would see it if you actually looked. Cheaper eggs? Cheaper gas? Prices not going up? Reality. Pay attention.


Re: "Any return at all seen directly in the US, is merely a side effect."

Okay. How about Fox News. Oh wait. Sorry. Fox News wasn't one of the ones you listed. My bad. And they only lied about American elections. And even after they paid it, they continued to lie about it.


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

" ... The Democrats say this is bad, therefore it must be true ... "

Or could they be saying it's bad because it actually is. And it is the truth? Of course not. Because they are Democrats, and nothing they say is true.

< shakes head > FFS!


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

Yes. And if there are issues, then the people responsible should fix them. And who would that be? Why Congress of course. Not some halfwit rich guy who buys a tech company for more then it's worth and then looses half of it's value.


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

" ... especially if it involves bureaucratic nonsense like making sure everything on every form is completed no matter how silly and irrelevant to the actual situation. ... "


Example: I'm a 71 year old disabled Veteran who gets housing assistance from the VA. Every year I have to fill out forms to keep getting it. Not a problem, but .... Every year they ask me if anyone over the age of 65 lives in my home. If there is anyone that is a Veteran. If anyone is disabled. For VA Housing assistance! They ask if any of my children UNDER 18 live with me. And if any of them are in school. I'm 71 effing years old!! They ask how much money I make. Information they already know. They even know before I do what next years Social Security is going to be BEFORE I do. They ask what my rent is. They actually know if there will be a rent increase before I do. I find out that there is one, and how much it is because THEY tell me.

There are several more questions like this. But I think I've made my point. Do I actually have a problem with the silly shit they ask? Nope. Not one damn problem. I check the boxes and move on. Is it irrelevant? Maybe. But they ask and I answer. Even when they send me forms that ask me if I live at the address that they sent the forms to.


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

" ... There's a lot of hate from the far-left. ... "

Hate? Now that's funny coming fro someone like you. Oh wait. I don't know you, or anything about you. Oh well, I just did what you did. Make an ignorant comment about someone that I know nothing about. Am I "far-left"? And if I am, just what is it that makes you think that I hate? Or are you just an ignorant, loud mouthed twit, putting YOUR hate of things on display?


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

How? Be specific about how it actually has. Other then because some right-wing lying mouthpiece says that it has.


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

" ... It must be newly broke journalists hammering the thumbs down buttons. ... "

Or maybe people actually paying attention? Unlike people making comments like yours?


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

" ... There is so much fraud going on ... "

Then you change the laws to fix it. And who's job would that be? CONGRESS! But as we have seen, every time some tries exactly that, the ones that are whining the loudest about it stops it from being done.

Example: Immigration and the boarder. In the last two years 2 bills that would go a long way to start fixing it were shut down by Republicans. The last one was one that they helped craft. One where they got a lot of what they wanted. And then every last fucking one of them voted against it. A bill that they wanted and helped create. WTAF?


Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

" ... very little actual "good" is being done. ... "

So doing things like feeding hungry children isn't "good"?

Stealing massive amounts of US Citizens private info for some unknown reason IS "good"?

What is good about National Security? Fucking with it is a "good" thing?



Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...

" ... may even discover where the deep state actually resides. ... "

< shakes head > OH NOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSS ................................... The big bad "deep state" boogieman. Just another mythical sky-faerie that does magic to scare the weak minded.

Trump’s tariffs, cuts may well put tech in a chokehold, say analysts


Re: Shaking

Another example of why arrogance and ignorance are not a good combination.

White House asks millions of govt workers if they would be so kind as to fork right off


So it took less then 2 weeks to reach the "Find Out" stage of FAFO. So who's actually surprised that it only took that long? Not me. I figured it out, oh say .............. 2015. When this moron was first elected.

But hey, we tried to warn you. Yes we did.

Trump 'waved a white flag to Chinese hackers' as Homeland Security axed cyber advisory boards


OH NO!!!!!

Who would have guessed that a man who stole ( and yes, what he did was EXACTLY that ) Classified documents and was a National Security risk ..... would still be a National Security risk?

I mean besides millions of Americans have voiced the fact that he was/is. There are pictures of the fact that he had them stored in the shitter.

Even the cover sheets are classified. Says so in fucking big red letters right on them.

Now Trump's import tariffs could raise the cost of a laptop for Americans by 68%


Re: Another biased west coast article

" ... This isn't about tariffs, it's about forcing other countries to stop taking advantage of this country. ... " Taking advantage? It's called "capitalism". It's how shit actually works.

