Ah, you probably fried the chip in the microwave
or drilled it out or something similar, right?
Here in Australia at least (and probably in the UK if it hasn't already) the banks and credit card companies have already gotten wise to this move.
My card has one of those damnable NFC chips on it, because I don't have the choice - it's either that or cash, which, thanks to deregulation, the banks now charge everyone $2 every time we use an ATM, specifically to discourage people from withdrawing cash. So you can either fork out $2 every time you visit a hole in the wall, which very quickly adds up if you're only pulling out a small amount each time, or you can withdraw a huge amount of cash to save repeated $2 fees, and risk being robbed. The system really is geared to push you to use your card all the time.
So I tried wrecking the chip on my card, but then I found that if the store you're buying from has NFC ability on their EFTPOS machines, THE FUCKING THINGS WON'T ACCEPT THE CARD FROM A MAGNETIC SWIPE.
That's right, if your card is "flagged" as an NFC capable card, the machine tells you to use the NFC device instead of swiping the magnetic strip and *refuses the transaction* otherwise. Only if the store doesn't have an NFC reader will it accept the magnetic strip swipe. And those stores are getting to be few and far between, as local businesses "upgrade" their systems.
Which means that destroying the NFC chip now renders your card unusable in a majority of locations.
It's just one more example of how our corporate overlords FORCE the uptake of these new technologies, by simply removing any other choice from the system. Who needs guns to people's heads when you can simply lock them out in the cold if they refuse to comply?
I had to wait two weeks while I waited for the new card I requested from my bank to arrive, to replace the one I 'accidentally' damaged the chip on.
The next item I purchased was a lead-lined wallet.