* Posts by Alan Donaly

437 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2007


Google's Android code deleted from Linux kernel

Alan Donaly

If any group has the resources

Google can easily afford to fork the kernel for it's Android project others have done so with only a tenth of their corporate pot to pull from just a matter of programing. Now do they want to thats another story altogether are there any people(user/ developer/ community/corporate partner) risks involved you can denegrate the concern but it is a real concern for a public company.

Regulator warns on school CCTV schemes

Alan Donaly

Aah oops!

Never mind there is no practical reason to have such cameras (except nefarious ones) surely someone in authority must have known the obvious outcome of this would be negative in the extreme. I think Schools in general must be run by complete idiots these days. Was it always this bad or was I just too wrapped up myself to notice.

Masked passwords must go

Alan Donaly
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As if

Bruce knows what he's talking about and anyway any shoulder surfer worth their salt watches the fingers not the screen. It doesn't stop a thing.

Malware infested MPs' PCs inflate leak risk

Alan Donaly

5 out of five more like

Either it's five for five or you need to celebrate their accomplishment. I have been reading this site for 4 years now and from what I have seen in the past the British government are just about the worst bunch of lusers on the planet when it comes to data security they just can't do it. Would Linux help yes and no it would stop the malware but the users could still just leave burned cd's and printed material in cars and restaurants nothing is ever safe from idiots. May I suggest just forbidding them the use of computers completely they don't need them really it's just a headache.

'Soon soldiers will have 3 tiny choppers in their pocket'

Alan Donaly


An emergency hypodermic filled with Physostigmine should work but you would have to be quick.

Yahoo! shares! hit! five! year! low!

Alan Donaly


He can't it's the rules and thats the way it stays. I wonder how much of that has to do with the entire equities market taking a dive. I suppose now would be a good time to buy the company:}}

Ubuntu documentation in shreds

Alan Donaly

Dull is not the word

I would rather eat a bag of toenails. I have done it(documented code I mean not the toenails) but the memory is very evil. It's interesting though to get any sort of insight at all on this in the not too distant past open source projects would start something like this it would go nowhere and you'd never knew what happened possibly this time we may find out. Personally I always blamed it on developers liquored up on tequila and getting overly ambitious.

Lockheed demos AI-based roboforce command tech

Alan Donaly

ooh it's another gratuitous

scare story I just can't stand it. I am removing it from my favorites. Oh wait ...

NebuAd CEO quits

Alan Donaly

Lets see root kit the entire internet

because thats what this amounted to and that now seems a bad idea in retrospect and bye. Nice try see ya round.

Reg launches Chrome-o-drome

Alan Donaly

I want to go on record

as saying this chrome thing is one of the worst ideas Google has ever come up with it's going to make Orkut look brilliant by comparison.

VPN security - if you want it, come and get it

Alan Donaly
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Very good,

you really suck. That was a good walk through I had been wondering about OpenVPN.

Google makes Mozilla licence U-turn

Alan Donaly

I don't know about obscure functions

of FF3. I do know what most people do when they hear that Google was trying to dictate to projects which license they could use was a predictable "fook that I'll go to Sourceforge" it might be a while before that damage is undone.

Cloud computing: A catchphrase in puberty

Alan Donaly

Great article, keep it up.

I also had this idea whats it going to cost when or if it begins to stretch it's resources, how much can the market bear. I especially liked the Willy Wonka reference to Google that really fits well,and it's all very creepy.

Anatomy of a malware scam

Alan Donaly

So what

are we going to do about it. I use Linux I don't care I have people using MS windows and they won't know how to deal with this people are important not OS's they are going to be hurt until those of us who actually have some control of the network they use do something. Great article btw and a decent reason for truce lets put the Win Vs Linux crap out of the picture until we put these scum bags to flight.This is too much it's time for pitchforks and torches it's our network lets give them a taste of it.

Red Hat hack prompts critical OpenSSH update

Alan Donaly

Wintards aplenty

Now lets just suppose this is a test for you. Do you understand what actually happened there at fedora no no you don't I don't and I use Linux and know quite a bit about it. Your posts show you to be ignorant yahoos if you can explain how the token +signing process works I will eat my hat otherwise your just nitwits and can't be taken seriously. Look go back to sniffing glue or whatever you do in your real life and leave the comments to humans.

FCC votes to silence 700MHz lurkers

Alan Donaly
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I don't remember the last

cricket story I saw on El Reg so I am going to assume mister Islander is a troll, but if it will make anyone feel any better I think Ofcom outlawed those same mics months ago we are only a little bit behind.

Hint troll with an eye to the specialty of the site, and keep the tricky trolls for other than the Register simple works best here something like Jim The Boss all caps and misspelling will get them every time.

Phreakers seize government phone system

Alan Donaly

phreaking is back

I think the mobile business has something to do with that whenever you have enough people interested in a subject (means there is money in it) you get this sort thing as well.

