errmm... couldnt you just reflect it with a mirror?
9 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2007
Just to point out this is not a Hack. Jailbreaking or Hacking the iPhone would allows 3rd party applications and so on to be added for free, without spending on iTunes. This is "unlocking" to any network. Personally in the UK, I don't see the point in unlocking the iPhone. Half of the attraction is being able to use unlimited data and wifi hotspots. If you stick a voda or orange or whoevers sim in, you pay through the nose for the data charges.
Anyway - still awaiting the jailbreak... not sure i'll do it though, i dont want an expensive 18 month brick.
i've been debating - do i get an iPhone and bear wiht the misery thatis O2 or do I get the new Blackberry and have the pleasure that is Vodafone..?
well.. who the hell would want an 8Gb iPhone really..??? O2 are idiots. come to think of it, apple are idiots for not letting everyone sell them.
An iPhone on Vodafone... i can but dream.
Go get a BB... it'll work better and you wont have to talk to O2 - bunch of 18 year old chavs in a call centre anyway
Just a thought, but surely this kid is good all round, I mean put it this way: Would apple update their kit very often if they didn't need to? I don't reckon so (i of course don't know) so surely by showing them what's wrong with their product, it helps them fix it. improvements all round.
I personally think apple has been a bit to greedy on this one and should make it readily available. Perhaps even make is Sim-Free only.
You guys really do moan too much. "my old system worked better". "it's totally unusable". "High Def DVDs don't work". "Why do they need updates". "Linux is free and better"
Right... keep your old system then, its more usable than ever, high def DVDs work absolutely fine on my system - what are you doing wrong. they need updates because its an enormous piece of software and nobody's perfect... and finally. GO USE LINUX THEN. No-one cares if you do or not.
I think you guys that spend vast amounts of time on here complaining about how bad Vista is either a) don't know how to work a computer b) so set in your ways that a small change totally throws you c) don't have a computer that is good enough for Vista and are too tight to upgrade or d) (and i think d is definitely the case) expect the world on a plate and don't want to move a muscle to adapt.