* Posts by Dar

1 publicly visible post • joined 17 May 2011

RIM BlackBerry PlayBook 7in tablet


I Can't Believe this Rating

I have an iPad 2 and was very anxious to try out the new Playbook. I think that competition is good for Apple. So I sat side by side with another person who just received his Playbook. I took his Playbook and he took my iPad 2. Within minutes I was frustrated. The responsiveness of the screen does not even come close to the iPad 2. The Playbook crashed on me a couple of times and I never did get to install a free app because again the Playbook crashed. I wanted my iPad 2 back but the owner of the Playbook didn't want to return it. To make a long story short, the owner of the Playbook was given his Playbook for free from work. After using the iPad 2, he went back to work the next day and got rid of it. He purchased his own iPad 2 and wants absolutely nothing to do with the Playbook. So, for those who love the Playbook, its probably because they never had an iPad. As for the rating given for this review, the first thing I thought was "Is this guy getting paid by RIM"?