Reg server and chip hack molested by Gray Lady

Alan Donaly

Later Ashlee

Thanks for the good work you did on El Reg it won't be the same without you.

Microsoft's IE 8 puts giant web hole on notice

Alan Donaly

Heuristics are inherently flawed

if they weren't they would be algorithms.

Microsoft Silverlight: 10 reasons to love it, 10 reasons to hate it

Alan Donaly

One reason not to hate it.

I am using Linux and can't see it, so I don't care anything about it. The fact is people want to make money (no I can't imagine how) showing this stuff if they don't want my money then I can live without their product advertisements or whatever. Lots of reasons to get emotional in this world media on the internet isn't one of them.

Harness XML with PHP 5 extensions

Alan Donaly

Why are you running PHP and Apache

under Windows, they work fine where they belong under Linux it's like playing guitar with gloves on there is no point.

Cuil feasts on Salmon of Nonsense

Alan Donaly

Even I know better.

Good god what a stupid mistake of all the languages Gaelic has the most insufferable pedants surpassed only by Latin the original language of the pedant. I am no expert, but then I am not making up words and pretending they are Gaedhealg. I tried their little search engine they are indeed pants. It makes sense though I guess people who think it's OK to make up Irish words can also think a broken web search is "cool".

@tom no as far as I know the only problem with the USA and Irish names is that little problem my ancestors and others had with people at Ellis Island not being able to spell common Irish names. Oh well new country, new life, new name they didn't care why should I.

McAfee: Why we blacklisted SANS

Alan Donaly

SANS always sanitizes

their own links there is no chance of clicking on any offenders there if you go to third party sites they generally warn the shit out of you as to what the links are. There really is no danger at all of a mistaken click from that quarter they are as paranoid as we are possibly more so.

American data pimper exposes ad equation

Alan Donaly

I will have to ask

some that I know that live there if they know about it it's about nine miles from here it's a tiny place though so most people come into this area or Kansas City to work. I haven't heard anybody yelling or screaming about it yet but trust me if they find out about it they will.

The boffin because thats what what they all look like.

Romanian cops cuff 24 cybercrime suspects

Alan Donaly

I wonder if this is a trend

I am happy they are finally arresting these people but could this just be the consequences of someones political enemies looking to dig up a bit of dirt. Oh well no matter the reason it's good to see.

Malware authors declare start of World War III (again)

Alan Donaly
Paris Hilton

I think they are ahead

of their intended targets by a few light years. I assume malware deployers read and comprehend the news, the people (I use the term very loosely) they are likely to get with this tactic don't know anything about Iran, Isreal, or the tensions in the middle-east. They need to dumb down if they want to do really well try pointing to the latest sex tapes by some well known blond for example.

New York pressures more ISPs into child pornography crackdown

Alan Donaly

This is an outrage.

It's possible for any site on the internet to have child pornography available, shutting down usenet is exactly the sort of thing Tim Berners Lee and others were afraid of the hijacking of the internet by corporations it's not too late we need to end this crap now before it's too late.

Google out-visions Jobs on Mac roadmap

Alan Donaly

This is why I read El Reg.

No story too unimportant.

Nut launches death threats at Debian women

Alan Donaly

You need a thick skin.

It doesn't have anything to do with software it has to with sick domination of strangers with threats. I notice some projects are damn near impossible to reach (except through bugzilla) this kind of static may be the reason. You need strong leadership and guts these days to be in the public eye at all. I believe these are brilliant people, and I wouldn't be surprised if they find a way to silence this noise. My personal preference would be to have a few human pitbulls to deal with the cranks, real sonsabitches have their uses and are not in short supply.

Malware not man blamed in child abuse download case

Alan Donaly

Needs to be spread around.

I wish this case were more mainstream media fare, the people reading The Register don't really count as we are all extremely paranoid already. Ignorance _can_ really bite you but then we already knew this. A little more knowledge might not have helped him, but I bet he wished he had it anyway.

Heathrow T5 security tackles Transformers t-shirt threat

Alan Donaly

Poor taste finally made a crime.

They couldn't make it any clearer that they don't have a clue as to what it is they are doing. I am glad I don't have to fly.

Open source zealots fill with venom

Alan Donaly

I read the comments

Matt and honestly I didn't see any whining or much of a lynch mob compared to the hostile shit I see normally on this site it was very mild. If you express an opinion someone may say they don't agree, hard to believe that's what got under your skin . If you start off by belittling people (no matter how much they deserve it) you will almost always get some heat, might be nice if you could understand that. Ask Ashley what real criticism is like have him show you the comments on "that dog can mount" article.

Overstock's Patrick Byrne battles New York Sith Lord

Alan Donaly
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I can see Patricks' point of view.

