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8 publicly visible posts • joined 23 May 2011
"My internet provider (Bell Canada) charges $45 for 3 Gb, $55 from 3 to 5Gb and $70 over 5 Gb to a monthly maximum of to 10Gb ."
Try Teksavvy. I pay $36.22 per month including HST for 300GB on a 6Mb/s DSL line and I can never use it all. I see they have added another option: 7 Mbps for onlly $24.99/month. I'll have to give them a call tomorrow.
By coincidence, the ham publication QEX for May/June 2012 has an interesting article titled "A Simple Sensor Package for High Altitude Ballooning," by John Post, KA5GSQ.
He discusses how to normalize the output voltage of the Honeywell ASDXACX015PAAA5 pressure sensor at 100,000 feet, which was one of the previously discussed options.There is a lot more information that might be worth reading. You can download the article at
CSS Animations? I thought we got rid of the BLINK and MARQUEE tags.
Some sites already do these things in javascript
That's why I use QuickJava and keep it turned off.
I wish the development team would stop fooling with trivial crap. Give me a browser that is immune to malware, loads instantly, and doesn't use hundreds of megabytes of memory.