And yes we actually DID complain. You just weren't listening. And didn't want to hear it. People still believe that China is paying for the tariffs. In spite of what their wallets are telling them.


Re: Another biased west coast article

" ... Trump's argument is that slapping more tariffs on electronics that are made in China and imported into the United States will force manufacturers to onshore their factories, back to the US, and build products domestically. ... " To paraphrase Steve Jobs, founder of Apple .............. BULLSHIT!


Re: predicted the price of laptops and tablets would rise 45 percent for American buyers

I live in neither of those countries. So my opinion is more then meaningless, irrelevant. As is yours if you don't either..


And let's not forget that in his first term, Trump had a net LOSS in jobs.


" ... But you leave that out because ... " Because it's just not true. And extending it this year will add another $4.7 TRILLION to the deficit. You know, that thing that Republicans whine about the Democrats doing? All the while it's the Republicans that have ran it up the most. By a large margin.


Re: Eh?

" ... No one complained the last time he was President when he increased tariffs on China. ... " Uuummmmmm ....................... so you weren't paying attention? Why is that not surprising?


Re: re: all Drumpf cares about

" ... Are you sure you're not talking about Joe Biden? ... " Yes actually we're sure. You on the other hard, we're not sure what you're talking about. Care to enlighten us on exactly what that would be?


Re: The US voters

" ... wokeness ... " ? Do you even know the actual definition of the word "woke"? I don't think that you actually do. Because it isn't actually the insult that you think it is.

" ... Trump getting shot ... " And who was it that actually did the shooting? It wasn't some left-wing crackpot.

" ... illegal immigration ... " Who is it that actually makes immigration LAW? Who is it that allocates funds to pay for enforcement? Hint: It's NOT PotUS or the VP.. It's Congress. And who was it that TWICE voted AGAINST bills to do something about it? Not Democrats or the PotUS/VP.

". ... An inveterate bully, liar, convicted sex offender, incapable of mastering any governance topic (other than getting elected), Putin chum, election denier and profoundly unprincipled goon ,,, " And yet that is exactly what we ended up with.


Re: The US voters

" ... everyone else is getting a bit sick of the endless wars the US keeps starting. ,,, " So the US started the war in the Ukraine? Or between Israel/Palestine? Huh, I didn't know that about either of the. So how about you just explain that to me. Or better yet .... just take you bullshit and fuck the hell off. Because that's all it is. Bullshit.


Re: The US voters

" ... Ah, the old 'voters are too stupid to vote for the right person' argument. ... " But the fact, reality is that for the most part they actually are. So you think ignoring fact and reality is a good thing? If so, that puts you in that group. I'm an "old" ( 70 years old ) voter. And I didn't vote for the Orange Shit Stain. But I live in an apartment complex filled with they. And the fact is that most of them are that fucking stupid. And guess who it will be that whines first and the loudest when the realize that they have entered the Find Out part of FAFO. And then blame someone else for it. Beginning to find out already.

" ... This is part of why the dems lost ... " So "dems" are responsible for the stupidity of "old" voters? Okay. But a question ..... just what fucking reality are you living in?

" ... (combined with the loss of the millions of fake votes from 2020...) ... " JHFC!!! Proof of this? Actual, REAL proof of it at all? Nope. None. so back to the question I asked above .... just what fucking reality are you living in?

" ... The remain supporters were too busy insulting half the voter base. ... " No actually. They may have felt insulted by pointing out to them the fact, that they really are fucking stupid. But that's their problem, not the problem of those pointing it out. Their just to damn stupid to understand that fact. It is not "insulting" them by pointing out that they are.

A New Year's gift from Microsoft: Surprise, your scanners don't work


Re: "It seems to work or fail randomly for different users in different situations."

" ... Just to be fair ... "

Actually I think that bit of your comment doesn't mean what you think it does ......

" ... Linux has been so long in development and they still can't be arsed to make it consumer friendly. ..."

How long has Windows been in development? And here we are talking about how they can't make it work with a MFD that it worked with BEFORE the last up-date. And shall we talk about the other shit they broke? Or the "fixes" for broken shit that broke other shit

Nothing fair at all about your comment.

If Trump gets elected, get your tech buying done asap


Re: checks and balances of government

" ... and luckily video evidence showing the kind of impropriety that was accused in the election.... "

There was NO proof of any kind that any of the things that Trump said happen.