The business case is one reason, but the fact the state is losing money from failing financial services makes it loathsome to replace it. I think he views Wall Street as nest of vipers and New York is a place very friendly to vipers. I do think as more business is done online that taxes are going to have to be collected however this might be especially hard to take from NY.

Life a mess? The Moderatrix can help

Alan Donaly


I would agree with your list except the last one. I defy you to show me a real troll in these comments. Those who would in ordinary venues be considered trolls are here celebrities and are not terribly effective (amanfromMars, Webster Phreaky, Andrew).The articles stir the s**t we just have to react and vitriol flows.

Botnet sics zombie soldiers on gimpy websites

Alan Donaly

Thats it then for the internet.

@Christoph xkcd reference ftw. A sort of poor mans worm but still fairly complex anybody have any suggestions on how to encourage/beat into submission these web developers to stop being so silly. Anything this side of capital punishment seems not to work.

Yahoo! shareholders thump Yang in the fiduciaries

Alan Donaly
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What a clever ploy

Offer money you never intend to spend and then pull out getting your opponent in trouble with the stockholders.

Microsoft snags Google-thrashing data pioneer

Alan Donaly
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A simple question why should anyone care about what amounts a private research effort none of us will ever have anything to do with/see any results from.

Sun buys low-power x86 disaster Montalvo

Alan Donaly

You bagged on them

until they couldn't survive Ashlee Vance killed Montalvo .You bastard!

Chinese hackers call off CNN attack

Alan Donaly
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CNN always slow

Who could tell, and would it change anyones day I doubt it they may DOS them at will for all I care. OTOH what are they trying to accomplish with this silly crap it certainly doesn't make me change my mind about how they treat Tibetans.

El Reg celebrates 10th birthday

Alan Donaly

good luck guys

for another ten I don't know what I would do without you.

Feds to collect DNA of every person they arrest

Alan Donaly
Paris Hilton

It's unlikely

over here to be arrested by the feds if you are privacy is probably not your biggest worry. I don't see any real use for this nefarious or otherwise it would have to be complimented by a local law enforcement program which would be rather beyond their current ability to implement. Yeah we always fingerprint damned scurrilous englishers we heard those nasty things you say about us.

Paris because she's a typical American.

Concerns build over Debian delays

Alan Donaly

Go Steve

They are picky if you get to do it good if not do something else. I use Slackware there is only one guy working on it though he gets lots of help and I trust him and he trusts them so far this works, but for a distro with the kind of broad appeal of Debian there has to be a gauntlet to run.

@Steve McIntyre

Good luck, all Linux distros benefit from a strong and reliable Debian.

Google earnings soar despite paid click dip

Alan Donaly

Keep your google stock

This is one of those situations where *naive research got it wrong. I have evidence this happens quite a bit I am looking very closely at research on the net especially and seeing a lot of gameable stats and while I haven't seen much in the way of people gaming them the opportunity is there.

*naive in the programing sense.

SQL string in URL exposes sex offender data

Alan Donaly

Golden opportunity

to destroy people gone, no problem adding a table, and putting someone you hated into it. I will have to look around and see if there are any others open to this kind of thing.

Sun may shut off high-end MySQL features

Alan Donaly

This doesn't exactly surprise me

They were going in this direction before the buyout and Sun isn't one to make hasty decisions either way this is Mickos' baby and this is what he wanted to do (apparently). I don't think it's a good idea as I don't see how they intend to go head to head with Oracle and Mssql in the proprietary market. I will probably keep using it for a while longer but I am also rewriting for PG just in case.

Red Hat scurries away from consumer desktop market

Alan Donaly

This is stupid

of course it's ready for the desktop it's been mine for two years now no editing required works perfectly has since I installed it RH bailed on their desktop product because Ubuntu is too far ahead and they are still trying to swallow Jboss they are brilliant guys over at RH but they seem to be a bit slow.

Predator kill-machine pilots suffering 'chronic burnout'

Alan Donaly
Black Helicopters


Don't start talking that MkUltra Manchurian shit or you'll get the choppers on us. Game AI would be a good idea here that and less time at the screen.

Blockbuster bids for Circuit City

Alan Donaly
Paris Hilton

Oh boy that'll M&A history

Put two together to make one good one I am pretty sure it doesn't work, but hey it will make the bankruptcy proceedings more efficient. BB is dead in the water due to competition. Circuit City is lost because they fired all the experienced sales staff and now they beat Best Buy in the "we have no idea what we're selling does, or if it's what you're looking for" department. What can it hurt.

Paris because she knows all about regret and doomed mergers.

Google to open suspect Orkut albums to Brazil police

Alan Donaly

Gramma goes to jail

for naked baby pictures it's bound to happen.

'Jisus' Eee-alike sub-notebook to use Chinese Atom-smasher

Alan Donaly

Whats the benefit of mips

over x86 not disputing it mind you, but I honestly don't know.
