sad to see the reg change from an indepent site to an ideological propagandasite over the last 20 years with loads of sycophants inhabiting the comment section. this site went from a bastion of independant IT news to a propagandistic rag...
Posts by dwieske
113 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2011
Elon Musk claims live Trump interview on X derailed by DDoS
Miniature nuclear reactors could be the answer to sustainable datacenter growth
Re: What about the operational costs?
getting stuck with waste is A CHOICE as the technology to get rid of the bulk of waste has existed for decades, but the implementation of it is being blocked by the anti-nuclear sentiment and the pression groups who get all their funding from fearmongering desinformation about nuclear. I live in belgium, we could, if we chose to replace our current fleet with GENIV's like the GE PRISM, and power our country for over a century using our current waste as the end 98% of the waste will have been converted to energy, the remaining tiny amount will not contain any isotope with a half life over 2 centuries...
the whole energyproblem has been technically solved a long time ago, but politics and ideologies are preventing the implementation...
Lawrence Livermore lab repeats fusion breakthrough – yep, still kinda works
abandoning baseload is extremely stupid....we got there because media and people allow the ecoknobs to gaslights everyone by calling baseload "not flexible" and not able to adapt to the randomness of solar/wind. Seems like reliability and efficiency are considered a bad thing. Net Zero is a falacy....Application of the stuff has led to increases in exhaust, not lessingen carbon output as is clearly demonstrated by germany and denmark
YouTube's radicalizing Alt-right trolls and Facebook's recruiting new language boffins
Intel hits target: 27% of staffers are female? Apparently that's 'full representation'
Et tu, Brute? Then fail, Caesars: When it's hotel staff, not the hackers, invading folks' privacy
Renewable energy 'simply won't work': Top Google engineers
Re: And thorium cycle nuclear power is even better!
no need to wait for a thorium design to do this, any gen IV (like the GE PRISM) can do this today, it's even safer than a MSTR and you don't need to mine anything to power it, we already have enough nuclear waste and nuclear warheads to power the world for centuries with this type of reactor
Re: I seem to remember
you make no sense at all, making ignorant statements is easy, but useless...
ONLY 20km from geothermal energy? we have never, in the history of humanity drilled that deep, the current record is 12km, drilling deep isnt as simple as you are....
the wattage per square meter from solar radiation is next to nothing, not "impressive", the surface area you would need to replace a single proper plant is enourmous, and I'm not even bringen unrealibility (mistaken for intermittency) and limited production hours into the equation.
renewables as stop gap to fusion is beyond retarded and the fact you propose that shows you did not even read this article, or didn't understand it....the only sensible stopgap to fusion is called nuclear energy, preferably GEN IV as that would give us a few centuries to get rid of our nuclear waste while generating power with it.....getting rid of nuclear power and destroying humanity by going "renewable" is also an EXPLICITE choice to get stuck with nuclear waste forever....
you are absolutely clueless on this subject and should really stop putting that on display you used many many words, but not a single statement you typed made ANY sense in this reality....could we please divert the money wasted on "renewable" to education so we can put a stop to this kind of destructive nonsense? fyi, nuclear reactors are SMALL but produce enormous amounts of power very reliably 24/7, they are FAR cheaper than renewables (eg. 1billion euro for a 700+MW prism plant that runs on nuclear waste vs 3 billion for a 300mw solar collector which only produces a few hours a day)....
stop being a part of the problem, STOP lobbyen for us to get stuck with nuclear waste forever and mainly stop participation in discussion on subject you are 100% clueless about...
POWER SOURCE that might END humanity's PROBLEMS: A step forward
Re: where there's a will
it's actually worse than the radioactive material created by nuclear power toxis stuff stays toxic pretty much forever, radioactive stuff decays (and this can be accelerated WHILE producing more energy)... we really should stop destroying the environment and people's wallet, one windmill/solar panel at a time.
'Beat the lie detectors' trainer sentenced to 8 months in jail
Foxconn mulls solar panels, sticking Apple where sun doesn't shine
Re: Why you should install them
you clearly are ignoring the 20+ fossil plants the krauts are building as backup for their pv/wind bullshit, of which at least 7 coal plants can not in any way or form just "close" plants due to PV/wind UNLESS you have installed the necesarry buffer capacity, which incidently costs multiples of the production capacity.
on a society which needs power 24/7 making the (very dubious and most likely falsified) claim that for 1 hour on 1 single day 'it did well" is completely irrelevant. people buying into crap like that are a huge part of the problem and are the ones guaranteeing stuff that actually kills, like coal plants for a looooong time.....hood thing you got 30k, better thing your lack of conscience doesn't cost you any sleep in the knowledge that that money come from poor have-nots...
the road to hell is paved with good intentions is the PERFECT motto for this nonsense....steal from the poor, give to the richt, destroy the environment in the process.....and claim you're doing good
Re: If...
it would also be awesome if the REAL cost of this nonsense, meaning the adaptation of the power network and the installation of buffer/replacement capacity from when sun/wind is absent would not mainly be payed by those who can't even afford PV panels.....this PV/wind scam is just a reverse robin hood situation, give to the rich, steal from the poor, destroy the environment and our longterm future in the process
implementing solar is NOT a move away from coal/gas etc. but a lock-in as those provide the necessary backup capacity for the hidiously unreliable and inefficient solar panels....this massive trend towards solar is one of the biggest environmental disasters of the recent years. The main issue with solar/wind is it's intermittency, studies have been done and implementing the needed energystorage en smartgrid/storage would consume WAY too much resources and drive up energyprices factor 10 or 20.
so called environmental organisations are actively campaigning the destruction of our environment with their ideas of implementing these techs in industrialised countries.