60 State and Federal courts said so. And the SCotUS refused to even hear the 3 cases that were brought before them.


Re: checks and balances of government

" ... ask Pence to pause as the 'magic' votes .... "

They weren't " magic votes " they were the official, certified votes from the States. And the VP doesn't have the power to do anything with, to them, except to count them. As per the Constitution.


Fear mongering? FFS! That's all he's done over the last 8 ( almost ). About just about everything and everybody.

< shakes head > You really pay attention.


So you weren't paying attention?

I think that the loss of a woman's right to make her own decissions about her reproductive health comes pretty close to doing just that.

Before you say that he didn't do that, HE has actually made the claim that he did do it many, many times.

And that's just one of many things that he's done.

Supreme Court orders rethink on Texas, Florida laws banning web moderation


" Make me understand. "

I'm sorry, but you CAN NOT be "made" to understand. Either you do or don't. And that's on you and no one else. It's a choice that you make.

The first word of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is .............. Congress. " Congress shall make no law ...... " Courts have no say.

Now I as a person, like Social Network Companies, are NOT Congress. And as such can not actually violate your right to free speech. The right "to" something, also includes the right "from" something. I have the right to not listen to someone else's bullshit.

So in my home, if you start spewing shit, I have the right to put a stop to it. I can ask you to stop, politely. Then to ask not so politely. Then to ask you politely tell you to leave. Then to ask you not so politely to leave. And if it comes to it, to call Law Enforcement to come and remove you. Outside of an environment like that, if I don't want to hear it I can just walk away, leave.

Social Networks have that same right. It's their house. When you sigh up to use their platform you are told what is acceptable and what isn't, and you agree to those terms. Weather you read them or not. And if you violate them, they have the right to ban you from the platform. I myself have been band for violating the rules. I called a fucking moron, a fucking moron. I was banned, and I'm perfectly happy with their doing so. I broke the rules. And they DID NOT violate my right to Free Speech. THEY ARE NOT CONGRESS / the GOVERNMENT!!!!

So the problem in the U.S. is that way to many people have no clue as to what Free Speech is. Not a fucking clue. You can say anything that you want, until you right interferes with my right.

The same goes for Religion.

But ...... Not all speech is protected. Yelling fire in a crowd is protected, if there actually is fire. It isn't protected if the intent is to cause fear, panic and potential harm. That is just one example of many things that aren't. The right to Free Speech ISN'T absolute!

Could immutability be a Leap too far for openSUSE users?


I've used opensuse ...................... for so long that I can't actually remember when it was. If they take Tumbleweed here, then I'm gone. And maybe have to start saying ........................

BTW, I use Arch.

And that would be a sad day indeed. :(

Systemd is bad enough. Snap? Flatpack? Appimage? They too would be the straw that .................

Canonical shows how to use Snaps without the Snap Store


I have some questions ...

Which package manager do I use to install a "cross distro" pack manager?

Which "cross distro" package manager do I use to install a "cross distro" package manager?

If my distro's package manager isn't good enough to install packages, what do I use to install a "cross distro" package manager?

Why is installing a "cross distro" package manage eaiser then just using the distro's package manager? And doing it all my computer and distros? I have many computers and distro's.

And the most important question ,.....

What is so difficult about clicking on the "install" button that my, most distro package managers use to install a package?

Aren't "cross distro" package managers NOT the answer to a problem that that DOESN'T exist?

Just asking these questions for a friend.


My distro(s) already have a package manager(s). So why do I need(?) another one?

And they have worked just fine for as long as I've used them.

So why do I need another one?

Or do I need another, different package manager because it's just to damn complicated to click on the "install" button when asked?

And what do I do when an install breaks something? Well ....................

I fix it. Because ........ Linux. And I can. Which is one reason why I use Linus instead of OS's X and Y. You can't? Well there's always OS's X and Y.

Apple lifts the sheet on a trio of 'scary fast' M3 SoCs built on a 3nm process


Re: I know it's hard to believe

" ... If you can do all you need with 8GB, then 16GB or more is a waste of money ... "

Yep, you're right. Until ...............................

You actually need more. Then you're fucked. And have to go out and spend more money on a new Laptop. Where as all I need to do is spend $100US ( give or that ) to double it to 16GB. Or less then that to quadruple my storage.

You want to talk about a "waste of money"? Okay, let's actually have that conversation. But that's not going to happen, because you actually can't.

God I love Apple fanboys. They are so funny and so easy to make fun of.

