Re: Pug Ugly
Yes, the current Alfas are appalling to look at, and not much fun to drive. Interior is foul too.
274 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2011
The presence of 0.1mm of plastic does not constitute a perfect insulator. Ignoring dielectric effects, the material may very well break down at a few tens of volts, the voids between parts may be contaminated by moisture, and many plastics are loaded with carbon, either to make them nice and black, or to make them anti.static.
All those thousands of brits programming in their bedrooms on BBC basic, the availability of Icon, Perl, Python etc on any platform, and now? Glossy pamphletware. shrug. ignore.
Come on lads, make a nice sandbox that people can programme in using some modern interpretted language and let us have some fun!
Why would anyone downvote this? does someone think you are lying when you say you don't want it?
Last friday I was on the train from Edinburgh south, talking to a bloke who used to be a KGB colonel, who now exports flowers from Russia. The week before we had an impromptu bridge tournament between 4 tables. (I lost).
this one is x1080, but as someone said up there^ 1080 is not enough when we have tablets at far better resolutions. And x1080 is a kick in the nuts at 1200 quid.
Yes, for the last few years we have been treated like mugs by the makers who have been using cheap TV screens in expensive computers. Expensive for someone, anywa. I've not bought one.
I'm very tempted by some of the chrombook/nexus hardware, and am thinking of putting Linux on them if that works.
Meanwhile how about an Android dongler for yer tv? I discovered this morning that by using a FWSE for "hdmi android adaptor tv" there are dozens of 60 or 70 quid things out there that will turn yer TV into a giant tablet-like thingy, needing only a wireless mouse.
Is it just another 'Spring Heeled Jack' phenonemon? Mass delusion, good story for the pub, bit of excitement sort of thing?
Why shouldn't people believe it? They are preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse.
I think it has escaped from a bizzare secret government genetic laboratory somewhere in the woods.
Yes, I had a phillips integrated digital telly, which had no epg 'cos onDigital hadn't written, or at least, air-loaded it. When the reciever chased me for return of the box and I told him to naff off, they wrote back asking for the subsidy they had paid Philips. I tore up the letter and sent it back in halves. They never replied again.
Ignoring any subscription, 25,000 royal portraits is something like 950 average price tickets to the RSC in stratford, or 1250 ringside seats at Giffords Circus, 431 of the poshest seats at the Edinburgh Tattoo, 500 return flights to Budapest. or 135 nights in the Lukimbi Safari Lodge in the Krueger national park. Or 4 Triumph Bonneville Steve McQueen Special edition. There are many more interesting things to spend your money on than 'casualty' or 'the X factor'.
Adding more pixels won't make 'Dallas' into 'Henry V'. Especially as the chance of anyone offering those pixels is slim.
Won't be many of these in Tesco.
I don't have any ports open normally.
I have a server script that polls an email account, and I can email a few special passcodes to that, one of which tells it to open a non-standard port for ssh for half an hour. The passcode is date-sensitive, and the whole package pgp encoded before emailing. It emails me on a wholly separate system before opening the port.
Other messages to that email account tell it to start recording TV shows. 20 years back it had a minature printer, and could leave mini-telex messages for Hardcastle the skirtwearer, before we started using text messages.