There is only ONE place where solar/wind makes sense: developping countries without an electricity em there and you increase the living condictions em here and you are actively helping to destroy the environment while turning electricity into a luxury commodity
Obama appoints intelligence boss to run 'independent' review of NSA
Robot cop called in after MAD BONGER blown up in LIQUID MARIJUANA EXPLOSION
Bill Gates' nuclear firm plans hot, salty push into power
A perfectly working, mature design of an MSR can be built TOMORROW: the GE PRISM reactor based on the reactor that ran for decades at Argonne Labs (the IFR design) untill "Friends of the Earth" handed a big pile of cash to Bill Clinton to cancel the program in 1993.
Yep a perfectly working, extremely safe GEN IV design that can run on waste and can be built tomorrow...
Re: No Radiation?
actually the senseless evacuation has made more victims that the radiation, your can' count deaths/sickness caused by poorly reacting to an accident to please immoral fearmongerers as "deaths due to nuclear power"
Greenpeace and other scum are causing the real damage when it comes to nuclear power, not the tech itself
NASA: Our ALIEN HUNTING star-scan 'scope is KNACKERED
Hemp used to make graphene-like supercapacitors
Scottish SF master Iain M Banks reveals he has less than a year to live
NASA chief: Earth is DOOMED if we spot a big asteroid at short notice
Fukushima switchboard defeated by rat
Re: Pity no-one did the maths......
or people are tired wasting time on comments made by clueless people and just want to get rid of the comments... not a single doomsday scenario has even come close to fruition, barely a single argument contra has any basis in science.....people need to learn to be quiet about topics they are totally clueless about (which sadly seems to be pretty much all the science articles)
Wind now cheaper than coal in Oz: Bloomberg
Data from the W.H.O. was used
but how about you stop being lazy and start doing your own research? any time you voice you uniformed oppinion, or criticise some else's informed oppinion could be used to increase your knowledge...
Anyone with a high school education understands why coal is deadly and is smart enough to realise amount of victims is huge, as coal is widely deployed...
One of the issues that pisses me off most is the fact that people who don't even have an elementary school level of scientific knowledge never let this stop them from voicing their "oppinion" which is usually just a regurgitation of some moronic group like greenpeace
Re: @Invidious Aardvark
there are no nuclear waste dispocal issues as nuclear waste from GEN I and II plants is fuel for GEN III/IV, the stuff that comes out of GEN IV needs to be stored for appr. a century before it's safe......the toxins from eg. making PV cells however do stay toxic forever....
people will never get it....coal costs 100000+ lives each year, and most of the very very vocal but very poorly informed public still thinks that it's nuclear that kills......doing an honest evaluation (deaths per produced quantity of power eg. per TWH) nuclear is the safest form of electricity BY FAR, this is perfectly illustrated in many countries eg. belgium where 4 decades of nuclear has not made a single victim, while coal/oil/biomass kills several each year, and the placing of PV has already cost 3 lives in the past 5 years...
if you are ideologically blind like most so called environmental organisations/parties then dead people only count if their death is caused by something you object too.....this completely disrespect for the fact that EACH human life counts by greenpeace and other scum is scandalous....
Policy based on beliefs is shit (sharia etc) about we look at it scientifically.....when looking at the reality of the situation there is no denying nuclear is the SAFEST form of energy, and the waste problem got solved decades ago, yet the anti-nuke jihadi still propagate the lie that it hasn't...
There is no "nuclear waste problem" it was solved in the 70's!!!!!!!
there is no nuclear waste issue, providig we finally start building new plants....A lot of the new design RUN on waste (eg. the GE PRISM, the Myrrha reactor being built in belgium).....people lobbying AGAINST new plants being built are actually lobbying to be stuck with nuclear waste forever (like greenpeace and other scummy orgs)
Re: Well...
I would prefer a pollution free gen IV plant like a GE prism, running on nuclear waste or retired warheads...wind power does not solve the issue of medical isotopes or the problem of our current stockpile of waste and warheads....GEN IV's do, and they are FAR less lethal and far more environmentally friendly than wind (than anything actually)
This is plain wrong as it’s obvious they did not take into account the increased network cost, NOR the required storage/backup for wind (backup would be fossil). Also this kind of data tends to be manipulated as well by “playing” with the cost factors of coal….it’s a big difference if you take the cost of plain coal vs coal +css vs coal +css + carbon certs…
Also just looking at eg. The Danish situation, it’s blatantly obvious wind does not even come close to coal…. Nuclear does however and it’s still the “greenest” tech we have in the long run (meaning lowest amount of carbon + fine dust pollution) also there is no WASTE PROBLEM, not since the waste issue was solved in the 70's ....that doesn't stop greens extremists from lobbying to stop the implementation of the solutions...while simultanously continue to harp on the non-existant "waste problem"
You guys aren’t stupid, take your fact checking a bit more serious please…