'Influencer' gets 7 months in prison for plot to interfere with 2016 US election


Like with most things, they reach elbow deep up their asses and see what they pull out. And no matter how fucking stupid, hateful, fearful or xenophobic it is, they blow it up and run with it.

Got to keep the moronic rubes fired up so that they can't see what is actually going on and important.

They love them some stupid.


Re: Darwin in action

91 criminal indictments across 4 jurisdictions, by 5 Grand Juries. Let's hope so.

Found liable for sexual abuse in a civil case. A "University" and a "charity" closed because of fraud. Not allowed to do business, ever again in the State of New York and his business there in receivership after being found guilty of fraud and other things. Looks kind of like it does so far. And we will see what happens in Georgia and D.C. and again in NY.

And then there are States that may not even allow him to be on their ballots come the Presidential Election in 2024. Which could possibly really fuck up his chance to get re-elected even if he could win.

So yea, I'd call that "evidence" that it does. And we shall see on the 91 current outstanding indictments.

Take Windows 11... please. Leaks confirm low numbers for Microsoft's latest OS


Re: There's nothing particularly wrong with it except for its hardware requirements.

Well you assume that because some people use them, that it's okay. Here's a clue: It's NOT okay! But there are alternatives. And it's easier to start with something that's NOT from Microsoft or Apple. Then deal with Google.


It's okay, you don't have to resist. Because like many, you don't seem to understand that "okay Boomer" isn't actually the insult that you seen to think it is. And us Boomers just laugh and shake our heads at people that use it out of ignorance.

Think about the things that you wouldn't have if it wasn't for us Boomers. Things like oh say ..................... the internet?


So you're not actually old enough to have been around BEFORE there Was a Windows OS and have lived thru Microsoft's history?

Or if you have, you also have memory issues?

Mint freshens up its Linux garden for Ubuntu and Debian fans


Re: In a galaxy far, far away...

based on Ubuntu .........

So that leaves it out completely. If there only two desktop OS's, Windows or Ubuntu/Ubuntu based to choose from .................. I'd stop using a desktop.

Thank Dog there's a bunch of other choices!!!!

Unity closes offices, cancels town hall after threat in wake of runtime fee restructure


Re: On false equivalences

" ... just indicating that a redistribution royalty is not uncommon in the software industry and is not the same as using a hammer to build a house. ... "

But if I leave, or sell, a hammer used in building the house? Then the hammer mfg. can charge the homeowner for the hammer? And if more then one person in the house uses the hammer they can charge them also? How about the next person that owns the home?

Bodhi Linux 7 brings Enlightenment to Ubuntu


If Ubuntu is so good, why is everyone trying to fix it by spinning it off to things like this?

And yes, you could say the same about any of the base distros.

Version 5 of systemd-free Debian remix Devuan is here


Re: Your correct.

I have pointed that out to some of the Americans that I know ( I know lost of them. I'm an American ) and they just get this stupid fucking look on their face. At which point I question if they are even self-aware.


Re: Your correct.

That's because on the LH side of the Pond we speak ................... 'Merican.

And yes, it sucks. But then we don't teach our children how to think any more either.

Florida Man and associates indicted for conspiracy to steal data, software


Yep. And have done so for ....... Ummmmmmm ..............................OH SHIT! ......... 52 YEARS!

Any other questions?


Re: Gore took that all the way to the Supreme Court

Okay. Exactly which cities "burned to the ground"? Portland? Seattle? Nope. I can promise that they were and are still standing in spite your bullshit claims.

And people were killed, while morons stormed, broke into the Capital and damaged property while trying to kidnap and/or assult Congress people. While trying to stop the peaceful transfer to the duly elected Government all because some egomaniac whined because he couldn't accept the fact that he had his ass handed to him in the election. A free and fair election.


Re: This is the most problematic indictment for him, by far

Nope. And if you like I provide a url to some bullshit opinion too.

But that won't make it true either.


Re: This is the most problematic indictment for him, by far

If it was part of an oath they took, yes. As they swore to do by taking said oath.

I took an oath, twice, to protect and defend the Constitution. Which included taking a bullet, or being blown into so many fucking pieces.

And that includes even the ignorant fucking Trump supporters. In this case it's the Trump supporters that my oath requires me to protect the Constitution from.


Re: "Yabbut, what about...""

Actually, no. No you didn't.

You just proved them correct. And don't have a clue that you did.


Re: This is the most problematic indictment for him, by far

Absolute fucking bullshit. Founded not on fact, but ignorance, fear, hate and intolerance.
