You, Tony, ARE susceptible, whether you know it or not
Ever watched a gentleman by the name of Derren Brown? Think you've got the Jedi cojones to beat masters like him at his own game?
Think again, buddy.
The people behind the advertising industry have been studying human behaviour for decades, with one only objective in mind: to get inside your head and make you want to buy what they're selling, by fair means or foul. This is an industry that lacks any semblance of morals or respect for human sovereignty and dignity; if there were a means of directly controlling your mind to make you go out and buy something, they'd use it without any compunction and with smiles on their sociopathic faces.
And these people know how to get inside your head. Why do you think all these companies are going to such incredible lengths to find out everything you do with your life? The better they know you, the better they can figure out what your weaknesses - your Achilles' heels - are, the better to exploit those weakness in ways you will not even be aware of.
Trust me, Tony. I've worked with such people professionally. I, too, once thought as you did - that I'm immune to the kind of psychological manipulation employed by them. One of them, after talking to me for a mere 5 minutes, was able to make accurate statements about my interests, personal life and even sexual preferences despite the fact that I had volunteered none of it. He then proceeded to demonstrate - and this was with full knowledge aforethought on my part - how the advertising industry uses that information to manipulate you. After a few minutes, he had me ready to actually buy his laptop off him, despite the fact that I neither needed one nor that buying it would have meant not eating that week. Only the fact that he didn't really want to sell it stopped him - and me.
Mate, I'm 45 years old and I didn't come down in the last shower. Those who know me describe me as intelligent, articulate, and observant, if a bit abrasive. I don't usually miss a trick. But this guy, with his years of training, ran rings around me. And it's people like him who work out how to get into your head with advertising, and make you do things you wouldn't normally do. And yes, Tony, he'd run rings around you too, whether you're prepared to admit it or not. That's not a reflection of your intelligence mate, it's simple honesty about what years of training and studying people can do. To think otherwise is deluding yourself.
So I, like many others who harbour no false illusions about what the advertising industry is and what it's capable of, don't want these bastards building detailed profiles on me. I don't want to be profiled and analysed and decompiled as if I were some computer program, for the mere purpose of emptying my wallet. When I do buy something, I'd like it to be my own decision, rather than the result of some mindbending marketroid pushing my buttons.
So I won't be using the Fire or Amazon's Silk service. But where I object to your stance is that if too many people approached privacy with your attitude, pretty soon those of us who still value it won't have any choice, because privacy-invasive companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon and the rest, would then be the only way to get anything done, because they - and all their customers like you - will have subsumed any alternatives.