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Firefox 4.02
112 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2011
Microsoft tells Nokia they can't sell the N9 to anywhere that might be stupid enough to buy a Windows Phone 7, as the N9 will make the WinMo7 phones look even crappier than they already are...
I would love to see the memo that drove this idiotic decision.
Everything Nokia does these days is epic failure. R.I.P.
Microsoft to Nokia/HTC/Samsung/ZTE and now Motorola...
"we know you think Windows Phone 7 OS sucks ass, but if you dirty your name and make a few, then we might go lighter on than Android patent lawsuit that's happening...."...
Usual bullyboy tactics from Microsoft. I'm guessing none of these manufactuers want to be making Windows Phone 7 that nobody wants, but they are being forced down that road my Microsoft, when they really want to be continuing to make kick-ass Android gear...
"MAKE BETTER SHIT THAN YOUR COMPETITORS and you will sell more!! "
That would work in an ideal world, but when you have corporations like Microsoft and Apple who have more money than small countries at their disposal, they can churn out crap and simply paper over the cracks with slick everwhere marketing.
No longer does making the best product ensure that you will be number one. You can turn out any old crap. Xbox is a fine example of this...
is that Opera did not feel the need to release PR statements and promotional campaigns off the back of it.. Had the survey shown that IE users were the smartest, Microsoft would be doing exactly that.. (Although in all liklihood, Microsoft would have just paid for the report in the first place, like the NSS Labs browser security "report")...
Answer: NONE.
Sky know this, just like they know that F1 fans paying for Sky Sports premium subscriptions won't be interested in any of the other stuff on Sky Sports...
The only outcome will be that this deal kills F1 in the UK... Viewing figures will plumet, as I certainly won't be paying for Sky Sports to watch a race every other weekend...
I wonder what happened to Bernie's promise?
"It is all rubbish ... Formula One is not for sale. And anyway, we would not sell to a media company because it would restrict the ability to negotiate with other broadcasters."
Still not that it matters, as the sport will be in turmoil soon anyway, as Bernie will be in jail on corruption and bribery offenses.
Microsoft's army of shill posters they employ to write nice things on forums.
Microsoft's huge bank balance and advertising budget to keep the media sweet.
Microsoft are constantly bribing the press with "press days", and giving them nice gifts. If you write bad things, you no longer get invited...
Looks like the "tricks" are tricks from 2009.
Do they really think people want Microsoft phones with hardly any app support?
It's clear to see that Microsoft are pushing all this positive PR to the media, but why the selective reporting? When it was Android 2 years back, everyone was talking about lack of apps, why are the pressing now keeping quiet on app counts when it's Microsoft's turn? (Money, that's why...)
They have been selling the same crap with slightly different specs to moronic punters for years... But everyone loves ninty.... Their marketing people even created a cute name for themselves for people like CC to use all the time...
Still it's OK, as I'm guessing the limited edition pink 3DS will be out soon, pick them up whilst you can people....
a steaming turd. I'm guessing Kinect also infringes on that patent too.
Really, nobody cares about Kinect, the gimick wore off after a week, when it dawned on everyone that the tracking was rubbish at best and unusable at worst, CEX/GameStation and Cash Converters stores are full of unwanted Kinect units, and the only people smiling are Microsoft, who managed to sell loads of them for a massive mark up before word got around how shit it was.
Errm, no, Nokia are partnering with the devil, who only looks after number 1....
If Nokia had problems before, they are 10x worse now, they are partnering with Microsoft and making smartphones running an ailing OS with no apps.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire...
So sad, had Nokia adopted Android, they worst would already have been over, and products would have already been on the market.
Just the other week I was on a 12hr flight to Singapore, with a iPad2 owner in the "cubicle" opposite me. I let him feel smug for about half an our, and then I took out my Asus Transformer (initially in tablet only mode ), and I can see his reaction, "ahh, one of those Android tablets, nothing to fear here", after luring him into his false sense of security for a while longer, I then pulled out the dock, docked into the keyboard with it's reassuring clunk, and then proceeded to do some proper work with the office suite and keyboard whilst he jabbed the touchscreen keyboard...
I think it was 5 minutes before he hid his ipad2 in shame by being "out-tech'd"... Victory is mine.....
how stupid corporate IT departments really are.
I mean implementing a closed system like iOS that only allowed authoirised apps to be installed after being vetted by Apple, and relies on corporate PC's having iTunes installed.
All Android devices I know have the ability to untick an option to allow non-marketplace installed, and these corporates could be installing their own home-grown solutions....
I'm guessing however this is nothing more that Apple funded PR bullshit thou, as I really can't believe corporations are so stupid to deploy closed and propriety iOS and iTunes on all their systems, rather than the much more open and corporate policy friendly Android.
A family friend accidentally bought a HTC phone, thinking it was Android, but it was a Windows 7 Mobile (Mozart), it was indeed utter shite, so he took it back to the store and swapped it for a HTC Desire HD, and is more than happy again...
I think the phone store were desperate to shift them to unsuspecting punters in the hope they never found out what they got lumbered with.
Anyone know if multi-tasking, copy and paste or user-ringtones are available in Windows 7 Mobile yet, or is it still pretending to be a really bad iOS from 2006?
Microsoft were inserting high ranking execs into Nokia long before the deal, all of which facilitated the Microsoft deal.
The real killer blow for Nokia fans, is that had that not happend, then we really might have been treated to a Nokia Android phone, and the turn-around of an ailing company that lost it's way in the smartphone race.
Infact had Nokia gone Android, i'm sure they would have had products on the market by now.
I had envisioned 24 months before Nokia went to the dogs, but now I suspect it will be sooner, Microsoft will get their pickings (which is not a great deal, as Windows 7 is utter shite compared to iOS and Android), and Nokia will be cast aside like a used condom.
Microsoft destroys another great company in persuit of their own riches.
99% of joe blogs in this world don't understand the difference between BT Broadband/BT Internet or whoever they call themselves these days, and BT Wholesale...
They even think it's worth pay BT Broadband extra money, as it means they are getting the product from source. Of course BT Broadband won't tell them otherwise.....
says hi...
Of course it's not got Kindle in the title and isn't plastered over every billboard on every tubetrain and every Amazon webpage, so idiots and lazy people won't know about it...
"I had a play on Kinect Star Wars at a Microsoft event this week "
Microsoft having events to keep the media sweet and saying nice things....
Infact it seems VERY common, so much that you have to wonder if there is ANY integrity left in the media...
Everything I have seen to do with Kinect has sucked badly, so you have to wonder what the media are smoking, or who is paying their wages....
"Anons are teenagers, they are programmers. They are judges and nurses and lawyers. Anons are sysadmins and teachers, the poor, the rich and everything in between."
Errm, no, they are spotty American virgins who waste their life on Xbox Live and hate Sony (a foreign company) for making a better console than their homegrown horseshit...
Another day, another pathetic El-Reg hate fueled Sony story, with a small footnote, that everyone else in the industry is also doing the exact same thing....
It's the way the industry has to go, too many people waiting a few weeks and picking up heavily discounted titles, that the original developer gets no revenue from.
This is good news, as it means money is actually getting back to the companies that CREATE the games in the first place, rather than staying with the retailers, who already make money on the original sales, and then double-dip.
Without the game studios creating content, there would be no games.
Not that it matters, as they are so big, they can buy themselves out of any legal problems.. But it seems like they are using their dominance in one sector (Windows) to try and scew companies that operate in that sector and the mobile sector..
In other words Microsoft know that Samsung need to be a Windows OEM licencee, and there they know Samsung can't afford to piss Microsoft off, so basically Microsoft can charge what they want for undisclosed patent protection rackets.
I'm sure the Microsoft shills will be out in force to defect Microsoft, as soon as Amoreica wakes up...
I think the whole issue is disappointing, but not surprising. Any spotty bored teenager could realise how simple it is to 'hack' most voicemail systems out there, and there are plenty of Journalists that I would not even want to share an elevator with. The surprising thing about the whole issue is that it hasn't been swept under the rug yet.
Beer because it's after 12
as to why you think that...
My PS3 plays PS1 games perfectly (infact better than the originals, as it upscales them). My PSP plays PSone games just great too.
Sony are about to launch PSP Compatability for the PS3 very soon, and I'm guessing it will fit in with PS Vita too.
And the originals had perfect PS2 emulation, until everyone started whinging about the price of the PS3, so it was the first bit of hardware to get culled.
If you really wanted PS2 emulation in your PS3, then perhaps you should have been careful for what you wished for (a cheaper PS3), as it came true....